Saturday, July 27, 2024

Urinary Problems After Prostate Removal

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After Prostate Cancer Surgery

Fixing Urinary Leakage After Prostate Cancer Surgery | Ask A Prostate Expert, Mark Scholz, MD

After your operation, you will wake up in the recovery room. Once its safe to do so, you usually go back to the ward. Recovery rooms and wards are busy and often noisy places that some people find strange and disorienting. Youll feel drowsy because of the anaesthetic and painkillers.

It takes a few weeks for you to recover after your operation. You will need to spend a few days in the hospital and then give yourself time to recover once you are home. Most people can go back to normal activities between 6 to 8 weeks after surgery.

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What Can Help With Leaking Urine

There are treatments and products available that can help, and there are things you can do to help yourself. Your treatment options will depend on how much urine youre leaking, and how recently you had your prostate cancer treatment.

Treatments and products available that can help include:

  • absorbent pads and pants
  • bed protectors and handheld urinals

If you have sudden urges to urinate and sometimes leak urine before you get to the toilet , you may be offered bladder retraining.

If you still leak urine six to twelve months after surgery and pelvic floor muscle exercises havent helped, there are treatments available that might help. These may include:

  • an internal male sling
  • adjustable balloons

Talk to your doctor or nurse about treatments and products that may be suitable for you.

Absorbent pads and pants

These can be worn inside your underwear or instead of underwear to soak up any leaks. Some people find it helpful to wear close fitting underwear with pads. You may want to try female pads as your leaking improves, as these tend to be smaller and lighter and may fit better. Pads are usually very discreet, so people wont know youre wearing them. But you may feel more confident wearing dark trousers so it wont show as much if your pad does leak.

Pelvic floor muscle exercises

Read about pelvic floor muscle exercises.

Urinary sheaths

Bed protectors and handheld urinals

Penile clamps

Internal male sling

Like all treatments, there can be side effects.

Adjustable balloons

Side Effect #: Inability To Urinate

One reason a urinary catheter may have been placed is an inability to urinate. After some bladder rest and a new medication, it may be time for a voiding trial . Now the question remains, can you urinate on your own?

Urinary retention typically presents with inability to urinate at all. This is accompanied by pain, pressure and no urine passage for 4-6 hours. But sometimes you can urinate, just not to completion. Lastly, urinating every 10-15 minutes because youre full and overflowing can be a sign of a full bladder.

The best way to tell if the voiding trial was a success is to have an ultrasound performed after catheter removal.

The management of urinary retention is beyond the scope of this current article, but if this sounds like you, and you need a 2nd opinion, a VirtuCare expert is only a few clicks away.

Now what if you didnt have a urinary catheter for this reason? Can you still develop urinary retention? The answer is yes. Usually this is seen in men with an enlarged prostate. The catheter can cause prostate swelling making urine passage a challenge.

Depending on the specifics, you may need a one time in-and-out catheter or another internal urinary catheter placed . For more mild cases of incomplete bladder emptying, a medication alone may be enough.

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Urinary Problems Caused By Treatment For Prostate Cancer

Because the prostate surrounds the urethra and is right next to the bladder, surgery to remove the prostate and its cancer may damage nerves or the bladder outlet muscle . This weakens support for the lower bladder, and stress incontinence may develop. Radiation therapy can cause increased urinary frequency and urgency. It may also cause narrowing of the urethra, which makes urination difficult.

Some men will have incontinence following surgery for prostate cancer. This usually improves and in some cases resolves completely in 6 to 12 months. If you do not recover your control over urination in the first few months or year after treatment, additional treatment for incontinence may help.

Chronic incontinence is long-term difficulty controlling urine. Treatment is based on the type of incontinence and how much it affects your life. For more information, see the topic Urinary Incontinence in Men.

Home treatment for urinary incontinence includes the following:

  • Avoid drinking more than 2 qt daily
  • Avoid drinking alcohol drinks, coffee, tea, or soda pop
  • Avoid drinking a lot of liquids in the evening
  • Have a schedule of urinating every 3 to 4 hours while you are awake, regardless of whether you feel the need.
  • If you are not able to empty your bladder all the way, practice “double voiding” by urinating as much as possible, relaxing for a few moments, and then urinating again.
  • Urinary Incontinence After Prostate Surgery: Everything You Need To Know

    Bladder Cancer

    Undergoing a prostatectomy can be difficult. And for many men, finding that they are incontinent post surgery may come as a shock.

    But rest assured that there are many treatments available to manage incontinence treatment after surgery. Read below for some of the most common questions we receive about incontinence after prostate surgery.

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    What Urinary Problems Might I Have

    • Passing urine frequently
    • A sudden urge to go to the toilet quickly
    • Getting up more than twice at night to pass urine

    A slow flow of urine / difficulty emptying your bladder fully

    A slow flow of urine may be caused by a narrowing of your urethra after surgery or radiotherapy. If you have a slow flow of urine or youre getting a lot of urinary infections let your urologist know, so they can find the cause and see if you need treatment.

    Leaking urine

    Leaking urine is a common side-effect of prostate cancer surgery. It can also happen if cancer is growing near the muscles which control the opening and closing of the bladder, causing them to weaken.

    You may leak just a few drops of urine when you cough, laugh or exercise or it can be a constant drip or trickle throughout the day. Or you may leak some urine before you get to the toilet or after you have been. This usually gets better after a few weeks.

    Your doctor, nurse or physiotherapist will tell you about pelvic floor exercises you can do, which may help to speed up the return of your urine control.

    Acute urinary retention

    Some men have problems passing urine. Occasionally, people find they cannot pass urine at all and cannot empty their bladder. This is called acute urinary retention. It is due to the narrowing of the tube carrying urine from the bladder. It can happen after radiotherapy or if the cancer is pressing on the tube.

    Leaking Urine After Radiotherapy

    Almost 40 out of 100 men have problems controlling their bladder 6 months after radiotherapy.

    Some men find they cant control their urine at all. This is very uncommon. If it happens, you can use a urinary sheath or pad. Or you may have a urine catheter to drain the urine into a bag.

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    Why Does Incontinence Happen After Prostate Cancer Surgery

    There are two sphincter muscles that help men control their urine, also called being continent. These sphincters are:

    • The internal urethral sphincter: You do not control your internal sphincter. It is found at the bottom of the bladder, called the “bladder neck. This is removed during a radical prostatectomy . The prostate cannot be taken out without also taking out the sphincter.
    • The external urethral sphincter: The external sphincter is found below your prostate. You can control your external sphincter and use it to stop your urine stream. You can strengthen this sphincter with pelvic floor muscle exercises .

    Normally, an intact, healthy external sphincter is enough to help you remain continent after surgery. However, RP can damage nerves, blood supply, supporting structures, or the muscle which can affect the external sphincter. This damage can lead to incontinence.

    Common Urinary Catheter Side Effects After Removal

    Urinary Incontinence after Radical Prostatectomy | Prostate Cancer Staging Guide

    Urologists are the plumbers of the human body. And just like the pipes in your home, your urinary tract can develop leaks and back-ups. The treatment . . . urinary catheters . . . ugh.

    Saying the word catheter can make even the most stoic patient wince in anticipatory pain. No one likes a tube in their private area. Including the urologist who has to place or manage the catheter.

    Once these medieval torture devices are placed, a number of questions can arise:

    Why is a urinary catheter necessary?

    How far are you sticking that thing inside me?

    Can you knock me out for this?

    These are all fantastic questions. But youre here because you want to know what the urinary catheter side effects are after removal. Hopefully the physician who placed the catheter has already answered those other questions .

    Lets guide you through what to expect on that big day when your doctor asks would you like to have your urinary catheter removed? Were guessing your answer is heck yes! . Heres what to expect with some tips to minimize the side effects.

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    Read Real Stories Of Men Who Underwent Treatment Of Enlarged Prostate At New York Urology Specialists

    We offer treatment for prostate problems, including slow urine stream, frequent urination at night, difficulty emptying the bladder, and other problems to patients within driving distance to our offices as well as from other states and countries. Our patients come from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and over 70 countries worldwide.

    How Long Does Incontinence Last Timeline Diagnose Treatment And Recovery

    There is no data of knowing the exact time when your urinary problems will stop, yet studies showed that the urinary problems will disappear in about 1 year.

    There are several lifestyle factors that may influence recovery of incontinence after prostate surgery such as excessive alcohol, medicines, diet, and age. With age, mens bladders are not capable of holding as much urine and the sphincter muscles may weaken, reducing the bodys ability to stop the urination.

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    Leaking Urine After Surgery To Remove The Prostate Gland

    Surgery to remove the prostate gland is called radical prostatectomy. Around 70 out of 100 men have problems controlling their bladder 6 months after a radical prostatectomy.

    When you wake up from your operation you have a tube into your bladder to drain urine. This is a urinary catheter. You have this in place for a couple of weeks and then you go back to hospital to have the catheter removed.

    You’re likely to have some urine leakage when the catheter is taken out. Its a good idea to have a supply of incontinence pads at home and to take a couple with you to hospital. You can buy these at supermarkets and pharmacies.

    Its hard to say how long it will take for you to get back your bladder control. This varies between men and depends on:

    • the type of surgery you had
    • whether you had any problems before or during your operation

    Most people get better within 3 to 6 months of their operation. But for some, it takes 1 or 2 years. A small number of men might have permanent urinary problems.

    What Types Of Incontinence Can Happen After Rp

    Prostate Cancer Facts

    There are two main types of urinary incontinence after RP:

    • Urgency incontinence is when you feel the need or urge to urinate but cannot make it to the toilet in time. This is often due to bladder spasms and medication can help. This type of incontinence is caused by changes in the way the bladder behaves after surgery.
    • Stress urinary incontinence is leakage of urine with movement or effort and can happen when you cough, sneeze, lift something heavy, change position, or exercise. This type of incontinence may be caused by damage to your external sphincter muscle. Almost all men will have some degree of SUI right after their urinary catheter is taken out. A urinary catheter is placed short term to collect urine during and while recovering from surgery. You may be taught how to do pelvic floor exercises to help with urinary control.

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    What Are The Non

    Pelvic floor exercises have been shown to speed up how quickly the pelvic floor recovers after prostate cancer surgery.

    London Urology Specialists have dedicated physiotherapy support for you during this period of recovery, and the British Association of Urological Surgeons has some excellent advice for men on how to perform pelvic floor exercises correctly.

    You may also be offered bladder training that can be useful alongside pelvic floor exercises. This involves working with your doctor to learn how to gradually increase the time between needing to urinate and actually urinating. It can take up to six weeks to train your bladder in this way, but it can also be very effective.

    Medications may help with overactive bladder symptoms . Common medications include the antimuscarinics oxybutynin, tolterodine and solifenacin, and the beta-3 agonists mirabegron. These medications work by relaxing the bladder, allowing it to fill with urine and successfully store it without causing urine to leak.

    Your doctor will advise what drugs may work best for you and how to take them.

    What Are The Side Effects Of Prostate Cancer Surgery

    People often ask what happens if the prostate is removed? What to expect after prostate surgery? And can you have your prostate removed at all? The answer is yes it is possible to have the prostate removed.

    Life without a prostate can be close to normal for some, though not free from the after effects of prostate removal.

    There are few prostate surgery complications. Some are acute, and others chronic. Among acute side effects could be a reaction to anesthesia, bleeding issues, blood clots in legs, damage to nearby organs, and infection at the surgery site.

    However, in most cases, people are interested in life after prostate removal, the pain after prostate surgery, and the long-term after effects of a prostatectomy.

    There are two main side effects of prostate surgery. These are urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction.

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    How Will Prostate Surgery Affect My Sex Life

    Experienced robotic surgeons like Dr. David Samadi dont open the endopelvic fascia during surgery, which spares the rick of damage to nerve bundles that control sexual function. The recovery of the function, however, is not immediate and you should not feel discouraged if weeks or even a few months after surgery you experience erectile dysfunction. It is not an indication of long-term damage.

    Dealing With Prostate Cancer

    Living with incontinence: Paul’s story

    Being diagnosed and living with prostate cancer can change how you feel about life. If you or your loved one is dealing with prostate cancer you may feel scared, stressed or even angry. There is no right way to feel and everyone reacts differently.

    Visit our wellbeing hub for information to help support you in looking after your emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing. If you are close to someone with prostate cancer, find out more about how you can support someone with prostate cancer and where to get more information.

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    Why Does Prostatectomy Cause Incontinence

    Incontinence typically occurs after a prostatectomy because one of the valves that control urine flow is removed along with the prostate. Loss of this valve, along with possible nerve or muscle damage, may lead to incontinence. The different types of incontinence include:

    • Stress incontinence, or leaking of urine when stress is put on the bladder from coughing, sneezing or lifting
    • Urge incontinence, or the loss of urine due to a sudden and strong urge to urinate that cant be held
    • Mixed incontinence, both types together

    How Common Is Urinary Incontinence After Prostate Surgery

    If you have a radical prostatectomy, a tube called a catheter will be placed inside your bladder to allow urine to drain. When the catheter is removed, most men will have some difficulty controlling their urine flow.

    For most men, the urinary leakage will improve in the months following surgery. In an NHS trial, 46% of men needed to use absorbent pads six months after having a radical prostatectomy. But, one year on from having the procedure, this figure had improved to 17%.

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    Do All Men Have Incontinence After Rp Surgery

    Incontinence gets better quickly in most men during the first few months, once the urinary catheter is taken out. For some men, incontinence can be an issue up to 1 year after surgery. Most surgeons will consider a man continent if he does not regularly use incontinence pads and only has dribbling with lots of activity. They also take into account how your urinary incontinence is affecting you. The goal is to improve your quality of life as much as possible.

    What Is An Artificial Urinary Sphincter And How Does It Help With Urinary Incontinence

    Urethral Strictures

    An artificial urinary sphincter can help men who have moderate to severe urinary incontinence due to poorly functioning muscle or sphincter valve after prostate cancer surgery.

    The AUS has three parts:

    • An inflatable cuff that is placed around the upper urethra. The cuff closes off the urethra to prevent leakage of urine.
    • A pump that is inserted into the scrotum. It’s completely on the inside and not visible, and the pump controls the opening and closing of the cuff.
    • A small pressure-regulating balloon that is placed in the abdomen, under the muscles. The balloon maintains fluid under pressure within the urethral cuff to pressurize the system and hold urine back.

    If you have this surgery, youll press on the pump when you feel the need to pee. This opens the cuff to allow urine to pass. When youre done peeing, the cuff automatically closes again on its own.

    The AUS procedure provides a very good and satisfactory result in 90% of cases. Risks are uncommon and include:

    • Failure of the device .
    • Erosion of the cuff into the urethra.

    All of these would require additional surgery.

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