Your Hot Tub May Make You More Susceptible To Urinary Tract Infections
A dip in your hot tub is the perfect way to escape the stress of our daily lives. It is one of the best ways to relax your mind and soothe your body. Unfortunately, if your thermal bath is not well maintained, you may be exposing yourself to unwanted bacteria and infection. Lets see.
Desiree Abecassis
Can Citrus Affect Your Bladder
Many individuals report that cranberry juice reduces urinary tract infection symptoms, however cranberries are acidic. Cranberries, like tomatoes and citrus fruits, have the potential to irritate your bladder and induce urge incontinence. The acids in these foods can cause irritation of the bladder wall, which can lead to painful urination and the need to go frequently. However, eating a balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables will provide you with sufficient acidity to avoid this issue.
If you are dealing with frequent urges to go number two, then you should investigate how changing your diet might help. Certain foods contain acids that can irritate your bladder, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, and grapes. Avoiding these foods could reduce the chance of developing pain when passing urine or experiencing involuntary urine leakage.
Cranberries are one of the most popular beverages containing antioxidants. Studies have shown that people who drink cranberry juice often experience relief from the symptoms of urinary tract infections . However, the juices only contain small amounts of the cranberry compound called proanthocyanidins, or PACs. Even though drinking cranberry juice may help prevent UTIs, it is not recommended for everyone. Those who suffer from allergies to cranberries or who cannot drink the juice due to some medical conditions should not do so.
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Caffeine And Alcohol Can Cause Urinary Tract Infections According To A Doctor
Some of the more well known ways to try to prevent UTIs is to stay hydrated, pee after sex and not hold urine in for too long. But what we eat and drink can also higher the risk, according to Dr Swati.
Caffeine is a well known bladder irritant and could be exacerbating UTIs, according to a doctor.
Dr Swati Jha, spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, told RSVP Live that what we consume has a big effect on our bladder health.
“Urinary tract infections are very common and can happen when bacteria enters the bladder through the urethra,” explained Dr Swati. “As women have shorter urethras than men, women are more susceptible to UTIs.
“This is because the bacteria that causes UTIs is more likely to reach the bladder or kidneys and cause the infection. It isnt anyones fault if they get a UTI but there are certain things women can do to reduce their risk.”
Some of the more well known ways to try to prevent UTIs is to stay hydrated, pee after sex and not hold urine in for too long. But what we eat and drink can also higher the risk, according to Dr Swati.
“We know that some well-known bladder irritants may also exacerbate the symptoms of an infection, including caffeine, certain alcohols, and artificial sweeteners such as aspartame,” said Dr Swati.
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The Best Essential Oil Blends To Prevent Utis
If youre wondering how to use essential oils for UTIs, the best approach is to apply them to the areas of your body most affected, Chesla says.
People prone to recurrent UTIs can try to stave them off by applying a blend of oils to the skin of their lower abdomen and lower back, she says. Youll want to mix the oils into a carrier oil before you do this.
The blend Chesla recommends are a few drops, in equal parts, of the essential oils cypress , juniper berry , and cedarwood . The cypress and juniper berry help to move fluid through your system, while the cedarwood helps kill germs. Rub a small amount of the blend onto your lower abdomen and lower back twice each day, in the morning when you wake up and two hours before bed.
Is Decaf Coffee Better For The Urinary Tract
Although reducing the amount of caffeine you have may help to alleviate bladder troubles, consuming decaffeinated coffee may still stimulate the urinary system. Looking at findings from research on persons who drink caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee, it is possible to conclude that:
- The frequency and urgency to urinate are high among both people who drink caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee.
- No changes in urinary symptoms were seen among people who drank decaffeinated coffee.
- Drinking coffee before test trials was a significant determinant in how caffeine intake altered urine symptoms during the investigation.
- People with a history of low coffee consumption saw a more severe rise in urinary symptoms when they had more caffeine.
- Those who had a history of frequent coffee drinking were less influenced by drinking coffee during the trial.
- Frequent coffee drinkers had a considerable reduction in urinary symptoms after drinking decaffeinated coffee.
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Things You Need To Know About Urinary Tract Infections
Most people experience common medical issues, such as Urinary Tract Infections , that can be easily treated but may require formal treatments to fully resolve the problem at hand. Either in place of or in combination with formal treatments, there are often other recommendations that may claim to cure ailments sooner or even prevent them from happening. More often than not, these quick fix recommendations end up having no medical validity to them and in turn, end up living as medical myths.
Below, you can read some of the most common myths associated with UTIs and how to treat them.
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Things To Avoid: Sugar & Utis
Adjusting your diet for a UTI involves more than introducing certain foods and drinks it also means abstaining from things. Not sure where to start? Heres a simple rule of thumb to follow: Avoid sugar for a UTI. Sugar is laced in an overwhelming amount of commercial foods and drinks these days. Unfortunately, it can also aggravate an infection. To cut back on these sugary delights and boost your care plan for a UTI, avoid:
- Artificial sweeteners
Although theres no evidence that artificial sweeteners can worsen a UTI, they have been shown to exacerbate bladder symptoms for individuals with chronic interstitial cystitis, so you may want to avoid them. Other foods and beverages to avoid with a UTI include:
- Spicy foods. Certain spicy foods can irritate the bladder. Instead, try sticking to a bland dietlike the BRAT dietwhen you have a UTI.
- Citrus. Although theyre high in immunity-boosting vitamin C, highly acidic fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits can irritate your bladder and aggravate UTI symptoms.
- Caffeinated drinks. Its important to stay hydrated when you have a UTI, but stay away from coffee and other caffeinated beverages. When in doubt, choose water!
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Keeping A Bladder Diary
If you suspect you may have a problem, keeping a bladder diary can help.
âThe majority of patients coming in with urgency issues are massive coffee drinkers,â Bri tells me. âCoffee and soda. Most of them didnât make the connection between their habits and their problem until we told them to keep bladder diaries.â
âWe ask them to log what theyâre drinking and when,â Meagan explains. âAnd how often and how much theyâre voiding. When they wrote it down, they could see the cause and effect. If you have four sodas before lunchtime, itâs no wonder you go so often!â
A diary will help you keep track of how often you actually go to the bathroom, a number most of us donât keep a running tally of. If youâre exceeding that 6-8 a day, it might be time to make an appointment with your doc for a referral to a physical therapist who specializes in this area.
So Can Coffee Cause Uti
Great news to coffee-lovers coffee does NOT cause UTI.
But if you happen to contract UTI, you might as well avoid it until you treat it completely.
According to, the caffeine in coffee can make your UTI worse as it causes the bacteria to stick more to your bladder and irritate it at the same time. Plus, because caffeine has a mild diuretic effect , it can just make you go to the toilet more. With UTI, this means more burning sensation while peeing.
And taking in too many diuretics may worsen UTI because it could result in dehydration. In this context, if youre dehydrated, your pee gets a higher concentration of salts which may irritate your bladder more.
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Check If It’s Cystitis
- pain, burning or stinging when you pee
- needing to pee more often and urgently than usual
- pee that’s dark, cloudy or strong smelling
- pain low down in your tummy
Symptoms in young children may also include:
- a high temperature they feel hotter than usual if you touch their neck, back or tummy
- wetting themselves
- reduced appetite and being sick
- weakness and irritability
In older, frail people with cognitive impairment and people with a urinary catheter, symptoms may also include:
- changes in behaviour, such as acting confused or agitated
- wetting themselves more than usual
- shivering or shaking
Coffee And Candida : Do It Right
Drinking coffee when you have candida or yeast infections however, may be different from drinking coffee at Starbucks. Here are a few important guidelines you should consider:
- Coffee doesnt agree with all people. If you notice that drinking coffee makes you jittery or cause other discomforts, reduce the amount, replace the coffee type or stop drinking coffee. According to research, some people may have a negative reaction to coffee and do not feel or get the benefits from it.
- The quality of the coffee matters. Prefer organic low-acid coffee. These are always mentioned on the label. Drinking high acidic or low quality coffee can actually damage your gut!
- Mold & Mycotoxins Free. Specifically tested and guaranteed by the manufacturer. We are still researching and testing for ideal sources.
- Drink Black Coffee. Do not add milk, cream or other dairy derived ingredients to your coffee. Is is best not add anything but water to your coffee.
- Use coffee strategically. Drink the minimum amount of coffee you need. Drinking large amount of coffee or several times a day may cause your body to get used to the coffee. This is where you get less benefits, become dependent on coffee, and may also experience side effects.
- Avoid dehydration. Increase your water consumption throughout the day to prevent dehydration.
Tip: If you like to add cream or sugar with your coffee, here are a few healthy alternatives:
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It Acidifies Your Body
The high acid in coffee will contribute to heart burn and reflux and have a negative cascading effect on metabolism, hormone balance, mineral absorption, bladder health, blood pressure and inflammation.
So if coffee is out, what should you drink instead? Replace it with something that comforts or energizes you, so you dont miss it as much.
Tea is hot, comforting and caffeinated. The caffeine in tea can help move bowels. It also has many healing properties to speed your healing process and address pathogens. It has more antioxidants than coffee.
You can lower your coffee consumption slowly. Reduce by half and replace it with tea. Keep reducing and replacing slowly until you are drinking only tea.
Choose Foods That Reduce Constipation
Constipation can often put extra pressure on the bladder and therefore increase the urge to urinate . If it is incontinence you are experiencing, you can eat foods high in fiber such as whole wheat bread, vegetables and fruits. It can be helpful to incorporate these into your daily life to prevent constipation from occurring. Many people find a small glass of prune juice and a tablespoon of flaxoil. Remember however that eating too much fiber without any water can sometimes worsen constipation. Ensure you drink a lot of water if you are also increasing fiber intake.
If eating foods to help constipation is unsuccessful for you can talk to your Doctor about prescribing laxatives.
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Foods To Avoid When Treating A Uti
If youâre suffering from a Urinary Tract Infection , you need to make sure youâre following the proper procedures to alleviate as much pain as possible. This means that you need to watch what you put in your body, because certain elements can cause problems for you. From drinks to actual foods, weâre going to tell you about what you should avoid.
Caffeine. Itâs a single word, but it is everywhere in most diets. Coffee and soda are leading culprits when it comes to making life miserable with UTI. The reason being is that caffeine can increase the rate at which you urinate, which has two problems associated with it. If you proceed to urinate frequently, youâre bound to experience slight dehydration in your body, resulting in salts in your urine. These salts can irritate the bladder, and worsen the symptoms of UTI. On the other hand, you may find yourself holding back the desire to urinate. If you are in this category, you run the risk of increased bacteria in the bladder. Water and cranberry juice are the two most beneficial things you can drink, as they flush bacteria from your system with little to no irritation.
Sugar is a great food source for bacteria, but not good to eat when you have a UTI! You should avoid sugary foods such as cookies, soda, chips, candy, cake and foods with starch.
For more information on how your diet effects cancer, click here.
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The Best And Worst Drinks If You Suffer From Utis
Fizzy drinks full of sugars and sweeteners can often aggravate UTI symptoms, but some other more unassuming options like citrus fruit juices may also prove problematic in some instances. However, including more of helpful options such as water or good quality cranberry juice could help to alleviate the symptoms instead.
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Carbonation And Bladder Irritation
If youre prone to bladder infections, avoid soda during flare-ups. The carbonation in soda can irritate your bladder, causing discomfort or increased urinary urgency. The Cleveland Clinic recommends avoiding soda and other carbonated beverages until your symptoms improve. At that time, slowly reintroduce soda or other carbonated beverages, based on your tolerance. You can also replace soda with nonirritating beverages such as cranberry juice, which happens to be beneficial for the urinary tract.
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Can Overactive Bladder Be Controlled
Overactive bladder therapy can be challenging to manage. However, many people are very satisfied with the treatment they receive and they often see a dramatic improvement in their quality of life. Your doctor will guide you to the best steps to begin with and give you options for any additional treatments you may need over time.
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Does A Uti Get Worse Before It Gets Better
Sometimes, it will feel like it is getting worse. It can take several days for the antibiotics to take effect and help relieve symptoms.
While you shouldnt treat a UTI yourself, you can help prevent it or reduce the symptoms. As you take the medications your doctor recommends, drink a lot of water and use the bathroom frequently. Connect with your doctor with worsening symptoms and any questions.
What Makes A Uti Worse An Ultimate Uti Faq
Many of us have experienced it: a burning sensation while peeing along with pelvic pain. You may have a urinary tract infection, commonly referred to as a UTI. A Brief Intro to UTIs A UTI is an infection in the Read More
Many of us have experienced it: a burning sensation while peeing along with pelvic pain. You may have a urinary tract infection, commonly referred to as a UTI.
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You Dont Pee After Sex
The threat of getting a UTI shouldnt stop you from getting it on. But that doesnt mean resigning yourself to the afterburn.
One simple way to cut your risk: Head to the potty after youve finished your romp. Youll possibly flush out the bacteria that may have made their way into your urinary tract. Urinary Tract Infection. .
Will Coffee Cause An Inflamed Bladder
Coffee causes inflamed bladder by irritating the bladder lining and producing muscle spasms.
Yes, coffee causes an inflamed bladder. The lining of the bladder is responsible for acclimating large amounts of fluids by stretching. It prevents the feeling of urgency. But when a person consumes too much sweet food or highly acidic substances the bladder lining gets irritated leading to muscle spasms. These muscle spasms arise from the feeling of frequent urination along with urgency.
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Can Coffee Irritate Your Bladder
Coffee can irritate your bladder due to its acidic and diuretic effects. The main symptoms of bladder irritation are frequent urination, abdominal distress, and pelvic pain. Pain in the bladder is more common in women.
Pain in the bladder can be really disturbing. It can affect everything from your social life to your working life. You cannot bear it for a long time. Coffee is one of those beverages that can irritate your bladder. In medical terms, we call this condition Cystitis.
The major signs of cystitis are frequent urination and discomfort in the bladder. Other symptoms can be:
- low-grade fever
- often passing a small fraction of urine
- the feeling of burning while urinating
- passing smelly urine
- the feeling of coercion in the lower part of the belly
Coffee can ignite bladder irritation because of two reasons. First of all, it is a diuretic. It causes intensified passing of urine by restricting the production of antidiuretic hormonal that absorbs water from kidneys maintaining the hydration in the body.
Secondly, it is acidic in composition. Drinking coffee during urinary tract infections worsens the symptoms. The bladder pain is increased accompanied by severe irritation and a feeling of urgency.