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How To Get Rid Of Urinary Tract Infection At Home

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Do Natural Treatments Really Work For Utis The Experts Weigh In

How to Get Rid of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) || Home Remedies for UTI || UTI Treatment

Want a fast fact to bust out at your next party? Forty percent of women will get a urinary tract infection at some point in their lives. Bono MJ, et al. . Urinary tract infection. Fun, right? OK, nothing involving urine and tracts will ever be a particularly fun point of conversation, but its worth knowing the ins and outs of this incredibly common ailment. Especially since 20 percent of women who get a UTI will get another one.

Most of the time, UTIs require a treatment of antibiotics to get the bugs out of your system. This is a perfectly effective treatment, and it usually takes care of the infection in a few days. But, if youd rather not use antibiotics, since theres some concern about creating antibiotic-resistant strains of the infection, what options do you have? I spoke to some experts to find out if there are any natural cures for a UTI and if all that talk about cranberry juice really lives up to the hype.

When To See A Doctor For Your Uti

If your symptoms persist beyond a few days with no sign of improvement, or if your infection keeps recurring, its best to see a doctor. While many home remedies may ease symptoms if they persist your doctor will be able to determine the cause and prescribe a course of antibiotics that should help take care of your UTI right away and prevent it from leading to a worsening condition or infection.

Have you tried any of the above natural remedies for UTIs, or other home treatments to treat your urinary tract infection? Tell us about them in the comments below!

Vitamin C As A Remedy For Urinary Tract Infection Treatment

Vitamin C is another effective home remedy to treat infection in kidney. Taking lots of Vitamin C helps reduce infection of the urinary tract fast. As Vitamin C is acidic in nature, it works as a magic. When you take Vitamin C in high quantity, it makes your urine more acidic. This discourages the growth of bacteria in your urinary tract.


  • Take foods rich in vitamin C such as lemon , sweet lime, oranges, etc.
  • Other than that you can take Vitamin C supplements in form of tablet.
  • You need to take Vitamin C at a regular intervals during a day as our body is not able to store excess of vitamin C.
  • Always maintain the Vitamin C level in your body not only for treating urinary tract infection, but also for keeping other diseases at bay.

Recommended Reading: How Can You Get A Urinary Tract Infection

When To Get Medical Advice

Itâs a good idea to see your GP if you think you might have a UTI, particularly if:

  • you have symptoms of an upper UTI
  • the symptoms are severe or getting worse
  • the symptoms havenât started to improve after a few days
  • you get UTIs frequently

Your GP can rule out other possible causes of your symptoms by testing a sample of your urine and can prescribe antibiotics if you do have an infection.

Antibiotics are usually recommended because untreated UTIs can potentially cause serious problems if theyâre allowed to spread.

Top Home Remedies For Dog Uti

Top 19 Effective Home Remedies To Prevent Urinary Tract ...

Dogs can be affected by many different types of lower urinary tract problems. Fortunately, there are many home natural remedies to treat your dogs UTI.

First, its important to know when your dog may have a UTI and what are dog UTI signs you want to be monitoring for before we start using natural home remedies for an infection.

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Wipe From Front To Back

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases , UTIs can develop when bacteria from the rectum or feces gain access to the urethra. This small channel allows urine to flow out of the body.

Once bacteria are in the urethra, they can travel up into other urinary tract organs, where they can lead to infections.

After urinating, wipe in a way that prevents bacteria from coming into contact with the genitals. Use separate pieces of toilet paper to wipe the genitals and anus.

Does Beer Worsen Uti

However, alcohol can increase your chances of getting a UTI, and can also worsen your symptoms if you do get one. There can even be times when alcohol can mimic the symptoms of a UTI, making you feel as though you have an infection when you dont. Medications that treat UTI should also be avoided when combined with alcohol.

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Home Remedies That Help Relieve Uti Symptoms

Drinking cranberry juice to help relieve the symptoms of a UTI is one of the most commonly recommended home remedies you may find. Although it is a popular home remedy, it is not the only one that proves beneficial in providing relief for mild symptoms of a urinary tract infection.

There are other things you can do to help you get over the symptoms of a urinary tract infection:

1: Drink lots of water- Drinking water will help to flush out the bacteria that are causing your infection.

2: Wear breathable garments- Clothing that allows your skin to breathe, can help prevent bacteria from further developing. Restrictive clothing such as tight jeans is known to trap moisture and for cultivating an environment that breeds bacteria.

3: Avoid drinks that may irritate your bladder- Avoid drinking beverages that include alcohol or caffeine. Drinks that contain these ingredients can irritate your bladder and trigger frequent urination.

4: Use a heating pad- Urinary tract infections can cause pain and discomfort but by applying a heating pad to your abdomen you can reduce these symptoms as well as bladder pressure.

5: Drink apple cider vinegar mixed with water- Components and enzymes in apple cider can be helpful in preventing bacteria from multiplying.

6: Take Vitamin C- Vitamin C keeps the bladder healthy by acidifying urine and combating the development of harmful bacteria.

Cranberries : Nutrition Facts And Health Benefits

Urinary Tract Infection / How to get rid of a UTI at home

Cranberries are a member of the heather family and related to blueberries, bilberries, and lingonberries.

The most commonly grown species is the North American cranberry , but other types are found in nature.

Due to their very sharp and sour taste, cranberries are rarely eaten raw.

In fact, theyre most often consumed as juice, which is normally sweetened and blended with other fruit juices.

Other cranberry-based products include sauces, dried cranberries, and powders and extracts used in supplements.

Cranberries are rich in various healthy vitamins and plant compounds, some of which have been shown to be effective against urinary tract infections .

This article tells you everything you need to know about cranberries, including their nutrition facts and health benefits.

Fresh cranberries are nearly 90% water, but the rest is mostly carbs and fiber.

The main nutrients in 1 cup of raw, unsweetened cranberries are (

2 ).

The rest is made up of insoluble fiber such as pectin, cellulose, and hemicellulose which pass through your gut almost intact.

Cranberries also contain soluble fiber. For this reason, excessive consumption of cranberries may cause digestive symptoms, such as diarrhea.

On the other hand, cranberry juice contains virtually no fiber and is usually diluted with other fruit juices and sweetened with added sugar (

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Homeopathic Remedies For Uti

1. Aconitum apellus

This remedy is useful when there is a feeling of anxiousness both before and while urinating. It is also good for UTI burning relief.

2. Belladonna

If there is a frequent feeling of urination along with cramps in the area of the bladder, accompanied by very small amount of coloured urine, this remedy is helpful.

3. Apis mellifica

This remedy can be taken if there is frequent urge to urinate along with a burning sensation and soreness in the abdominal area.

4. Borax

This remedy is helpful to treat the acute cystisis accompanied with pain in the bladder as well as urinary opening.

5. Chimaphila umbellata

If a person has to strain a lot in order to pass the urine, along with a scalding sensation, this remedy works well.

6. Staphysagria

This remedy is quite useful for women if cystitis occurs due to the sexual activity. This condition may be accompanied by a feeling of pressure in the bladder even after urinating.

Apart from these, you can try some other homeopathic treatments, like berberis vulgaris, cantharis, clematis, lycopodium, equisetum, nux vomica, sepia and sarsaparilla.

In The Meantime There Are A Few Things You Can Do For A Little Relief

  • Drink water lots of it. Getting in the recommended eight glasses of water per day can help flush the bacteria out of your bladder and make you heal a bit faster. Limit your caffeine or sugary drinks though, as they can irritate you bladder.

  • When you gotta go, go. Holding your urine when you really have to go gives time for the bacteria in your system to multiply, making it harder to get rid of.

  • Talk to your doctor about over the counter pain relievers. While these wont cure a UTI, they may help give you a bit of relief while youre waiting for the antibiotics to treat the infection.

  • Rest. Getting enough rest gives your body the energy it needs to be able to fight off an infection. Make sure you are getting the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

  • Wear loose clothing. Not only will this be more comfortable for you during this time, but it might also prevent bacteria growth. Bacteria grow the quickest in moist, warm environments so ditch the skinny jeans for a week or so and opt for loose trousers, skirts or dresses.

  • Follow the steps above for quick relief from UTIs.

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    Pineapple To Get Rid Of Urinary Tract Infection Fast And Naturally

    Pineapple is also a powerful fruit to treat urinary tract infection. Pineapple contains a substance named bromelain. This active ingredient is quite helpful in removing bacteria causing infection.

    Directions to Use Pineapple for Urinary Tract Infection Treatment:

    • Squeeze out 1 glass of pineapple juice and drink it twice a day for optimum result.
    • You can add lemon juice or sweet lime juice to it for added benefits.
    • Alternatively, You can simply include pineapple to your fruit salad.
    • TAGS

    Natural Home Remedies For Uti how to get rid of a urinary tract infection

    Here are eight effective natural remedies for UTI that contain these three properties.

    1. Water

    Drinking plenty of water is, of course, the most important thing to do when youre experiencing from a bad case of UTI. It works by flushing out bacteria from your urinary tract. Although more trips to the bathroom may not sound like an appealing idea, doing so would help relieve your symptoms much faster. If youre getting your fill of eight glasses of water a day, try drinking even more fluids for a quicker solution.

    2. Heat packs

    UTI can cause abdominal discomfort due to a combination of spasms and inflammation. When this happens, you need something to relax your muscles. A heat pack, or even a bottle of warm water, would help you manage the pain. If youre using a water bottle as a makeshift heat pack, make sure to wrap it first with a towel before placing it over your abdomen. Avoid pressing on your bladder so as not to cause further complications. You may do this for as long as necessary.

    3. Vitamin C

    Also known as ascorbic acid, Vitamin C works for UTIs for two reasons: first, they boost the bodys immune system, and second, they make the urine more acidic, making it more robust against bacteria. To fight UTI, therefore, you need to eat food rich in vitamin C or take supplements.

    4. Parsley

    5. Cucumber

    6. Ginger tea

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    Do At Home Uti Tests Really Work

    Home test kits can be helpful if you get urinary tract infections again. They test the urine for leukocytes and bacteria. However, there are several factors that can affect the results, such as: B. the medicine you are taking. Studies show that urine cultures are much more accurate. Check with your doctor to make sure what your home UTI test says.

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    Top 12 Natural Home Remedies For Uti

    By Christine Ruggeri, CHHC

    Urinary tract infections are some of the most frequent clinical bacterial infections in women, accounting for nearly 25 percent of all infections. More than 50 percent of women will develop a UTI and UTI symptoms in their lifetimes, and because antibiotics are the most common conventional treatment for UTIs, bacteria have become antibiotic-resistant and recurring infections are a major concern. For this reason, its important to use home remedies for UTIs that eliminate bacteria completely and reduce the risk of developing recurrent urinary tract infections.

    Some of the best home remedies for UTI include drinking plenty of fluids, staying clean and dry, and consuming things like cranberries, probiotics, vitamin C and using essential oils. Read on for all 12 of my top home remedies for UTI.

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    Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections In Children

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    About Author

    Stuart Morrison

    Hi everyone, my name is Stuart Morrison and I am the editor-in-chief and author of the Answeregy website. I am 35 years old and live in Miami, Florida. From an early age I loved to learn new things, constantly reading various encyclopedias and magazines. In 1998 I created my first Web site, where I posted interesting facts which you could rarely learn elsewhere. Then, it led me to work as a content manager for a large online publication. I always wanted to help people while doing something I really enjoyed. That’s how I ended up on the team, where I… Read more

    Remedies And Treatment For Uti

    Uti Treatment Without Antibiotics: How To Cure UTI At Home Naturally | Instant UTI Relief Remedies

    Uncomplicated urinary tract infections sometimes go away on their own. In one study, 21 out of 28 womenâs infections disappeared without treatment.

    Here are a few UTI remedies you can try at home to relieve symptoms and speed your recovery:

    Consume Cranberries

    Cranberries have been used to treat UTIs for centuries. This is because cranberries contain proanthocyanidins, chemicals that prevent bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract. Cranberries also contain quinic acid, which works to kill bacteria in the urinary tract.

    While some studies have found that cranberry juice or pills may help treat UTIs, other studies have found no positive effects of cranberries. Even if cranberries donât actually help treat UTIs, the fruit is unlikely to cause you harm. However, donât drink cranberry juice if youâre on blood thinners, like warfarin.

    Avoid Diuretics and Irritants

    Certain drinks may irritate the bladder, including coffee, alcohol, citrus and caffeinated drinks. Avoiding these liquids may help you relieve some symptoms, such as burning during urination. These drinks also act as diuretics, which will make you need to urinate more frequently, possibly making the UTI symptoms more irritating.

    Incorporate Probiotics

    Use a Heating Pad

    Another simple home remedy is placing a heating pad on your abdomen. This can help lessen your discomfort.


    Make sure you are drinking plenty of water to help flush out your urinary system.

    Prioritize Prevention

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    Other Ways To Prevent Recurring Utis

    If you have more than 3 UTIs in 1 year, or 2 UTIs in 6 months, there are other things that may help prevent UTIs.

    There is some evidence that women under 65 years old who keep getting UTIs may find it helpful to take:

    • a supplement called D-mannose this is not recommended for pregnant women
    • cranberry products, such as juice or tablets

    Speak to your doctor before taking any of these during pregnancy.

    Be aware that D-mannose and cranberry products can contain a lot of sugar.

    Page last reviewed: 18 November 2020 Next review due: 18 November 2023

    Recommended Reading: Royal Canin Urinary Tract Food

    Enjoy A Cup Of Ginger Tea

    Here, it comes again- Ginger. Ginger has anti- inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties that help you get rid of the pain and also help to reduce harmful bacteria in your body. Ginger helps to alkalize the urine, make it less acidic and reduce inflammation.

    Dont forget to share the above tips on how to get rid of urinary tract infection with your friends and family.

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    What Are Urinary Tract Infection Risk Factors

    Risk factors for developing urinary tract infections include the following:

    • Wiping from back to front following a bowel movement, particularly in women, can introduce bacteria into the urethra.
    • Sexual intercourse can push bacteria from the vaginal area into the urethra.
    • Holding the urine too long: When someone holds it in, more bacteria have a chance to multiply, which can cause or worsen a UTI.
    • Kidney stones can make it hard to empty the bladder completely, which can also lead to urine remaining in the bladder too long.
    • Certain types of birth control devices , including diaphragms or condoms with spermicides
    • Hormonal changes and changes in the vagina following menopause
    • Using urinary catheters, which are small tubes inserted into the bladder to drain urine, can predispose someone to catheter-associated UTIs.
    • Surgery of the genitourinary tract may introduce bacteria into the urinary tract, resulting in a UTI.
    • Women tend to get UTIs more frequently than men because the urethra in women is shorter and located closer to the rectum.
    • Use of douches
  • general feeling of being unwell
  • vaginal irritation and
  • in elderly patients, subtle symptoms such as altered mental status or decreased activity may be signs of a UTI.
  • Vaginal itching is not a typical symptom of a UTI. It may be a sign of bacterial vaginosis or a vaginal yeast infection.

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