Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Why Do Men Get Urinary Tract Infections

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Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Symptoms, Causes & Risk Factors

The short answer: shrug. Recurrent UTIs arent due to poor hygiene or something else that women have brought on themselves. Some women are just prone to UTIs, says infectious diseases specialist Dr. Kalpana Gupta, a lecturer in medicine at Harvard Medical School, in the article published by Harvard Health Publishing.

Do I Need To See A Doctor

Yes. Painful urination can be a symptom of a more serious problem. You should tell your doctor about your symptoms and how long youve had them. Tell your doctor about any medical conditions you have, such as diabetes mellitus or AIDS, because these could affect your bodys response to infection. Tell your doctor about any known abnormality in your urinary tract, and if you are or might be pregnant. Tell your doctor if youve had any procedures or surgeries on your urinary tract. He or she also need to know if you were recently hospitalized or stayed in a nursing home.

If your doctor thinks your pain may be from vaginal inflammation, he or she may wipe the lining of your vagina with a swab to collect mucus. The mucus will be looked at under a microscope to see if it has yeast or other organisms. If your pain is from an infection in your urethra , your doctor may swab it to test for bacteria. If an infection cant be found, your doctor may suggest other tests.

What Causes A Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infections are caused by microorganisms usually bacteria that enter the urethra and bladder, causing inflammation and infection. Though a UTI most commonly happens in the urethra and bladder, bacteria can also travel up the ureters and infect your kidneys.

More than 90% of bladder infection cases are caused by E. coli, a bacterium normally found in the intestines.

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Preventing Male Urinary Tract Infections

As rare as urinary tract infections are in men, make sure you take the right steps to ensure you never have to worry about one:

  • Pee when you need to. Dont hold your pee, and always try to empty your bladder fully.
  • Wear cotton underwear and loose fitting clothing. Tight pants and non-cotton underwear tend to trap moisture, making for a great environment where bacteria can grow.
  • Wash your genital area after sex.
  • If youre uncircumcised, wash your foreskin regularly.
  • Urinate soon after sex to flush out any bacteria that may have entered your urethra.
  • Practice safe sex in general.
  • Take showers instead of baths.

Most importantly, make sure you go to your doctor regularly, especially if you suspect something is wrong. Urinary tract infections may point to more serious underlying issues. The best thing you can do is act early. Remember to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases if you are sexually active. And if kidney stones become a common issue, consult your doctor for help with changes in your lifestyle or diet.

If you experience any symptoms of UTI or STD, to set up a phone appointment with a top U.S. doctor today.

What Is The Treatment Of A Urine Infection

  • A course of an antibiotic medicine will usually clear the infection quickly. This is usually for seven days. You should see a doctor if your symptoms are not gone, or nearly gone, after a few days.
  • Paracetamol or ibuprofen will usually ease any pain, discomfort, or high temperature .
  • Have plenty to drink to help prevent a lack of fluid in the body if you have a fever and feel unwell.

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Seeing A Doctor For Dysuria

After a history and physical exam, your doctor may request lab tests to help diagnose the cause of your dysuria symptoms. Then you can begin targeted treatment.

To help determine the cause, the doctor may ask whether your painful urination:

  • Started suddenly or gradually
  • Occurred once or many times
  • Is felt at the onset of urination

The doctor may also ask if your painful urination is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • Fever
  • Abnormal discharge
  • Flank pain

The doctor may also want to know if the painful urination is accompanied by changes in urine flow, such as:

  • Dribbling
  • Difficulty initiating flow
  • Increased frequency or need to urinate

And you may also be asked by your doctor if there are changes in urine character along with painful urination. These include changes in urine such as:

  • Color

Myth: Utis Are Nothing To Worry About

Fact: Though painful and uncomfortable, you may think of UTIs as a minor, temporary condition. UTIs can go away on their own or be treated with a course of antibiotics, and though you should never ignore them, most are not cause for alarm. However, UTIs can cause serious complications, including for men.

Men are likelier than women to get UTIs from bacteria that is already present in their body, which poses a risk of the infection spreading. Some complicated UTIs can even cause kidney damage. If you have chronic UTIs, men risk the narrowing of their urethra which can create problems with urinating, in turn increasing your risk of further UTIs.

If you have symptoms of a UTI, including painful urination and cloudy urine, it is important to get checked as soon as possible. So make an appointment with Drs. Herman, Kester, and the Urology Center of Florida today for treatment and relief.

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Diagnosing And Treating Utis

UTIs can be diagnosed by your primary care doctoryou dont have to see a specialist initially. To diagnose a UTI, your doctor will send a sample of your urine to a lab for a urine culture where the urine is processed and evaluated for bacteria. The culture also can tell us what bug you have and what antibiotics can be used to help treat the infection. A urine analysis, which can be done quickly in our office, can suggest an infection, however, the best test is an actual culture.

Most UTIs are treated with oral antibiotics. However, there are superbugs that may be resistant to what we can give you by mouth, and those would require using stronger antibiotics through an IV. Most treatments last 5 to 7 days, but can be longer.

A quick internet search will give you home remedies for treating a UTI, but I dont recommend this. Untreated infections can spread to the rest of your body and put your life at risk.

Youve Got A Cold The Flu Or Allergies

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): Facts You Need to Know – Urology Care Podcast

You may be tempted to curse your seasonal sneezes, a cold, or the dreaded flu for making your life even more miserable with a UTI, but these ailments arent the cause. The meds you take to manage symptoms could be.

Though theyre the bomb at keeping your runny or stuffy nose in check, antihistamines and decongestants might make you go less by causing urinary retention. And see No. 6 that may lead to a UTI.

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Why Do Women Get Urinary Tract Infections More Often Than Men

Women tend to get urinary tract infections more often than men because bacteria can reach the bladder more easily in women. The urethra is shorter in women than in men, so bacteria have a shorter distance to travel.

The urethra is located near the rectum in women. Bacteria from the rectum can easily travel up the urethra and cause infections. Bacteria from the rectum are more likely to get into the urethra if you wipe from back to front after a bowel movement. Be sure to teach children how to wipe correctly.

Having sex may also cause urinary tract infections in women because bacteria can be pushed into the urethra. Using a diaphragm can lead to infections because diaphragms push against the urethra and make it harder to completely empty the bladder. The urine that stays in the bladder is more likely to grow bacteria and cause infections.

Frequent urinary tract infections may be caused by changes in the bacteria in the vagina. Antibacterial vaginal douches, spermicides and certain oral antibiotics may cause changes in vaginal bacteria. Avoid using these items, if possible.

Menopause can also cause changes in vaginal bacteria that increase your risk for urinary tract infection. Taking estrogen usually corrects this problem, but may not be for everyone.

Check If It’s A Urinary Tract Infection

Symptoms of a UTI may include:

  • pain or a burning sensation when peeing
  • needing to pee more often than usual during the night
  • pee that looks cloudy
  • needing to pee suddenly or more urgently than usual
  • needing to pee more often than usual
  • lower tummy pain or pain in your back, just under the ribs
  • a high temperature, or feeling hot and shivery
  • a very low temperature below 36C

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How Does It Occur

Normally the urinary tract does not have any bacteria or other organisms in it. Bacteria that cause UTI often spread from the rectum to the urethra and then to the bladder or kidneys. Sometimes bacteria spread from another part of the body through the bloodstream to the urinary tract. Urinary tract infection is less common in men than in women because the male urethra is long, making it difficult for bacteria to spread to the bladder.

Urinary tract infection may be caused by a sexually transmitted disease. Sometimes a stone in the urinary tract blocks the flow of urine and causes an infection. In older men, an enlarged prostate can cause a urinary tract infection by keeping urine from draining out of the bladder completely. Infection might also be caused by the use of a catheter used to drain the bladder or by urethral stricture, which is a narrowing of the urethra by scar tissue from previous infections or surgical procedures.

You may be more likely to have a UTI if you have diabetes or another medical problem that affects the immune system.

Recurrent Utis: Why Do I Get Urinary Tract Infections So Often

How To Know If Urinary Tract Infection

The struggle and pain are real. Any woman or man who has suffered from a urinary tract infection knows its true. UTIs are annoying, painful, and they disrupt the flow of an individuals everyday activities. In their worst stages, having reached the kidneys, they may even become debilitating. Having experienced one is enough. No one wants to go through that condition again. However, many will, especially women.

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Can You Get A Uti Through Sex

UTIs are not considered to be sexually transmitted infections , because you can get them in other ways. That said, UTIs can be shared between partners. People who have insertive anal intercourse are at higher risk for UTI. Insertive vaginal intercourse is less likely to cause a UTI, though. Research suggests some sexual partners might UTI-causing bacteria.

Good hygiene is important for all people before and after sex. This is especially true if you have an uncircumcised penis, as the extra skin can trap bacteria and allow it to grow.

  • Vomiting

What Is A Urinary Tract Infection In Men

Urinary tract infections involve the parts of the body the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra that produce urine and carry it out of the body. Urinary tract infections often are classified into two types based on their location in the urinary tract:

  • Lower tract infections These include cystitis and urethritis . Lower urinary tract infections commonly are caused by intestinal bacteria, which enter and contaminate the urinary tract from below, usually by spreading from the skin to the urethra and then to the bladder. Urethritis also may be caused by microorganisms that are transmitted through sexual contact, including gonorrhea and Chlamydia. Another form of male urinary infection is prostatitis which is an inflammation of the prostate.
  • Upper tract infections These involve the ureters and kidneys and include pyelonephritis . Upper tract infections often occur because bacteria have traveled upward in the urinary tract from the bladder to the kidney or because bacteria carried in the bloodstream have collected in the kidney.

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Chronic Urinary Tract Infection

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What is a chronic urinary tract infection?

Chronic urinary tract infections are infections of the urinary tract that either dont respond to treatment or keep recurring. They may either continue to affect your urinary tract despite getting the right treatment, or they may recur after treatment.

Your urinary tract is the pathway that makes up your urinary system. It includes the following:

  • Your kidneys filter your blood and generate body waste in the form of urine.
  • Your ureters are tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.
  • Your bladder collects and stores urine.
  • Your urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of your body.

A UTI can affect any part of your urinary system. When an infection only affects your bladder, its usually a minor illness that can be easily treated. However, if it spreads to your kidneys, you may suffer from serious health consequences, and may even need to be hospitalized.

Although UTIs can happen to anyone at any age, theyre more prevalent in women. In fact, the

How Are Urinary Tract Infections Treated

Getting Real About Urinary Tract Infections – Urology Care Podcast

If you are a healthy adult man or a woman who is not pregnant, a few days of antibiotic pills will usually cure your urinary tract infection. If you are pregnant, your healthcare provider will prescribe a medicine that is safe for you and the baby. Usually, symptoms of the infection go away 1 to 2 days after you start taking the medicine. Its important that you follow your healthcare providers instructions for taking the medicine, even if you start to feel better. Skipping pills could make the treatment less effective.

Your healthcare provider may also suggest a medicine to numb your urinary tract and make you feel better while the antibiotic starts to work. The medicine makes your urine turn bright orange, so dont be alarmed by the color when you urinate.

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Recognizing Uti Symptoms In Men

Some people dont have any symptoms with a urinary tract infection, which usually entails an inflammation of the bladder and can also involve an infection of the lower or upper urinary tract, and in more serious cases the kidneys. In addition, not every man, woman, or child who gets a UTI has typical UTI symptoms, but most do exhibit at least one or more signs of infection. And when men do get UTIs, their symptoms are generally not too different from those that women experience. Common UTI symptoms include:

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Myth: Male Utis Are Caused By Poor Hygiene

Fact: Many of the differences between male and female UTIs are anatomical. Poor hygiene, namely wiping from back to front, is a common UTI risk factor for women, as this can easily spread bacteria into the urinary tract. Men are more likely to get a UTI from a medical issue that traps bacteria or interferes with fighting infections, such as a suppressed immune system or a urinary tract blockage.

Though rare, it is still possible for men to get a UTI when external bacteria enters the urinary tract. Men who use urinary catheters may be at increased risk. Hygiene, while important, is rarely the culprit.

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How Do I Know If The Treatment Isnt Working

If the treatment isnt working, your symptoms will stay the same, get worse, or you will develop new symptoms. Call your doctor if you have a fever , chills, lower stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting. You should also call your doctor if, after taking medicine for 3 days, you still have a burning feeling when you urinate. If you are pregnant, you should also call your doctor if you have any contractions.

Urinary Infections In Children

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A urinary infection in a child needs to be investigated as it may indicate a more serious condition.

The most common urinary system condition is urinary reflux. With this condition, the bladder valve isnt working properly and allows urine to flow back to the kidneys, increasing the risk of a kidney infection.

Urinary reflux and the associated infections can scar or permanently damage the kidney, and can also lead to:

  • high blood pressure
  • toxaemia in pregnancy
  • kidney failure.

Urinary reflux tends to run in families, so its important to screen children as early as possible if a close relative is known to have the problem.

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How To Prevent Urinary Tract Infections In Men

Younger men cant do too much in terms of preventing a UTI, according to Trost. But older men can take a few steps to lower their risk. One of the best defense mechanisms against UTIs is to completely empty the bladder every time you urinate, says urologist Howard B. Goldman MD, professor and institute vice chairman for quality at the Glickman Urologic and Kidney Institute at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.

Its also important to drink lots of fluids, especially water, every day. If you already have a UTI, drinking plenty of fluids can help push the bacteria out of the urinary tract and in some very mild UTI cases, that could be enough to treat it. But if you notice any of the signs of a UTI, it’s still very important to head to your doctor for a diagnosis and treatment recommendation.

Without proper UTI treatment, the infection can quickly spread and become a serious and sometimes even fatal threat. So don’t brush off symptoms like frequent urination or a burning sensation when you urinate, and don’t assume that you can’t get a UTI just because you’re a man. Its important that you get these symptoms checked out promptly, too.

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