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Cure For Male Urinary Tract Infection

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Help Us Create A Urinary Tract Infection Treatment Plan For You

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) – Symptoms & Treatment – Dr. Robert Matthews

Patients with any type of UTI condition should meet with our urinary tract infection specialists or our health care providers. Our health care provider will figure out a specific treatment plan for the concerned patient. Also, the individual treatment plan will depend on the frequency and severity of this medical condition.In addition to this, our doctors will also consider the patients medical history. And if a patient has been suffering from a cough and congested chest for more than 10 days, that specific patient will receive a proper treatment plan for urinary tract infection. Our doctors believe that some medications cannot be prescribed if severe medical conditions persist. Such medical conditions include kidney and heart diseases. Also, information like past allergies and any pregnancy plans should be conveyed to the doctor beforehand. A patients treatment plan will only be created after a thorough analysis and the same will be tested for a few weeks. This will help our health specialists determine whether a plan is working effectively for you or not.

What Is The Outlook

The vast majority of men improve within a few days of starting treatment. See a doctor if you do not quickly improve. If your symptoms do not improve despite taking an antibiotic medicine then you may need an alternative antibiotic. This is because some germs are resistant to some types of antibiotics. This can be identified from tests done on your urine sample.

Occasionally the infection may spread and cause you to be more unwell. Infection in the bladder may spread to the kidney . Infection may also spread to involve the prostate gland, causing infection of the prostate gland . Occasionally it may lead to a swelling caused by a collection of pus in the prostate gland.

What Is The Prognosis For A Person With A Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infections typically respond very well to treatment. A UTI can be uncomfortable before you start treatment, but once your healthcare provider identifies the type of bacteria and prescribes the right antibiotic medication, your symptoms should improve quickly. Its important to keep taking your medication for the entire amount of time your healthcare provider prescribed. If you have frequent UTIs or if your symptoms arent improving, your provider may test to see if its an antibiotic-resistant infection. These are more complicated infections to treat and may require intravenous antibiotics or alternative treatments.

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Is It Possible To Prevent Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections With A Vaccine

Currently, there are no commercially available vaccines for UTIs, either recurrent or first-time infections. One of the problems in developing a vaccine is that so many different organisms can cause infection a single vaccine would be difficult to synthesize to cover them all. Even with E. coli causing about most infections, the subtle changes in antigenic structures that vary from strain to strain further complicates vaccine development even for E. coli. Researchers are still investigating ways to overcome the problems in UTI vaccine development.

Seven Vs 14 Days Treatment For Male Urinary Tract Infection

10 Home remedies for Urinary Tract Infection
The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. Listing a study does not mean it has been evaluated by the U.S. Federal Government. Read our disclaimer for details.
First Posted : November 25, 2013Results First Posted : October 28, 2020Last Update Posted : June 2, 2021
  • Study Details
Condition or disease
Other: Longer therapy durationOther: Shorter therapy duration Not Applicable

The proposed study is a randomized placebo-controlled trial of treatment duration for male urinary tract infection . Specifically, 319 men with a UTI will be randomized to 7 vs. 14 days of antimicrobial treatment. The primary outcome is resolution of UTI symptoms, assessed 14 days after completing active antimicrobial treatment. Secondary outcomes include recurrent UTI in the 4 weeks after treatment, adverse drug events, and intestinal carriage of antimicrobial resistant Gram-negative bacilli. Subjects will be enrolled from the Primary Care Clinic and Emergency Department at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center .

  • Recurrent UTI Within 28 Days of Completing Active Study Medication New onset of symptomatic UTI within the 28 day follow-up period
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    Are There Natural At

    Yes. While taking antibiotics is still considered the gold standard of UTI treatments, there are some things you can do at home that help relieve symptoms, as well. These include:

    • Drink plenty of water. Consuming at least six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily can help flush away UTI-causing bacteria, setting you up for a quicker recovery. Plus, the more you drink, the more youll have to urinate.
    • Urinate often. Each time you empty your bladder, youre helping to flush bacteria out of your system.
    • Try heat. Applying a heating pad to your pubic area for 15 minutes at a time can help soothe the pressure and pain caused by UTI-related inflammation and irritation.
    • Tweak your wardrobe. Wearing loose cotton clothing and underwear can help you recover from a UTI.
    • Go fragrance-free. Make sure your personal hygiene products are fragrance-free to sidestep further irritation, notes the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
    • Cut out certain irritants. Caffeine, alcohol, spicy food, raw onions, citrus fruits, carbonated drinks, artificial sweeteners, and nicotine can further irritate your bladder, making it more difficult for your body to heal, per the Cleveland Clinic.

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    Treatment Of Bladder Urinary Tract Infections

    The specific intervention depends on the severity of the symptoms. In many instances, healthy patients who have a urinary tract infection but have no symptoms require no treatment at all. Such asymptomatic UTIs typically resolve within two to three days.

    If urinary tract infection symptoms are presentsuch as a burning sensation during urination or an increased need to urinatetreatment usually consists of antibiotic medications, which are prescribed for three to 14 days. They include:

    • Trimethoprim: Trimethoprim is the standard treatment for urinary tract infections in otherwise-healthy adults. It is one of the more potent UTI antibiotics, so most patients only require a three-day course. Trimethoprim is generally well-tolerated with few side effects, which generally include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea/constipation or stomach pain.
    • Nitrofurantoin: Nitrofurantoin is the second most commonly prescribed antibiotic for bladder UTIs. It usually requires a longer course than trimethroprim , and is usually well tolerated but should not be taken by anyone with kidney disease. Side effects include nausea and vomiting.
    • Cephalosporins: Cephalosporins are often used as a first-line of treatment in patients that have upper urinary tract infections involving the ureters or kidneys. It is usually taken for seven to 10 days. Side effects include nausea, vomiting, upset stomach and diarrhea.

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    How Can You Get A Uti

    Gender is the greatest risk factor for getting a UTI. The same study mentioned above showed that women are eight times more likely to contract a UTI than men. One theory is that because women have a shorter urethra, bacteria have an easier time reaching the bladder.

    Other risk factors that can lead to a urinary tract infection include:

    Just because you have risk factors doesnt mean youre destined to suffer from UTIs though. There are many things you can do to prevent, and even stop, a UTI.

    Empty Your Bladder Regularly

    Simple way of how men can treat Urinary tract infection

    Whenever you get the urge to pee, it is advisable to keep making those bathroom trips to empty your bladder. Even if you pee in small amounts each time, dont hold it in. You should also make it a point to empty your bladder soon after having sex.2 Residual urine present in your bladder allows bacteria present in it to multiply and thrive, causing an infection.

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    What Are The Treatment Procedures For Male Uti

    As a first-line treatment for UTI, your doctor will prescribe you a course of antibiotics to kill the bacteria and ward off other symptoms. If there are no signs of complications, the treatment process may take from three to seven days.

    However, you may require more intensive treatment if your doctor suspects serious complications. This treatment aims to reduce the risk of spreading the infection from your kidneys or your upper urinary tract. Each treatment depends on the result of the diagnosis regarding the cause of your condition. The treatment duration can also vary from a minimum of seven days and can last for up to six months.

    If there are positive signs of kidney or bladder infection, surgical procedures will take place. It involves either draining or complete removal of the inflamed tissues on the affected areas.

    Can Men Get Utis From Women

    Men can get UTIs from women during sex, by getting the bacteria from a woman with the infection. However, this is unlikely.

    Typically, the infection arises from bacteria that are already present in the mans body.

    A doctor can diagnose a UTI by carrying out a physical examination, taking a medical history, and through laboratory tests.

    Physical examination

    The doctor may perform a physical examination that includes:

    • checking the vital signs
    • checking the abdomen, bladder area, sides, and back for pain or swelling
    • examining the genitals

    Medical history

    The doctor may ask if the person has had other UTIs in the past, or a family history of UTIs.

    They may also question the person about their symptoms.

    Laboratory tests

    Laboratory tests are required to diagnose the infection as the symptoms of a UTI can be common to other diseases.

    A urine sample is usually needed to look for the presence of pus and the bacteria causing the infection.

    Men may be asked to give a urine sample. A man will need to start the urine stream to clean the urethra, and then collect a midstream sample in a cup. As bacteria multiply quickly at room temperature, this urine sample is either sent to the laboratory immediately or kept refrigerated until later.

    The doctor may also ask for a urine test strip, also known as a urine dipstick test. This is a quick test in which a plastic or paper ribbon is dipped into the urine sample and then removed. If the person has a UTI, the ribbon will turn a particular color.

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    How Are Utis Diagnosed

    Only a health care provider can treat urinary tract infections. The first thing a doctor will do is confirm that a person has a UTI by taking a clean-catch urine specimen. At the doctor’s office, you’ll be asked to clean your genital area with disposable wipes and then pee into a sterile cup.

    The sample may be used for a urinalysis or a urine culture . Knowing what bacteria are causing the infection can help your doctor choose the best treatment.

    What Are The Factors That Cause Utis In Men


    Older men, specifically those above the age of forty, have a higher risk of acquiring urinary tract infections. Most UTIs develop when the bacterium passes through the urinary tract and multiplies until it becomes a bladder infection.

    Other risk factors that can lead to the development of UTIs include the following:

    • Enlargement of the prostate gland

    Benign prostatic hyperplasia, also known as BPH, is a condition wherein there is overgrowth on a mans prostate gland. An enlarged prostate gland can lead to the development of urine blockages which can cause infections in the lower urinary tract.

    • Kidney stones

    Men with kidney stones are at risk of having UTIs. This condition causes an obstruction along the urinary tract, which is often associated with the development of the infection.

    • Diabetes

    People with diabetes have a higher chance of getting UTIs as their condition interferes with their immune response. Diabetes also causes nerve damages that weakens the bodys signals which keeps them from emptying their bladder. It encourages the invasion of bacteria and poses a greater risk of infection.

    • Insertion of instruments

    Several procedures that include the insertion of tools such as catheters, drain tubes, and cameras can increase UTI odds. The bacteria can use the foreign material as a reservoir to reach into your system leading to urinary or bladder infection.

    • Unprotected sexual intercourse

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    Im Pregnant How Will A Uti Affect My Baby

    If you have a UTI and it isnt treated, it may lead to a kidney infection. Kidney infections may cause early labor. Fortunately, asymptomatic bacteriuria and bladder infections are usually found and treated before the kidneys become infected. If your doctor treats a urinary tract infection early and properly, it wont hurt your baby.

    Treatment From A Gp For Utis That Keep Coming Back

    If your UTI comes back after treatment, you may have a urine test and be prescribed different antibiotics.

    Your doctor or nurse will also offer advice on how to prevent UTIs.

    If you keep getting UTIs and regularly need treatment, a GP may give you a repeat prescription for antibiotics.

    If you have been through the menopause, you may be offered a vaginal cream containing oestrogen.

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    Predictors Of Treatment Duration

    The presence of any complicating factor , antibiotic class, and the departmental specialty were significant predictors of treatment duration in the multiple linear regression analysis. Visits with complicating factors were treated for longer duration than visits without complicating factors after adjusting for antibiotic class and departmental specialty. Nitrofurantoin use was associated with longer treatment , whereas use of beta lactams was associated with shorter treatment duration . Visits in the urology department were more likely to be treated with longer courses of antibiotics .

    About Cranberry Juice And Utis

    Top Natural Remedies for a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)

    For several years, unsweetened cranberry juice was thought to help flush away bacteria and keep them from sticking to the bladder wall, perhaps helping to prevent or lower frequent UTIs. But a review of 14 research studies released December 2013 in the journal American Family Physician showed that cranberry juice might not have genuine advantages.

    While more research studies may clear up this problem, for now, cranberry juice is no more suggested as a UTI fighter.

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    Ease Your Urinary Woes With Sips Of Green Tea

    • Add a tablespoon of green tea to warm water.
    • Let it soak for 2 to 3 minutes.
    • Strain it and drink it.

    Catechin is a component of green tea which has antimicrobial properties. Green tea also has diuretic properties to help flush out the bacteria from your urinary system.21 You can sip 4 to 5 cups of warm green tea throughout the day.

    What Are Other Possible Causes Of Painful Urination

    A painful burning feeling when you urinate is often a sign of a urinary tract infection . However, painful urination can occur even if you dont have an infection. Certain drugs, like some used in cancer chemotherapy, may inflame the bladder. Something pressing against the bladder or a kidney stone stuck near the entrance to the bladder can also cause painful urination.

    Painful urination can also be caused by vaginal infection or irritation. You might be sensitive to chemicals in products such as douches, vaginal lubricants, soaps, scented toilet paper, or contraceptive foams or sponges. If it hurts to urinate after youve used these products, youre probably sensitive to them.

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    How Do You Diagnose And Treat A Uti

    To diagnose a UTI, your doctor may ask for a sample of your urine. Theyll use this for a urine culture to determine the levels of germs and bacteria in your urine. In rare cases, your doctor may also do an X-ray or ultrasound to get a more comprehensive look at your urinary tract.

    If a UTI is confirmed, depending on the location and severity of the infection, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

    For an uncomplicated lower tract infection, your doctor will likely prescribe a course of antibiotics to be taken over five to seven days.

    If you have an upper tract infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics for three weeks or longer.

    In the rare case of a severe infection, your doctor may recommend hospital treatment and a course of intravenous antibiotics.

    Ease Urination With Marshmallow Root

    Urinary Tract Infection Treatment Market to Witness Huge ...
    • Add 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh marshmallow root to a glass of boiling water.
    • Let it simmer for 5 to 10 minutes.
    • Strain it and drink it warm.

    No, we are not talking about the sugary marshmellows but the root they are made of. Marshmallow root has diuretic properties, which make them good for treating kidney stones as well. Since marshmellow root has a thick, gluey consistency, it eases the passing of urine.28 You can drink it as a tea 2 to 3 times a day.

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    What Are The Signs & Symptoms Of Utis

    UTIs can cause such signs as:

    • pain, burning, or a stinging sensation when peeing
    • an increased urge or more frequent need to pee
    • fever
    • waking up at night a lot to go to the bathroom
    • belly pain in the area of the bladder
    • foul-smelling pee that may look cloudy or contain blood

    If you have any symptoms of a UTI, you’ll need to go to a doctor right away. The sooner you begin treatment, the less uncomfortable you’ll be. Call your doctor’s office or clinic. If you can’t reach your doctor, you can visit an urgent care center or hospital emergency room. The most important thing is to take action as soon as possible.

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