Wednesday, September 11, 2024

How Can You Get A Urinary Tract Infection

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How do you get a UTI (urinary tract infection)?

There can be a number of different causes of hematuria, some more serious than others. These conditions include, but are not limited to:

Please note that urine can also change colors due to food choices. Foods such as beets, blackberries, and rhubarb, as well as food with a lot of dyes, can cause your urine to change color.

The Other Two Reasons That Are Not So Common For Urinary Infections Men Are As Follows:

  • Diabetes- Men who are diabetic have poor blood circulation that increases the risk of developing urinary infections. Also, of course, high blood sugar levels contribute majorly to developing UTIs in men. It is because while passing urine, some remnants of urine remain on the penis, the high sugar content allows the bacteria to thrive and result in a urinary tract infection.
  • Indulging in anal sex, – Especially, the E. coli bacteria found in the anus, when enters the urinary system makes a person prone to developing a urinary infection.

Are Utis Caused By Bacteria Or Viruses

Most UTIs are caused by bacteria, and E. coli is the most common culprit. Some UTIs are fungal, in which case theyre usually caused by the Candida fungus. UTIs can also be viral, but viral UTIs are rare.

Since the urethra is open to the outside of your body, bacteria or other germs can enter your urethra and travel up the urinary tract to your bladder.

Symptoms of a bladder infection can include:

  • A constant urge to pee

  • A painful, burning sensation when urinating

  • Peeing only small amounts of urine at a time

  • Bloody or cloudy urine

  • Pressure or discomfort in the pelvis

  • Low fever

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Simple Tips For Men To Stay Safe From Urinary Tract Infections

  • Have lots of water and healthy fresh juices to flush out the bacteria from the body, especially urinary tract.
  • You should never hold the urge to pass the urine for long. It can cause the urinary tract to retain bacteria.
  • Try to completely pass the urine, so that the bladder is completely empty.
  • Maintain proper hygiene of the penis, especially when you are not circumcised. Clean and wash the intimate area properly so that no harmful bacteria can grow under the foreskin.
  • Have foods rich in Vitamin C such as kiwi, orange, cantaloupe, melon, lemon, broccoli, papaya, etc. Vitamin C kills the harmful bacteria causing urinary infections and improves the overall functioning of the urinary system.
  • Cranberry juice is a wonderful home remedy for urinary infections. Just make sure that you consume it without any added sugar for the best results.
  • Probiotics majorly promote good health of the gut. The good bacteria called lactobacillus, found in probiotic yogurt, kefir, kimchi boost the health of your gut. It also prevents the unusual growth of the bacteria. So, keep the urinary tract free of any kind of infection.
  • Use garlic or its extract in your diet. It has amazing anti-microbial properties that prevent UTIs.

Whats The Difference Between A Urinary Tract Infection And Bladder Infection


A urinary tract infection is a more general type of infection. There are many parts of your urinary tract. A UTI is a term for an infection that takes place throughout the urinary tract. A bladder infection, also called cystitis, is a specific infection. In this infection, bacteria makes its way into the bladder and causes inflammation.

Not all urinary tract infections become bladder infections. Preventing the spread of the infection is one of the most important reasons to treat a UTI quickly when you have symptoms. The infection can spread not only to the bladder, but also into your kidneys, which is a more complicated type of infection than a UTI.

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What Are Utis And Who Should Care

UTIs are infections of the urinary tract. The urinary tract is the system that creates, collects, and gets rid of urine from your body. When bacteria enter the urinary system and find a place to grow, this is called a UTI.

Your urinary tract begins with your kidneys, which create urine. A pair of tubes called ureters carry urine from your kidneys down into your bladder. Urine is held in your bladder until you are ready to empty it. When you go to the bathroom, urine comes out through your urethra, which is the tube that connects your bladder to the outside.

Infections of the kidney, called pyelonephritis, can be quite serious. Bladder infections, called cystitis, are the most common type of UTI. Usually, when people talk about a UTI, they are talking about a bladder infection.

When Does A Uti Turn Into A Kidney Infection

What happens if a UTI goes untreated? If left untreated, the E. coli or other bacteria that caused your urinary tract infection can move farther up your urinary system.

When they reach your upper urinary system , you may experience a kidney infection, medically known as pyelonephritis.

Most people seek medical help and receive treatment before they get to this point.

Most often, the bacteria involved in a kidney infection are the same that caused the initial bladder or urethral infection. In rare instances, bacteria from your skin or the environment can cause a kidney infection.

Any condition that reduces or obstructs urine flow increases your risk of contracting a kidney infection as it allows bacteria to more easily flow from the bladder, up the ureters, to the kidneys. These conditions include:

  • Kidney, bladder, or ureter stones
  • Masses in the abdomen or pelvis caused by cancer or other disorders

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How Does A Urinary Tract Infection Affect The Excretory System

A urinary tract infection is what happens when bacteria get into the urinary system and multiply. If the infection is not treated promptly, the bacteria can travel up to the kidneys and cause a more serious type of infection, called pyelonephritis.

Accordingly, can a UTI affect your whole body?

Urinary Tract Infections. Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are a common infection that affect more women than men. Most often, they are treated quickly and effectively with antibiotics. Sepsis and septic shock can result from an infection anywhere in the body, such as pneumonia, influenza, or urinary tract infections

Secondly, what disease affect the excretory system? Disorders of the urinary system include kidney stones, kidney failure, and urinary tract infections. Kidney dialysis is the process of filtering wastes from the blood using a machine.

Additionally, how does a urinary tract infection affect the integumentary system?

Answer and Explanation: A urinary tract infection affects the integumentary system by decreasing the functional ability of the organs in the urinary system.

How do you know if a UTI has spread to your kidneys?

Infection can spread up the urinary tract to the kidneys, or uncommonly the kidneys may become infected through bacteria in the bloodstream. Chills, fever, back pain, nausea, and vomiting can occur. Urine and sometimes blood and imaging tests are done if doctors suspect pyelonephritis.

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Diagnosing Uti’s In Cats

How do you get a UTI?

If a cat owner is observing symptoms of a urinary tract infection in their cat they should schedule a visit with their cat’s veterinarian. A urine sample will need to be collected either by the owner at home with the use of special, non-absorbent litter or by the veterinarian. The veterinarian may temporarily keep the cat in the animal hospital until it urinates on its own in some non-absorbable litter or the urine may be obtained by cystocentesis. Cystocentesis is a quick and non-invasive technique to obtain a urine sample through the use of a needle and syringe. Some veterinarians prefer obtaining urine by cystocentesis while others prefer to allow a cat to provide a sample naturally.

Once urine is obtained a urinalysis will be performed. This type of test checks the urine for bacteria, crystals, blood, parasites, abnormal pH levels, abnormal specific gravity levels, glucose, and other things to aid the veterinarian in making a diagnosis. If bacteria is present in the urinalysis a urinary tract infection is diagnosed. Sometimes a urine culture must also be performed to see exactly what type of bacteria is in the infection in order to choose a specific antibiotic.

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Why Some Women Get Recurrent Utis

The infections are usually caused by Escherichia coli, a bacterium that lives in the intestinal system. If E. coli are carried from the rectum to the vagina, they can enter the urethra and infect the bladder.

Risk factors for UTI vary with age. Before menopause, the most common risk factors are sexual intercourse and use of spermicides. It’s thought that sex increases the number of bacteria in the bladder, and many experts advise women to urinate after sex to flush them out. Spermicides may kill off Lactobacilli, beneficial bacteria in the vagina, making it easier for E. coli to move in.

After menopause, certain physical changes help set the stage for UTIs. The numbers of Lactobacilli in the vagina naturally decline. The bladder also contracts less strongly than it once did, making it more difficult to empty it completely.

In both premenopausal and postmenopausal women, genes play a role as well. Having a mother or sister who has frequent UTIs is also a risk factor.

How To Get Rid Of A Uti In 24 Hours

Are you experiencing painful urination and a constant need to run to the bathroom? If so, then youre already wondering how to get rid of a UTI in 24 hours. The seven home remedies in this article can help.

If youre still experiencing symptoms after 24 hours, then you need antibiotics. To get your hands on them, youll need to visit the doctor.

The doctors at Oxford Urgent Care will provide you with prompt treatment and relief. Check out our contact information and visit our office as soon as possible to remedy your UTI.

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Prevent Your Bladder From Getting Too Full

Empty your bladder when needed. Empty it completely each time. This will help to reduce your chances of developing two common problems that increase your risk for UTI.

  • Over-distended bladderYour bladder becomes over-stretched when it holds too much urine. This damages the bladder wall and forces the urine back into the ureters and kidneys.
  • Bladder or kidney stonesExcess sediment and calcium in urine can form into stones that can restrict the flow of urine.
  • Prevention And Treatment Of Cystitis

    How to Get Rid of a UTI

    A doctor will treat cystitis with antibiotics when it is certain that your symptoms are caused by bacteria.

    However, in many cases, cystitis will clear up by itself, if you maintain good hygiene and make sure you drink plenty of fluids.

    We recommend using Intim Wash, Femigel and Femi Daily from Australian Bodycare to maintain good, healthy hygiene in the intimate area. Good hygiene is an effective way of preventing conditions such as cystitis.

    Additionally, you can supplement plentiful fluids and good hygiene with over-the-counter pain killers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. This is not as effective as antibiotics, however, so if the symptoms do not clear up, it is important that you see a doctor.

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    You Can Get A Uti From Having Sex

    There is a clear link between UTIs and sex. For many people, having sex causes UTIs to occur over and over again. Data shows that UTI symptoms most often begin about 2 days after having sexual intercourse.

    Sex can cause a UTI. This is because the friction involved in sexual activity pushes bacteria toward the urethra. Anything that allows or encourages bacteria to enter the urinary tract increases the risk of UTI.

    UTIs should be treated to keep them from getting worse. This usually requires a prescription for antibiotics. Since going to see your healthcare provider every time you have sex isnt a reasonable option for many people, its helpful to think ahead. There are things you can do to prevent a UTI before it starts.

    What Are Other Possible Causes Of Painful Urination

    A painful burning feeling when you urinate is often a sign of a urinary tract infection . However, painful urination can occur even if you dont have an infection. Certain drugs, like some used in cancer chemotherapy, may inflame the bladder. Something pressing against the bladder or a kidney stone stuck near the entrance to the bladder can also cause painful urination.

    Painful urination can also be caused by vaginal infection or irritation. You might be sensitive to chemicals in products such as douches, vaginal lubricants, soaps, scented toilet paper, or contraceptive foams or sponges. If it hurts to urinate after youve used these products, youre probably sensitive to them.

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    And It Won’t Hurt To Try These

    Like many women, you may have memorized the following age-old advice for preventing UTIs:

    • Wipe from front to back.

    • Urinate before and after sex.

    • Drink lots of water.

    • Avoid tight underpants and jeans.

    These suggestions are directed at flushing the bladder and keeping E. coli from spreading into the urinary tract. Although studies have failed to show that they prevent either primary or recurrent UTIs, there’s no harm in trying them, Dr. Gupta says. “They can’t hurt, and if they help, you’re ahead of the game.”

    The Link Between Sex And Utis

    How to Prevent a Urinary Tract Infection

    To understand why sex causes UTIs, it helps to know that most UTIs are caused by bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract.

    Over 80% of UTIs are caused by E. coli bacteria. These germs are normal and common inside our intestines, where they help with digestion without making us sick.

    The other 20% of bacteria that cause UTIs are mostly:

    • Staphylococcus saprophyticus

    • Enterobacter species

    These types of bacteria are also common in the digestive tracts of healthy people.

    Bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract can often be found on the skin around the rectum. In people with typically female genitals, the rectum is in the back, the urethra is in the front, and the vagina is in the middle. Having sex can force bacteria from the rectal area forward, toward the vagina and the urethra. Anything that pushes germs toward the opening of the urethra increases your chance of infection.

    Some types of contraceptives contribute to sex-related UTIs as well. Spermicides, including the spermicides on some condoms, change the interaction between bacteria and skin cells by making it easier for bacteria to attach to the inside of the urethra. Contraceptive diaphragms are also associated with UTIs. In addition to containing a spermicide, a diaphragm can press on the urethra and cause urine to become trapped. This interferes with how urine flow can help wash bacteria out of the urethra.

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    Diagnosis Of Childrens Symptoms Can Be Difficult

    It may be difficult to diagnose a child with cystitis purely on the basis of the symptoms. A urine sample will usually be necessary, and in some cases blood samples.

    The diagnosis and treatment will differ, depending on whether it is an upper or lower urinary tract infection. In cases of inflammation of the renal pelvis, an ultrasound scan or x-ray will be taken, or possibly an isotope examination, which is taken during urination.

    This is to check whether the infection is due to congenital malformations which may make the child more prone to urinary tract infections.

    How To Prevent Uti’s In Cats

    The best way to prevent urinary tract infections from occurring in a cat is to ensure the urinary tract opening is kept clean at all times. Regular litter box cleaning and the washing of cat beds will aid in this task. Overweight cats may have trouble cleaning themselves and may need help keeping their urinary tract openings clean with a wet cloth or wipe. Adequate water intake will also help flush the bladder out regularly.

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    Home Remedies For Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms

    In addition to antibiotics, many people seek natural, at-home remedies to help UTIs. A heating pad can relieve pressure and pain, and wearing loose cotton clothing is recommended. For those with recurrent UTIs, modifying certain habits may help: Choose fragrance-free personal care products to reduce the risk of irritation, and cut back on foods that can irritate the bladder caffeine, alcohol, spicy food, raw onions, citrus fruits, carbonated drinks, and artificial sweeteners.

    Infections Can Also Be Caused By:

    Diabetes and Urinary Tract Infections â Things You Need To ...
    • Kidney stones, enlarged prostates, and other conditions that obstruct the urinary tract, preventing proper emptying of urine from the body
    • Spinal cord injury and other conditions that prevent you from properly emptying your bladder
    • Menopause or medications that alter the hormones in your body, thus changing the bacterial environment in your urinary tract system
    • Any condition that suppresses the immune system
    • Certain sexually transmitted infections, including chlamydia, herpes, gonorrhea, and mycoplasma

    In rare cases, a virus or fungus can cause UTIs.

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    When Should I Call My Healthcare Provider

    • Fever.
    • Back pain.
    • Vomiting.

    If you have any of these symptoms, or your other symptoms continue after treatment, call your healthcare provider. A UTI can spread throughout your urinary tract and into other parts of your body. However, treatment is very effective and can quickly relieve your symptoms.

    What Is The Outlook For Kidney Infections

    With treatment, the outlook for kidney infections is very positive. It is vital that you take all of any prescribed medications for the infection. You may begin feeling better shortly after beginning a treatment, but still need to take the entire prescribed treatment.

    Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 05/22/2019.


    • National Kidney Foundation. Urinary Tract Infections Accessed 5/23/19.
    • National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases . Pyelonephritis: Kidney Infection Accessed 5/23/19.

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