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D Mannose Sugar Urinary Tract Infections

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Expression Levels Of The Manx Permease

D-Mannose for UTI Prevention

Total RNA was extracted from strain CFT073 grown in M9 minimal medium supplemented with either d-glucose, d-mannose, d-fructose, or l-arabinose grown to an OD600 value of 1.0 using the RiboPure-Bacteria Kit . The quantity and quality of the purified RNA were assessed by measuring the absorbance at OD260 and using formaldehyde agarose gel electrophoresis, respectively. cDNA was generated using PrimeScript RT Reagent Kit with a random primer hexamer mix and 1 µg of total RNA, following the manufacturers instructions . Semi-quantitative real-time PCR was performed in the Bio-Rad iQ5 real-time PCR detection system with iQ SYBR Green Supermix , using the following conditions: 5 min at 95 °C, 40 cycles at 95 °C for 15 s and 60 °C for 30 s. The sequences of the primer pairs used for manX were manXF 5-GGGCCAAACGACTACATGGTTATT-3 and manXR5-ACCTGGGTGAGCAGTGTCTTACG-3, and for the 16S rRNA gene , used for data normalization, rrsGF 5-GGTGTAGCGGTGAAATGCGTAG-3 and rrsGR 5-TCAAGGGCACAACCTCCAAGTC-3. To determine the fold change expression of manX in different conditions the 2Ct method was used, as described previously , considering the bacteria grown in d-glucose as the reference condition.

Regulatory Aspects Relevant To Borderline Medical Devices And Medicinal Products

D-mannose is contained both in the EU and the United States in different types of healthcare products, such as food supplements , and class IIa medical devices. The rational of such healthcare products has its bases on several clinical studies demonstrating the efficacy of D-mannose for the prophylaxis of UTIs .

From both definitions, the medical application of medicinal products and medical devices is evident. Moreover, the EU jurisprudence clarified that, for having a therapeutic activity, a healthcare product should act not only on the human body, but also on microorganisms inducing a response that has a direct impact on functions of the human being. As an example, in the judgment on the case of chlorhexidine containing mouthwash, the EU Court states that such a product shall not be considered as a cosmetic one since the mechanism of action of chlorhexidine is pharmacological . Indeed, even if such substance has not a direct pharmacological interaction with a human cellular constituent , its interaction with the bacteria, viruses, or parasites influences positively on the physiological functions of the constituents of the buccal cavity.

Cranberry Extract Vs D

Now, you may be aware that it is believed by many that the primary reason cranberry extract works for a bladder infection is that it contains D-mannose. However, some research has demonstrated that cranberry contains a tannin that also prevents E. coli from adhering to the walls of the bladder. Additionally, another mechanism of action for cranberry is that it can decrease virulence. So theres more to cranberrys effectiveness, besides its D-mannose content. Furthermore, cranberry has demonstrated efficacy for inhibiting the adherence of other types of bacteria besides E.coli, including Proteus spp., P. aeruginosa, E. faecalis, S. aureus, S. typhimurium, and K. pneumoniae, as well as some multi-drug resistant E.coli strains.

My intention here is not to discourage you from using D-mannose. Some research, as well as anecdotal and clinical experience, suggest it is highly effective for many people. However, people who have SIBO are dealing with a different deck of cards, so I just want to make you aware that if you fall under this category of people, then you should exercise caution with this product. As mentioned previously, urinary tract infections are very common in people with Candida and SIBO and many people with Candida have SIBO unknowingly. If you get recurrent UTIs frequently, you should be looking into whether you have Candida and/or SIBO.

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Treatment From A Gp For Utis That Keep Coming Back

If your UTI comes back after treatment, you may have a urine test and be prescribed different antibiotics.

Your doctor or nurse will also offer advice on how to prevent UTIs.

If you keep getting UTIs and regularly need treatment, a GP may give you a repeat prescription for antibiotics.

If you have been through the menopause, you may be offered a vaginal cream containing oestrogen.

Treat And Prevent Utis Without Drugs


Urinary tract infections , which are infections anywhere along the urinary tract including the bladder and kidneys, are the second most common type of infection in the United States. These infections can be caused by poor hygiene, impaired immune function, the overuse of antibiotics, the use of spermicides, and sexual intercourse. The most common cause, accounting for about 90 percent of all cases, is the transfer of E. coli bacteria from the intestinal tract to the urinary tract.

For those of you who have experienced a UTI, there isnt much you wouldnt do to avoid another one. While I personally have never had a UTI, my patients have told me how the pain, burning, nausea, and even bloody urine can be debilitating, and for those who get chronic UTIs, the fear of infection can be enough to prevent engagement in any activities that could trigger one. And for those who get them frequently, sometimes a specific cause cannot even be pinpointed. This can be frustrating and scary.

Fortunately, there are a few methods of natural treatment and prevention that have worked extremely well for my patients, to the point where they no longer worry about getting a UTI. These treatments dont require a prescription, are inexpensive, and completely drug-free. While your doctor may not know about them, I hope this article will help you completely avoid UTIs or at least significantly reduce their frequency and severity.

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D Mannose In Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections

The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. Listing a study does not mean it has been evaluated by the U.S. Federal Government. Read our disclaimer for details.
First Posted : March 11, 2013Results First Posted : May 21, 2014Last Update Posted : May 21, 2014
  • Study Details

Background- In recurrent urinary tract infections usual prophylactic antibiotic regimes do not change the long term risk of recurrence.

Objective- D-Mannose is a sugar, it sticks to E. coli bacteria, the aim of the study was to evaluate its efficacy in the treatment and prophylaxis of recurrent UTIs.

Design, setting and participants- : In this crossover trial female patient were eligible for the study if they had recurrent UTIs, that is three ore more episodes during the preceding 12 months. Suitable patients were randomly assigned to antibiotic treatment with trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole or to a regimen of oral D Mannose for 24 weeks, and received the other intervention in the second phase of the study.

Condition or disease

Each participant entering the trial was assigned to one of the following treatments in a random sequence:

  • A regimen of five-day antibiotic therapy with trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole 160 mg/800 mg twice a day. Then 1 week of antibiotic every 4 weeks for the following 23 weeks
  • Measurements Of Adenosine Triphosphate Production

    Equal amounts of bacteria normalized by OD600 were aliquoted into black 96 multiwell . The ATP measurements were performed using the BacTiter-Glo Microbial Cell Viability Assay Kit, following the manufacturers instruction . The luminescence produced by the Ultra-Glo Recombinant Luciferase was recorded on a GloMax® 96 Microplate Luminometer .

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    How Soon Can I Expect Relief With D

    If you started taking D-Mannose at the first signs of a UTI, you typically would notice a drastic reduction in symptoms between 24 to 48 hours. However, if you dont notice an improvement, make sure to see your physician right away.

    An untreated UTI could turn into a dangerous kidney infection or a blood infection called sepsis. Every time you choose to self-treat, you run the risk of having an uncomplicated UTI turn into a more complex and serious one. However, a benefit of D-Mannose supplements for UTI is that it does not damage your natural digestive and vaginal flora, which cannot be said for antibiotics.

    FDA: Important disclaimer

    D-Mannose is a popular supplement for those looking for a natural solution to manage UTIs . Anecdotal evidence is growing and contributing to the popularity of D-Mannose products, as so many of us want to find a natural and effective way to manage UTIs.

    However, D-Mannose is a food supplement that is not regulated by the FDA. A dietary supplement product cannot claim that it is used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, because only a drug can legally make such a claim. There is not enough scientific evidence to state that D-Mannose can treat a UTI. Therefore, you use it at your own risk. Always remember to monitor your symptoms closely and contact your doctor if your symptoms do not improve.

    Agglutination Of Yeast Cells

    “Does Cranberry Juice Really Cause Urinary Tract Infections? with Dr. Melanie Crites-Bachert

    The binding activity of FimH was evaluated by yeast agglutination assay . Strain CFT073 was grown in the absence and presence of 1.5% d-mannose for 48 h in static conditions. An aliquot of the bacterial culture grown in the presence of d-mannose was withdrawn, washed twice with PBS, vortexed at maximum speed for 20 min at room temperature and sonicated using an ultrasonic water bath, applying 35 kHz per 5 min in cold water . The vitality of vortexed and sonicated bacteria was assessed by CFU/mL counting. Untreated, d-mannose-treated, and d-mannose-treated V-S bacteria were resuspended to an OD600 1 and incubated individually with S. cerevisiae cells suspended in PBS to an OD600 4 for 1 h at room temperature. Each suspension was spotted on a microscope slide and streaked for Gram-staining. Images were acquired both macroscopically and microscopically .

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    What Are The Risks Of Taking D

    D-mannose appears to be generally well tolerated in people.

    You should be cautious about using D-mannose if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, because there has not been enough study on its safety in these circumstances.

    Side effects of D-mannose may include:

    D-mannose supplements should be used with caution if you have diabetes. It may make it harder to control your blood sugar.

    High doses of D-mannose may cause kidney damage.

    Always tell your doctor about any supplements you are taking, including natural ones and those bought without a prescription. That way, your doctor can check on any potential side effects or interactions with any medications.

    Supplements are not regulated by the FDA the same way that medications are. They do not have to prove they are safe or effective.

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    Risk Factors And Treatment For Uti

    The urinary tract is typically a sterile environment, but infection develops when microbes end up in the region for one reason or another. Some common risk factors include the female anatomy itself, sexual intercourse, diaphragms, spermicidal agents, menopause , genetics, feminine hygiene products, and bacterial virulence.

    Other risk factors could be abnormalities in the urinary tract, blockages like kidney stones, weak immunity, catheter use, pregnancy, or a recent urinary medical procedure. Although you dont see this mentioned in the mainstream literature, urinary tract infections are very common in people who are dealing with candida overgrowth in the gut and/or SIBO. Since candida and SIBO are usually managed rather than eliminated, they can contribute to a cycle of recurrence.

    Traditional treatment for a UTI includes antibiotics, most commonly Cipro, sulfa drugs, Macrobid, Keflex, and amoxicillin. In the integrative/alternative health approach, natural antibacterials like cranberry extract, D-mannose, coconut oil, olive leaf extract, uva ursi, grapefruit seed extract, colloidal silver, and monolaurin are used. Prior to sulfa drugs, uva ursi was a common treatment for bladder infections. However, do be aware that uva ursi should not be taken longer than two weeks, as it can be toxic with long-term use.

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    Urinary Microbiota And Uti

    Advancements in molecular techniques have increased the understanding of the microbial community in the urinary tract, which has been previously regarded as sterile . Overall, in contrast to the gut, urine contains very few microbes and is dominated by one or two species . Research implies that the urinary microbiota is gender specific, likely due to anatomical and hormonal differences . As women are more at risk of UTI, we mainly focus on providing an overview of the urinary microbiota of women and association with UTI.

    The most common bacteria in the urinary microbiota of healthy women are the same species of Lactobacillus that exists in the vagina . Other predominating species are from the genera Gardnerella, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Corynebacterium, and Escherichia. Research suggests that urotype changes with age and for instance a Lactobacillus- or Gardnerella-dominated urotype is in some cases reported to be more common in pre-menopausal women, whereas the Escherichia-dominated urotype and more diverse microbiota seem to predominate in postmenopausal women .

    Symptoms Of Urinary Tract Infection


    If youve ever had the pleasure of this experience, then you know the pain in the bladder, pelvic region, lower abdomen or back, associated with a urinary tract infection can be quite intense. It is typically accompanied by an increase in frequency and urgency of urination, incomplete emptying of the bladder, and burning with urination. Urine may be cloudy, or in some cases, dark or bloody, and have a potent or offensive odor.

    Some other less reported symptoms may include fatigue, aching in the joints and muscles, pain in the inner thighs, anxiety, and shaking. If fever and chills appear, this is typically a sign that the infection is in the kidneys. In rare cases, a kidney infection can lead to damage to the kidneys or the infection can get into the bloodstream, which creates a more serious condition. Most practitioners consider the presence of back pain as a red flag that infection may be in the kidneys, particularly if the pain is higher up.

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    What Does The Research Tell Us

    Research into D-mannose for preventing and treating UTIs in people is still very new. A 2013 review article noted that there are virtually no clinical studies in which D-mannose has been evaluated for recurrent UTI prevention.1

    A 2014 randomised controlled trial found that D-mannose may be effective in preventing people from getting further UTIs. However the study was flawed, such as being unblinded , and having no placebo group, which may have affected the results. The researchers noted the need for further studies to validate their results.2

    Another 2016 pilot study had promising results to indicate that D-mannose may be effective for both treatment and prevention of UTIs. However, the study was very poor quality, having no comparison group and having a very small sample size. Therefore, no conclusions should be made from this study.3

    Why Is There A Link Between D

    While many bacteria can cause a UTI, the most common pathogen for both uncomplicated and complicated UTI is gram-negative uro-pathogenic Escherichia coli or UPEC. UPEC are responsible for 80%90% of all uncomplicated UTI and approximately 65% of complicated UTIs.1

    Most E-coli strains live harmlessly in the the gut of humans and animals such as cattle, pigs, sheep and poultry. Strains of E-coli, as part of the gut flora, play a part in the digestive process.

    UPEC can be shed in your stools, allowing them to live on the perineum or the urogenital area . This can lead to bacteria being introduced into the urinary tract.

    Upon entering the bladder, these infection causing bacteria must ensure they are able to bind to the bladder lining and/or a surface such as a catheter to establish and develop a bacterial colony. To do this, UPEC species change shape and develop adhesive pili on their surface. These are known as Type 1 FimH and it is these that allow these bacteria to stick and thus begin to establish colonies. Think of them as grappling hooks. During bacterial colonization, these grappling hooks bind to carbohydratecontaining protein receptors found in the cells of the bladder wall and effective bacterial colonies can develop as these receptors provide the right nutrients for growth.

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    This Supplement Has Been Used In Connection With The Following Health Conditions:

    Used for Urinary Tract InfectionRefer to label instructions D-Mannose may help treat UTIs by binding to bacteria that would otherwise attach to the urinary tract lining.

    Some bacteria that typically cause urinary tract infections can attach themselves to the lining of the urinary tract by binding to molecules of mannose that naturally occur there. Theoretically, if enough D-mannose is present in the urine, it would bind to the bacteria and prevent them from attaching to the urinary tract lining. One animal study has demonstrated this protective effect, but whether it would occur in humans is unknown, and no human research has investigated the effectiveness of oral D-mannose for the prevention or treatment of urinary tract infections.

    Strengths And Limitations Of This Study

    “Does Cranberry Juice Really Cause Urinary Tract Infections? with Dr. Melanie Crites-Bachert
    • Based on current literature, this will be the first large publicly funded randomised controlled trial of D-mannose for prophylaxis of recurrent urinary tract infections.

    • This study is the first to use a placebo control in evaluating the benefit of D-mannose.

    • Obtaining the primary outcome by medical notes review will ensure data completeness.

    • The trial may not be powered to detect a secondary outcome of symptom burden which is also of value to patient decision making.

    • Although participants report weekly on their study product usage there are no objective measures available to confirm accuracy of reporting.

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    Everything You Need To Know About The Endourology

    Urology is a surgical specialty which deals with diseases of the male and female urinary tract and the male reproductive organs. Urologist must have knowledge in other areas like paediatrics, gynecology and internal medicine because urologist deals with the wide number of clinical problems. In urology, Endourology is referred as a specific area, where surgeries are performed using a small internal endoscopes and instruments to see into the urinary tract.

    The American urological Association has identified seven subspecialty areas. They are:

  • Urologic oncology
  • Female urology
  • Neurourology
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