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Is Urinary Tract Infection A Sexually Transmitted Disease

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It Can Introduce New Bacteria

Topic 36: Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) and Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

Sexual activity is one of the most common ways bacteria get into the urinary tract. Ninety percent of UTIs are the result of Escherichia coli bacteria that have found their way into the urethra and beyond.

E. coli bacteria are most often found in the gastrointestinal tract or feces. These bacteria may move from the anus or GI tract onto you or your partners hands, mouth, genitals, or a sex toy.

Sex can also push bacteria further into your body through penetration, which sets up a higher likelihood of an infection. If you already have a UTI, penetration may reinfect you or introduce a new source of bacteria. This can lead to a longer recovery time.

About Dr Mike Roizen:

Dr. Mike Roizen^ MD, a paid spokesperson for AZO®, is the first Chief Wellness Officer at any major healthcare institution. He is a professor at the Cleveland Clinic Learner College of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University. He founded RealAge , co-invented a drug now approved by the FDA, helped start 12 other companies and co-authored nine books on health including four NY Times #1 bestsellers on health. He also has chaired an FDA advisory committee and was an editor for six medical journals.

^ Dr. Roizen is a paid spokesperson for AZO® products.

Does Cranberry Juice Prevent A Urinary Tract Infection

Many people say that cranberry juice can help treat, or even prevent, a UTI. Researchers are currently looking into the topic, but havent found a definitive answer yet. Healthcare providers recommend drinking lots of fluids if you have, or have a history of getting, a UTI. Adding a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice to your diet isnt a proven way to prevent a UTI, but it typically wont hurt you either.

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Urinary Tract Infections In Women

UTIs are common, particularly with increasing age. Women are more likely to get a UTI than men. Nearly 1 in 3 women will have a UTI needing treatment before the age of 24.

In women, the urethra is short and straight, making it easier for germs to travel into the bladder. For some women, UTIs relate to changes in their hormonal levels. Some are more likely to get an infection during certain times in their menstrual cycle, such as just before a period or during pregnancy.

In older women, the tissues of the urethra and bladder become thinner and drier with age as well as after menopause or a hysterectomy. This can be linked to increased UTIs.

During pregnancy, the drainage system from the kidney to the bladder widens so urine does not drain as quickly. This makes it easier to get a UTI. Sometimes germs can move from the bladder to the kidney causing a kidney infection. UTIs during pregnancy can result in increased blood pressure, so it is very important to have them treated as soon as possible.

Women are more at risk of repeated UTIs if they:

  • use spermicide jelly or diaphragm for contraception
  • have had a new sexual partner in the last year
  • had their first UTI at or before 15 years of age
  • have a family history of repeated UTIs, particularly their mother
  • suffer from constipation

When Should I Refer To A Specialist

Urinary Tract Infections, Pyelonephritis, and Prostatitis ...

Referral to a specialist is recommended for these cases:

  • All lower urinary tract symptoms in men, especially if they have the following characteristics: bothersome lower urinary tract symptoms that have not responded to conservative management or drug treatment lower urinary tract symptoms complicated by recurrent or persistent UTIs, retention, or renal impairment that is suspected to be caused by lower urinary tract dysfunction and suspected urological cancer.

  • UTIs in the paediatric age group with the following characteristics: infants aged under three months with a possible UTI and infants and children aged three months or older with acute pyelonephritis/upper UTI.

  • UTIs with the following characteristics: severe symptoms failed medical therapy evidence of retention and abnormalities detected on ultrasonography or cytology, such as calculi or bladder tumour.

  • Recurrent UTIs with the following characteristics: risk factors for complicated UTI are present a surgically correctable cause is suspected and a diagnosis of UTI is uncertain for recurrent lower urinary tract symptoms.

  • You prescribed a course of antibiotics and advised Yvonne to return if her symptoms did not improve after three days. Yvonne brought her mother to see you two weeks later for a cough and mentioned that your treatment for her cystitis had worked very well.

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    Embarrassed Dont Be: It Can Be Dangerous

    A lot of people dont visit their doctor due to symptoms because they consider it potentially embarrassing. Dont put it off! Both UTIs and STDs are easy to diagnose and just as easy to cure. Any waiting before you see your doctor has the potential to be more dangerous to you and your sexual partners, and not seeing a doctor at all could mean that your symptoms get worse.

    Warning Disclaimer Use For Publication

    WARNING: Please DO NOT STOP MEDICATIONS without first consulting a physician since doing so could be hazardous to your health.

    DISCLAIMER: All material available on is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare provider. All information is observation-only. Our phase IV clinical studies alone cannot establish cause-effect relationship. Different individuals may respond to medication in different ways. Every effort has been made to ensure that all information is accurate, up-to-date, and complete, but no guarantee is made to that effect. The use of the eHealthMe site and its content is at your own risk.

    If you use this eHealthMe study on publication, please acknowledge it with a citation: study title, URL, accessed date.

    Recommended Reading: Urodynamic Tests For Urinary Incontinence

    Strengths And Limitations Of This Study

    • This is the first study exploring the causes for negative urine cultures among adults presenting with urinary tract infection symptoms to primary care in a low-income setting.

    • Antibiotic exposure was assessed using two different methods.

    • Testing for sexually transmitted infections was limited to three major pathogens, which may have led to an underestimation of the prevalence of STIs.

    • The prevalence of STIs is not generalisable to all primary healthcare attendees, as the participants were enrolled if they reported the presence of UTI symptoms.

    Table 1 Symptoms/signs Of Uti Used For Classification

    Urinary Tract and Sexually Transmitted Infections


    • Catheterized patients usually do not manifest symptoms of cystitis. Instead, monitor for symptoms of complicated UTI.16

    No testing required if symptoms of UTI or systemic infection are absent6,16

    If patient is symptomatic, collect urine for culture after removal of old catheter or from a newly inserted catheter.16

    Catheters can be colonized with bacteria after 24 hours of insertion, and 100% are colonized within 1 month.5,16

    Don’t Miss: Over The Counter Urinary Tract Treatment

    What Are The Symptoms Of Urinary Tract Infections

    The most common symptoms of UTIs are:

    • A burning feeling when you urinate
    • Feeling like you need to go, but then only a few drops come out
    • Urine that is cloudy or has a funny smell
    • Urinating more often

    Other symptoms can include lower back pain and pain in your lower abdominal area.

    Its possible to have no symptoms, but usually, people with UTIs have at least one of the above symptoms. UTIs without any symptoms are more common in older adults.

    Signs Its More Likely To Be An Sti Or Std:

    • Abnormal discharge with strong odor from your vagina or penis
    • Genital blisters, warts, or rash
    • Burning while peeing
    • Heavier, more painful periods or bleeding outside your normal periods
    • Lower belly pain
    • Fever

    It is also important to note that many STDs are asymptomatic making it even harder to detect and treat to avoid the spread.

    Untreated STDs can lead to serious long-term health consequences, especially for adolescent girls and young women. CDC estimates that undiagnosed and untreated STDs cause at least 24,000 women in the United States each year to become infertile

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    Sexually Transmitted Diseases Vs Urinary Tract Infections : Can You Tell Symptoms Apart

    For too long, the health of the “unmentionable” areas of the body has been a taboo subject, simply because private parts were considered a private matter. But in order for individuals to maintain overall health, its essential to assure that all parts of the body are taken care of. That includes understanding what happens to the body when it has contracted an STD/STI or a UTI . Naivety can make it difficult to know the difference between the two, which also makes it hard to treat either condition.

    Diagnosis Of A Urinary Tract Infection

    UTIs and BV During Pregnancy: Risks to the Baby

    A doctor may diagnose a UTI based on the symptoms. A simple test in the doctors surgery can provide evidence to support the diagnosis of a UTI. Sometimes a urine sample is sent to the laboratory for microscopy and culture to identify the specific cause of the infection and to help determine the correct antibiotic for treatment

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    Urgent Care Omaha Walk

    Our staff works to provide prompt, personal, and professional care for all of our patients. We strive to provide the attention patients need in as quick a time as possible. Urgent Care Clinics in Omaha & Bellevue, Nebraska has three locations in the Omaha metropolitan area. Our three walk-in clinics are:

    DisclaimerThe information contained on this webpage is for educational purposes as well as to provide general information and general understanding of the pertinent medical issue only, not to provide a specific diagnosis. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. By using this blog/web site you understand there is no doctor patient relationship between you and the blog/web site publisher. The information included on this site should not be used as a substitute for medical advice from a licensed medical professional in your state. Neither Urgent Care Network, its subsidiaries, affiliates, assignees or successors in interest, nor any other party assume liability for loss or damage due to reliance on content of this blog/web site. If you are experiencing a severe medical issue, you should seek emergency assistance immediately.


    Prevention Of A Urinary Tract Infection

    • Exclusion from childcare, preschool, school or work is not necessary.
    • Drink lots of fluids to flush the urinary system. Water is best.
    • Urinate as soon as you feel the need rather than holding on.
    • For women and girls, wipe your bottom from front to back to prevent bacteria from around the anus entering the urethra.
    • Urinate shortly after sex to flush away bacteria that might have entered your urethra during sex.
    • Wear cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothes so that air can keep the area dry. Avoid tight- fitting clothes and nylon underwear, which trap moisture and can help bacteria grow.
    • Using a diaphragm or spermicide for birth control can lead to UTIs by increasing bacteria growth. Unlubricated condoms or spermicidal condoms increase irritation, which may help bacteria grow. Consider switching to lubricated condoms without spermicide or using a non-spermicidal lubricant.

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    You May Pass The Infection To Your Partner

    A UTI isnt a sexually transmitted infection , and it isnt considered a contagious condition. However, you can pass the bacteria that causes a UTI between partners.

    For example, E. coli bacteria may travel from your anus to the vaginal opening or onto a penis. During vaginal sex, a penis can move the bacteria into the vaginal opening, increasing the risk of developing an infection.

    In some cases, the UTI may actually be a side effect of an STI, such as chlamydia or trichomoniasis. These infections can be passed between partners.

    If you decide you want to engage in sexual activity despite your UTI, there are a number of tips to keep in mind.

    A Number Of Sexually Transmitted Infections Are Known To Cause Utis Including Trichomoniasis And Chlamydia

    Urinary tract infection Sexually transmitted disease Chemotherapy of malignancyPharmacolo-3 bph.6

    A number of sexually transmitted infections are known to cause UTIs, including trichomoniasis and chlamydia

    While most studies investigating chronic UTIs have focused on younger age groups, there is now compelling evidence that shows a strong relationship between sexual intercourse and UTIs in postmenopausal women.

    It is, therefore, just as important for older women to take the same preventive measures as younger ones, irrespective of how often you have sex or how many sexual partners you have.

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    How Can I Get A Urinary Tract Infection

    In women, UTIs occur when bacteria get into the urinary tract, travel up the urethra , and cause an infection in the bladder and urethra. The infection causes these organs to become irritated, which leads to that uncomfortable, burning feeling associated with UTIs.

    In men, the process is the same, but UTIs are less common because men have a longer urethra. So, the bacteria would need to travel a greater distance in order to infect the bladder. UTIs are not a sexually transmitted disease , but its possible to spread the bacteria causing UTIs, especially through oral sex. In general, its best to wait to resume sexual activity until after youve completed your treatment.

    Can Urinary Tract Infection Be Cured

    Antibiotics are an effective treatment for UTIs. However, the body can often resolve minor, uncomplicated UTIs on its own without the help of antibiotics. By some estimates, 2542 percent of uncomplicated UTI infections clear on their own. In these cases, people can try a range of home remedies to speed up recovery.

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    Similarities Between Utis Stds And Stis

    If you are experiencing pain down there, burning while peeing, or lower belly pain, its common to think you might have a UTI. UTIs share symptoms similar to STI/Ds and according to the American Society for Microbiology, 64% of patients with sexually transmitted infections were actually diagnosed with having a UTI. Not only are people being needlessly prescribed specific meds to treat UTIs, but undiagnosed STDs can lead to more serious issues. Untreated STDs can lead to serious long-term health consequences, especially for adolescent girls and young women. CDC estimates that undiagnosed and untreated STDs cause at least 24,000 women in the United States each year to become infertile.

    Can You Have Sex If You Have A Uti

    Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Chart / Poster

    In general, it is recommended that you avoid having intercourse when you have an active urinary tract infection. When you get an antibiotic prescription, ask your doctor when the right time to resume sexual activity would be. Of course, you can still kiss and have other intimate and emotional connections.

    Once you have completed a course of antibiotics and the UTI has cleared away, you should be able to resume sexual activity. But be sure to take the careful steps necessary to prevent the sex from putting you on the road to yet another one.

    Also Check: Natural Remedies For Urinary Tract Infection

    How To Tell If You Have A Uti Or An Std

    by CourteneyPublished on February 2, 2021Updated on August 2, 2021

    It can sometimes be difficult to tell if you have a UTI or an STD . UTIs can present with symptoms that are similar to those of sexually transmitted infections, such as a burning sensation, and vice versa. In this blog, well discuss the differences between the two infections and how you can tell the difference.

    Why Am I Getting Urinary Tract Infections

    Ever since I started having sex I get urinary tract infections a lot. Does that mean there could be something else wrong? Mandy*

    If you have burning or pain when you pee, it could be a number of things. One possibility is a urinary tract infection , but others include a sexually transmitted disease , such as chlamydia, or chemical irritation from a spermicide . Its hard to tell the difference without seeing a doctor or .

    Urinary tract infections tend to be more common in girls who have sex. Often, they happen because bacteria entered the urethra .

    Follow these steps to help decrease your chances of getting UTIs:

    • Don’t touch your vagina with anything that has been in contact with your anus . This includes condoms, toilet paper, fingers, etc. Do not go from anal to vaginal sex.
    • Wipe front to back after going to the bathroom.
    • Pee right before and after sex.
    • Drink plenty of liquids, especially water.

    STDs can cause symptoms similar to those of a UTI, such as burning, vaginal discharge, belly pain, and irregular bleeding.

    Many times, though, STDs have few symptoms, which is why it is important for anyone who has had sex to be tested at least once a year. And always use condoms with any type of sex to help prevent STDs.

    In any case, the best thing to do is get checked out ASAP by a health care provider who can look for the reason you’re having symptoms. It’s really important to get the right diagnosis and treatment!

    *Names have been changed to protect user privacy.

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    Urinary Tract Infections In Babies And Young Children

    Babies and children are at risk of UTIs. These infections always need to be investigated as they may indicate a serious underlying condition, such as urinary reflux. Reflux is caused by a bladder valve problem allowing urine to flow back into the kidneys from the bladder. Reflux can cause the urine to stay inside the body increasing the risk of infection. It may lead to kidney scarring, which in turn leads to high blood pressure and sometimes kidney problems.

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