Sunday, September 8, 2024

Urinary Tract Infection Men Test

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How Can I Prevent Male Urinary Tract Infection

Testing for Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

You cannot prevent all UTIs, but it is possible to make its development less likely. Please take note of the following preventive measures to avoid the risk of acquiring the infection.

  • Do not hold your urine. It is necessary to urinate as soon as you feel the need to go to the bathroom. Holding your urine can initiate the growth of bacteria and multiply as long as you keep your urine.
  • Keep your genitals clean. Carefully washing your genitals is necessary to avoid bacterial growth. If not circumcised, it is crucial to clean the area beneath the foreskin.
  • Wash before and after sex. Cleaning your genitals before and after having intercourse can help remove any bacteria that is present. If possible, urinating after sex also helps to flush out any bacteria you might have acquired during the intercourse.
  • Practice safe sex. Wearing condoms is also necessary to protect you against the transmission of bacteria.
  • Treat prostate problems and bladder infections. These are only some of the underlying issues that may lead to the formation of UTIs. It is essential to talk to your doctor about it to prevent complications.

What Are The Risk Factors For Urinary Tract Infection In Men

The risk factors for developing Urinary Tract Infections in Men include:

  • Age: Men over the age of 50 years are at an increased risk of developing UTI, generally due to enlargement of the prostate gland
  • Blockages in the urinary tract, such as caused by kidney stones, which impair the flow of urine
  • Uncircumcised males have a higher risk for UTI than circumcised males
  • Sexual intercourse with infected individuals can result in the spread of pathogen from one individual to another anal sex
  • Urinary bladder catheter placement can disrupt the normal flow of urine, which help wash away the microbes. A urinary bladder catheter is usually used for various medical conditions to facilitate urine outflow
  • Weakened immune system due to the use of certain medications or the presence of HIV
  • Having poorly-controlled diabetes
  • Congenital and acquired structural abnormalities of the kidney and urinary bladder

It is important to note that having a risk factor does not mean that one will get the condition. A risk factor increases ones chances of getting a condition compared to an individual without the risk factors. Some risk factors are more important than others.

Also, not having a risk factor does not mean that an individual will not get the condition. It is always important to discuss the effect of risk factors with your healthcare provider.

Treatment From A Gp For Utis That Keep Coming Back

If your UTI comes back after treatment, you may have a urine test and be prescribed different antibiotics.

Your doctor or nurse will also offer advice on how to prevent UTIs.

If you keep getting UTIs and regularly need treatment, a GP may give you a repeat prescription for antibiotics.

If you have been through the menopause, you may be offered a vaginal cream containing oestrogen.

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Group B Streptococcus **

Group B strep is a common bacterium often carried in the intestines or lower genital tract. It is not sexually transmitted. Also, it is not spread through contaminated food or water.

GBS infections are serious and potentially life-threatening. However, their association with urinary tract infections , such as kidney, bladder or prostate infections, is rather rare.

Risk for serious Group B strep infections increases in adults 65 years and older.

**The epidemiological evidence gathered through our multi-year observations supports the use of herbs contained inUribiotic Formulafor urinary tract infections caused byGroup B streptococcus . This evidence, however, has not been evaluated by the FDA.

What To Do If You Suspect A Flutd

UTI Test Strips for Women &  Men Easy to Use at Home Urinary Tract ...

If your cat is having trouble urinating and displaying other signs of FLUTD, take her to the vet as soon as possible. Your vet will give her a physical exam and collect urine samples. Blood work, x-rays, and abdominal ultrasound may also be recommended for diagnosis.

Most cases of FLUTD improve without medical treatment, but the symptoms can recur. Though they may not be life-threatening to your cat, they can be uncomfortable, so treatment can improve her overall quality of life. While treatment of FLUTD depends on the underlying cause, it is always beneficial to increase your cats water intake. Maintaining a healthy weight, feeding her canned food and encouraging her to use her litter box can also help. However, certain conditions simply cannot be treated at home. Bacterial cystitis should be treated with antibiotics, while stones must be surgically removed.

Its always best to be safe. A simple phone call to your vet when you first notice any of the above symptoms can help diagnose a problem much sooner and save your cat a longer period of discomfort. Its also important to monitor your cat after being diagnosed with FLUTD during treatment to ensure that the problem doesnt reoccur as cats are good at hiding their pain.

Also Check: What Do You Do For A Urinary Tract Infection

What Are The Treatment Procedures For Male Uti

As a first-line treatment for UTI, your doctor will prescribe you a course of antibiotics to kill the bacteria and ward off other symptoms. If there are no signs of complications, the treatment process may take from three to seven days.

However, you may require more intensive treatment if your doctor suspects serious complications. This treatment aims to reduce the risk of spreading the infection from your kidneys or your upper urinary tract. Each treatment depends on the result of the diagnosis regarding the cause of your condition. The treatment duration can also vary from a minimum of seven days and can last for up to six months.

If there are positive signs of kidney or bladder infection, surgical procedures will take place. It involves either draining or complete removal of the inflamed tissues on the affected areas.

Urinary Tract Infection In Men

Approved by: Maulik P. Purohit MD, MPH

Urinary Tract Infection is generally caused by a microbe, such as bacteria. Men are at a decreased risk of developing a UTI than women, because of the anatomical structure of the male urinary system. The infection can occur more frequently with increasing age, due to a blockage in the urinary tract, having a bladder catheter, or with a decreased immune system.

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What Is Being Tested

Urine is the fluid produced by the kidneys that carries water and wastes through the urinary tract and then is eliminated from the body. The urine culture is a test that detects and identifies bacteria and yeast in the urine, which may be causing a urinary tract infection .

The kidneys, a pair of bean-shaped organs located at the bottom of the ribcage in the right and left sides of the back, filter wastes out of the blood and produce urine, the yellow fluid that carries wastes out of the body. Urine travels through tubes called ureters from the kidneys to the bladder, where it is stored temporarily, and then through the urethra as it is voided. Urine contains low levels of microbes, such as bacteria or, yeast which move from the skin into the urinary tract and grow and multiply, causing a urinary tract infection.

Most UTIs are considered uncomplicated and are easily treated. However, if they are not addressed, the infection may spread from the bladder and ureters into the kidneys. A kidney infection is more dangerous and can lead to permanent kidney damage. In some cases, an untreated urinary tract infection may spread to the bloodstream and cause sepsis, which can be life-threatening.

People with kidney disease or with other conditions that affect the kidneys, such as diabetes or kidney stones, and people with weakened immune systems may be more prone to frequent, repeated and/or complicated UTIs.

How is the sample collected for testing?

Some Home Remedies Can Help Alleviate Or Prevent Uti Pain

What is a urinary tract infection (UTI)?

Unfortunately, UTIs rarely go away on their own its the reason antibiotics are recommended as the primary treatment method. However, there are other home remedies that dont require a doctors prescription and can be effective in helping to prevent a UTI from occurring in the first place:

Additional methods for treating and preventing UTIs have also been debated. While recent studies are inconclusive as to the benefits of drinking cranberry juice to prevent a UTI, once you get an infection, cranberry juice wont help. Same goes for probiotics. Fermented products like kefir yogurts and kombucha might cultivate good vaginal flora, but more conclusive evidence is required.

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How Do I Recognize Symptoms Of Male Uti

Men with urinary tract infection do not usually see visible indications, but when they do, some of these symptoms can occur:

  • Painful urination
  • Abdominal pain
  • Burning sensation when urinating

Severe cases of urinary tract infection can also happen. If you experience fever, nausea, chills, vomiting, or back pain that accompanies the above symptoms, it could indicate a kidney infection. Immediate attention and prompt treatment should be necessary.

What Can I Do To Prevent A Uti

  • Empty your bladder often. Urinate and empty your bladder as soon as you feel the need. Do not hold your urine for long periods of time.
  • Drink liquids as directed. Ask how much liquid to drink each day and which liquids are best for you. You may need to drink more liquids than usual to help flush out the bacteria. Do not drink alcohol, caffeine, or citrus juices. These can irritate your bladder and increase your symptoms. Your healthcare provider may recommend cranberry juice to help prevent a UTI.
  • Urinate after you have sex. This can help flush out bacteria passed during sex.
  • Do pelvic muscle exercises often. Pelvic muscle exercises may help you start and stop urinating. Strong pelvic muscles may help you empty your bladder easier. Squeeze these muscles tightly for 5 seconds like you are trying to hold back urine. Then relax for 5 seconds. Gradually work up to squeezing for 10 seconds. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions a day, or as directed.

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How Do They Work

You can buy over-the-counter UTI dipstick tests at your local drugstore or online. They work much like a pregnancy test: Each kit comes with a testing strip . You wet a test strip by holding it in your urine stream for a few seconds. Or, you can collect urine in a clean cup and dip the strip into the sample. Wait 1 to 2 minutes for the color of the test strip to change. This will vary depending on the brand you use. Check the chart on the home test kit to find out if youâve tested positive for a UTI.

Home test kits might be useful if you have UTIs that keep coming back. They check for white blood cells and bacteria in the urine. But the results can be affected by a number of things, like medications youâre taking. And studies show that urine cultures are far more reliable for showing whether you have a UTI.

The bottom line: See your doctor to be sure, no matter what your UTI home test reveals.

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What Is A Urinary Tract Infection


A UTI is caused by bacteria that get inside your urinary tract. Most bacteria that enter your urinary tract come out when you urinate. If the bacteria stay in your urinary tract, you may get an infection. Your urinary tract includes your kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Urine is made in your kidneys, and it flows from the ureters to the bladder. Urine leaves the bladder through the urethra. A UTI is more common in your lower urinary tract, which includes your bladder and urethra.

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Utis: A Guide For Men

The material provided below is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the diagnosis or treatment by a qualified healthcare professional. You should always seek medical advice before consuming any new medicines or supplements. AZO products referenced on this website are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease such as overactive bladder, urinary tract infections, or vaginal infections.

Urinary tract infectionsnot for the faint of heart and not just for women. Thats right, men can also experience the pain, burning and urinary urgency associated with UTIs.1 Because UTIs are not as common among men, many guys tend to be unfamiliar with the topic. But ignorance is never blissespecially if one day you do wake up with an unusual urgency to pee and pain when you try to go. And since knowledge is power, lets go through the basics of UTIs so you can know what to look for and how to act if you ever get one.

Appendix 1 Point Of Care Urine Collection Prior To Urine Culture1

Urine Collection

Upon rising or at any time, collect urine in the C& S container provided.

  • Wash and dry hands.
  • Begin urinating into the toilet. Without stopping the flow of urine, place the container in the urine stream to collect some urine and remove the container before the urine stops flowing.
  • Close the container tightly, taking care not to touch the rim or the inside of the container with your fingers.
  • Labelling:

  • Label the container with your name, date of birth, and the date of collection.
  • Packaging:

  • Place the container in the bag provided and securely close the bag.
  • Fold any paperwork and place in the external pocket of the specimen transport bag.
  • This ensures the specimen will not leak onto the paperwork.
  • Storage and Transport:

  • Refrigerate and bring specimen to the laboratory within one hour of collection.
  • References:


    The report only includes organisms suspected to be uropathogens . This depends on patient demographics, concentration of the specific organism and the specific laboratory protocol. In urine with multiple organisms, identification may not be performed as it may produce misleading results that are not related to the UTI.

    Antibiotic susceptibilities

    The report only includes antibiotics that can be used for UTI. The specific antibiotics listed depend on the patient demographics, documented antibiotics and allergies, organism identified, colony count of the organism and the specific laboratory protocol.


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    What Are The Causes Of Urinary Tract Infection In Men

    • Urinary Tract Infections in Men are usually caused due to infection by bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, or Staphylococcus
    • The infection can spread from the urethra through the urinary tract and reach the bloodstream from the kidneys
    • Rarely, fungus and other parasites can also cause UTI in Men

    How Do Utis Affect Pregnancy

    Easy@Home Urinary Tract Infection Tests

    Changes in hormone levels during pregnancy raise your risk for UTIs. UTIs during pregnancy are more likely to spread to the kidneys.

    If youre pregnant and have symptoms of a UTI, see your doctor or nurse right away. Your doctor will give you an antibiotic that is safe to take during pregnancy.

    If left untreated, UTIs could lead to kidney infections and problems during pregnancy, including:

    • Premature birth
    • Low birth weight

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    Clinical Information And Dipsticks

    For each eligible patient, the GP filled in a questionnaire giving clinical patient information, that is, age, history of UTI in the past year, and the presence or absence of dysuria, urinary frequency and/or urgency, fever , and flank pain. These clinical symptoms were derived from the Urinary Tract Infection Guidelines compiled by the Dutch College of General Practitioners .8

    All patients provided a fresh-voided midstream urine sample as part of routine clinical practice. The GP or practice assistant used this sample to perform a dipstick test for nitrite and leukocyte esterase activity. Any change in colour was considered to be a positive test result.9 Finally, GPs recorded the empirical antimicrobial treatment prescribed. The GPs choice to prescribe an antibiotic empirically was considered to be the care as usual.

    What Are The Factors That Cause Utis In Men

    Older men, specifically those above the age of forty, have a higher risk of acquiring urinary tract infections. Most UTIs develop when the bacterium passes through the urinary tract and multiplies until it becomes a bladder infection.

    Other risk factors that can lead to the development of UTIs include the following:

    • Enlargement of the prostate gland

    Benign prostatic hyperplasia, also known as BPH, is a condition wherein there is overgrowth on a mans prostate gland. An enlarged prostate gland can lead to the development of urine blockages which can cause infections in the lower urinary tract.

    • Kidney stones

    Men with kidney stones are at risk of having UTIs. This condition causes an obstruction along the urinary tract, which is often associated with the development of the infection.

    • Diabetes

    People with diabetes have a higher chance of getting UTIs as their condition interferes with their immune response. Diabetes also causes nerve damages that weakens the bodys signals which keeps them from emptying their bladder. It encourages the invasion of bacteria and poses a greater risk of infection.

    • Insertion of instruments

    Several procedures that include the insertion of tools such as catheters, drain tubes, and cameras can increase UTI odds. The bacteria can use the foreign material as a reservoir to reach into your system leading to urinary or bladder infection.

    • Unprotected sexual intercourse

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    I Feel Like I Have A Uti But My Tests Are Negative

    Sound familiar? Unfortunately the standard tests used to diagnose UTIs dipstick tests and mid-stream urine cultures miss about half of infections. The figure is likely to be even higher for chronic infections.

    But some doctors are more likely to rely on test results than on the symptoms their patients are describing and rule out infection as a cause.

    No test is perfect, as they all have different sensitivity levels. A relatively low concentration of bacteria may fall below the sensitivity limit of a given test, but still be concentrated enough to have a profound effect on the patient. As a result, UTIs are best diagnosed with a combination of tests, physical examinations and symptom analysis.

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