Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Kind Of Doctor Should I See For Urinary Problems

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Conditions Treated By Kidney Doctors

When should I see a doctor about urinary incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse?

Kidney doctors care for people with a number of different types of kidney disease including:

  • Acute kidney injury: Acute kidney disease refers to the rapid onset of kidney disease often related to conditions such as shock , dehydration, kidney problems related to surgery, or inadequate drainage from the urinary tract .
  • Chronic renal failure: Chronic kidney disease can be caused by a number of different conditions

There is a wide range of medical problems that can affect the kidneys in different ways. Some of the more common conditions which can cause kidney failure include:

  • Diabetes : Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure in the United States
  • Kidney disease related to high blood pressure and heart disease
  • Obesity
  • Kidney stones which cause obstruction
  • Congenital kidney problems such as horseshoe kidney
  • Glomerulonephritis: Glomerulonephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys which can be caused by a number of different processes, including the bacteria which causes strep throat.
  • Kidney disease related to lupus
  • Polycystic kidney disease: Cystic kidney disease is hereditary, though the severity of the disease, as well as age of onset, can vary
  • Autoimmune diseases such as IgA nephropathy
  • Kidney failure secondary to liver disease

Chronic kidney disease is described by five stages based on the severity of the disease. Grade 1 kidney failure refers to a mild disease, whereas grade 5 renal failure usually indicates that dialysis or a kidney transplant will be needed.

What Causes Bladder Issues

Going to the bathroom is a natural yet a surprisingly complex process. Nerves carry signals from your brain through your spinal cord to your bladder and sphincter muscles, telling your bladder to open at the right time or stay closed. But any number of diseases, conditions or injuries can interfere with bladder signals and urination. Some of the most common urinary problems in men include:

Urinary Incontinence

refers to the involuntary loss of urine when youre coughing, or lifting the involuntary urge to urinate or the constant dribble of urine .

Damaged Nerves in the Urinary Tract

Damaged nerves in the urinary tract can result from , , Parkinsons disease, , or a spinal cord injury. These conditions may affect bladder control by interrupting the nerve signals required for bladder control.

Overactive Bladder

In , the bladder misfires, squeezing at the wrong time, causing you to go frequently during the day or night, or suddenly needing to urinate.

Prostate Problems

The prostate is a gland that adds fluid to semen before ejaculation. It surrounds the urethra, which is the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body. The prostate typically enlarges as men get older. This condition, , can cause the prostate to enlarge, squeezing the urethra and affecting the urine stream. BPH can cause the urine stream to be weak. It can also bring on the need to go urgently more frequently, especially at night.

What Conditions Do Urologists Treat

Urologists specialise in treating a range of urinary tract problems in men, women and children, including:

Some urologists are sub-specialists in particular areas. For example, a paediatric urologist specialises in urinary and reproductive system disorders in children and teenagers.

Other sub-specialities include:

  • robotic surgery, where the urologist uses three-dimensional images and computer-controlled surgical instruments
  • laparoscopic surgery, which uses small incisions and special surgical tools, including miniature video cameras

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When To See A Urologist

It’s not always very easy to decide if you need to see a urologist, a gynecologist or a family physician. Finding out which doctor to see for your needs often proves difficult, particularly when there is some overlap between the different care they provide.

A urologist specializes in the organs that filter, hold and expel urine. That includes the kidneys, ureters, prostate and bladder.

Visiting The Doctor For A Uti Heres What You Need To Know

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If you think you might have a urinary tract infection , it’s important get a check up from your health care provider. Here’s what you need to know before the visit.

The best way to prepare for your appointment is to know your symptoms and medical history, such as past UTIs, what kinds of antibiotics you took, and any allergies to medications. According to Stanford primary care physician Kim Chiang, MD, “these conversations can be very personal, but it’s critical to tell the doctor the whole story.”

Video visits are becoming more popular for UTIs, offering a similar appointment, but without the possibility of an in-person physical exam or urine test. Knowing what to expect can prepare you to help your doctor to provide the best possible care.

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When Should I Ask My Gynecologist About Incontinence

While one or two incidents of urine leakage may be embarrassing, it is not a definitive sign of urinary incontinence. If the problem occurs with frequency, or it impacts your quality of life, then it is time to discuss it with your gynecologist.

Before your appointment, keep notes about the day and time of each instance of urinary leakage including the amount , frequency, and activities that may have caused the issue, like physical stress from lifting something.

Why Would You See A Urologist

A urologist might treat bladder problems, urinary tract infections , bladder and kidney cancer, kidney blockage, and kidney stones.

Men might also see them for:

Women might also see a urologist for

Children might need to see a urologist if they have an abnormal urinary tract problem like bedwetting.

Recommended Reading: Cll And Urinary Tract Infections

What To Do At Home

To ease your pain or discomfort until antibiotics can work to remedy the infection:

  • Drink more water to dilute urine and help flush bacteria out of your urinary tract.
  • Avoid drinking fluids that irritate the bladder such as alcohol, soft drinks, coffee or other caffeine drinks, or citrus juices while you have the infection. These may increase the frequency of sensing an urgent need to urinate.
  • Use a heating pad set on warm temperature , placed on your abdominal area, to reduce bladder discomfort or pressure.

What Kind Of Doctor Do You See For An Enlarged Testicle

Legacy Health: What type of doctor should I see if I am experiencing these issues or symptoms?

4.6/5painurologistpainprimary care

Thereof, what doctor do I see for testicle lump?

If you detect a scrotal mass, you’ll probably start by seeing your family doctor. You might be referred to a specialist in urinary tract and male genital disorders .

Likewise, when should you go to the doctor for testicle pain? Summary. If a person experiences swelling or pain in one or both testicles, it is best to see a doctor. If the pain is causing nausea and vomiting, they should seek immediate medical attention.

Herein, what does an enlarged testicle mean?

An enlarged testicle is a common symptom of injury, inflammation or infection. Testicle enlargement results from swelling, a lump, or a cyst within the testicle. Other conditions that cause swelling in the scrotum may appear to be an enlarged testicle.

Should I see a urologist for testicular pain?

Testicular pain, lump or masses: When testicular pain is persistent and does not go away within two weeks, it is time to see a Urologist. Any masses, firmness or nodules on the testicles should be examined by a urologic specialist, due to the chance of testicular cancer.

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Know The Proper Steps To Take For The Quickest Relief From Urinary Tract Infection

The lower urinary tract can provide access for infectious bacteria to enter the body, sometimes resulting in urinary tract infections. A urinary tract infection may cause one or more symptoms, such as a persistent sense of need to urinate, a burning sensation during urination, frequently passing only small amounts of urine, or urine that appears cloudy, bright red, pink, or brownish.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, see your doctor to find out which of the following methods of diagnosis and urinary tract infection treatment is appropriate for your needs.

Questions Your Doctor May Ask

When your provider enters the room , the first question you’re likely to be asked is “What brings you in today?”

“This question offers physicians an opportunity to hear your perspective on your symptoms so your concerns can be prioritized,” says Stanford physician Randall Stafford, MD, PhD.

From here, doctors will likely ask follow up questions to pinpoint whether this is a UTI and formulate the best treatment plan. Questions include:

  • When did your symptoms start?
  • Do you have foul-smelling or irregularly colored urine or vaginal discharge?
  • Are you lightheaded or dizzy?
  • Do you have a fever or chills?
  • Are you hydrating?
  • Do you use protection during sex? If so, what kind?
  • Is there any possibility you have a sexually transmitted disease ?
  • Is it possible you’re pregnant?
  • Do you have any known medication allergies?
  • What have you been treated with in the past for a UTI?

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You Generally Need A Referral To See A Urologist

When patients notice something unusual, whether it be an issue with bladder control or an enlarged prostate, their first thought should be to see their primary care doctor. A GP can do an initial evaluation and decide whether you need to be referred to a specialist, which in this case would be a urologist. Different health care plans have varying requirements for seeing a specialist, but in many cases you will need a referral from your primary care doctor.

Patients may also choose to skip their GP and come direct to a specialist. This may happen if they had some acute issue in the emergency, or have an issue they feel more comfortable speaking about directly with a urologist, such as erectile dysfunction.

In most cases other than acute emergencies , a direct referral may be necessary. But even in these cases if often best to go through your GP or the emergency room.

Urologists Perform Certain Procedures That A Gp Cannot

What type of doctor should I see for urinary incontinence ...

GPs focus more on preventative care and managing acute and chronic illness. You wouldnt go to a general practitioner to get your kidney stone removed because this is a specialty surgery that only a urologist should perform. But you would go to your GP to make sure it is a kidney stone and not referred pain from other sources.

As a urologist, Ive performed many procedures to treat disorders that affect genitourinary health, including prostate surgery, testicular surgery, circumcision and bladder tumor resection to remove and treat cancer. Some of these procedures require robotic surgery and other just the use of small instruments into our body. Most urologists have performed hundreds if not, thousands of these procedures and are specially equipped to deliver the best results for their patients.

So, when should you see a urologist versus a general practitioner? I would start by making sure you are getting all your general screening done by your GP. They will then determine if you need to see us. You are always welcome to call our office and see if you can skip the GP visit but often times even if you want that your insurance company may not.

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What Can I Expect In A Visit

Your first appointment with a urologist may not be different from a visit with your primary doctor. Youââ¬â¢ll fill out forms and answer questions about your health history, current symptoms, and any medicines you take.

The urologist will do a physical exam that includes a genital and rectal exam. They may also order blood work or imaging tests, like a CT scan or ultrasound, for a closer look at your organs.

How To Talk To Your Gynecologist About Urinary Incontinence

Men tend to go to their urologist sometimes almost treating them like their general practitioner rather than a specialist and women similarly tend to go to their gynecologist for their medical needs. One of the more embarrassing topics people of both genders may need to discuss with a physician is urinary incontinence, and this issue can definitely be addressed for women by a gynecologist.

Many women endure urinary incontinence at some point in their lives. Womens bodies go through an extremely challenging process when carrying a child, and often their bodies have difficulty recovering fully from pregnancy.

Since doctors rarely bring up the subject, it may be necessary for you to broach the topic with your doctor. Lets discuss how to make this conversation as pleasant and efficient as possible.

Don’t Miss: Urinary Tract Infection Treatment At Home

What Kind Of Doctor Do I Need

Some health insurance plans allow you to refer yourself to a doctorthat is, if you know what is wrong, you can go see a medical specialist without having to be referred by your regular doctor. In other plans, you have to be referred to a specialist by your primary care physician . If you are trying to figure out what kind of doctor you need for your health problem or symptoms youre having, then this list will help you out. It tells you what kind of doctor treats what. Then you can find the name of a specialist by calling your local hospital, asking friends or family if they know a good doctor, or asking your primary care doctor to recommend someone.

Should Women See A Urologist

What are the most common bladder problems?

Its a common misconception that urologists are just for men. While one of their specialities is the male reproductive system, they also treat all sorts of urinary tract problems in both men and women.

We see women for any and all symptoms in the pelvis or urinary tract, says Michael Lasser, M.D., urologist and medical director of robotic surgery at JFK Medical Center. Most of the things that urologists treat, such as kidney stones or cancer, can occur in both men and women. And then there are conditions like pelvic organ prolapse that we only see in women.

Here are five of the most common reasons a woman might go to a urologist:

Kidney Stones – Kidney stones are small, hard deposits of mineral and salts that can form inside your kidneys. They can cause severe pain in your side and lower back, blood in your urine and nausea or vomiting. Other symptoms include pain or burning during urination and fever.

Urinary Tract Infections – UTIs occur when bacteria enters the urinary tract and are more common in women than in men. Symptoms include pain or burning when urinating, frequent urination, urine that looks cloudy, red or bright pink and a fever.

Urinary Incontinence – Urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control and is more common in women than men. Pregnancy, childbirth and menopause can all affect the urinary tract and surrounding muscles, causing anything from small leakages when you sneeze to sudden, strong urges that can result in accidents.

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What Causes Sexual Dysfunction

There are many causes of sexual dysfunction, both physical and psychological causes. Physical causes are much more common than psychological ones, although they both play a part in sexual health. Physical causes include:

  • Urological infections or cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Chronic diseases, such as kidney failure
  • Nerve damage
  • Feelings of guilt about sexual desire/activity
  • Relationship problems
  • Low self-esteem or body image issues
  • Effects of past sexual trauma
  • A negative sexual experience

At American Male Medical, we care about your sexual health. Our kind and compassionate professionals are true specialists when it comes to ED, PE and Low T, and treat thousands of these cases every year. This incredible amount of experience makes us uniquely qualified to treat these problems, and we have a huge success and satisfaction rate with our patients, simply because we know what we are doing, and we have a passion for helping others. We have four locations to better serve you: in Lewisville-Dallas, TX Irvine, CA Nashville, TN and Sherman Oaks, CA. We look forward to serving you!

Change Your Lifestyle To Decrease Strain On Your Bowels

When you feel the urge to defecate, dont hesitate! The longer stool remains within the body, the more your body draws water from it. However, when youre defecating, dont bear down or strain to push the stool out of your body. If youre straining to move your bowels, its time to get more fluids and fiber in your diet.d

You can also help move your bowels by getting regular exercise. A twenty-minute daily constitutional can provide all kinds of health benefits, including helping your bowels move.

If you can avoid sitting for prolonged periods, it will help keep weight and strain off your bottom!

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When Should I See The Urologist

Your doctor may advise you to visit a urologist if youre exhibiting symptoms of a Urinary Tract Infection , difficulty in passing urine, blood in urine, Incontinence , or Erectile Dysfunction. As these illnesses lie in the scope of a urologist, a general doctor will recommend that you visit one. The urologist also looks after male infertility and sexual problem.

Causes Of Urinary Retention

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There are many different causes.

Blockage In men, the urethra may be constricted by an enlarged prostate a common condition for men over 50. In women, blockage can be caused by certain types of pelvic prolapse, including Cystocele and Rectocele .

Other blockage reasons for both men and women include urethral stricture and urinary stones.

Infection / Swelling In men, prostatitis , can cause swelling that blocks the free flow of urine. Urinary Tract Infections and Sexually Transmitted Diseases can also cause swelling that leads to urinary retention.

Nerve Problems Urinary retention could be caused by a problem with the nerves that control the bladder. If the nerves are damaged, it can cause a breakdown in the signals between the brain and bladder. Some causes of nerve damage include:

  • Stroke

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