Friday, July 26, 2024

Urinary Tract Infection Or Yeast Infection

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Ways You Can Help Prevent A Uti

Yeast infection and Urinary Track Infection (UTI) || Carol Your Health Coach
  • Drink plenty of water : Drinking plenty of water ensures that your urine gets diluted, and that you urinate more frequently. This will help flush out the unwanted bacteria from the body. In addition to water, you can also drink cranberry juice, as it is considered to be effective in preventing UTIs.
  • Clean your genitals from front to back : Cleaning the genitals from front to back, especially after urination and bowel movements, ensures that the bacteria in the anal region does not spread to the vagina and urethra. This helps in preventing UTIs to a large extent.
  • Clean after intercourse: Make sure that you clean your genitals properly after intercourse, ideally as soon as possible. Also, drink a lot of water to flush out bacteria.
  • Avoid products that irritate the genitals : Female products like deodorant and powder can irritate the genital area. Similarly, try to avoid douching and bubble bath as much as possible to prevent the occurrence of a UTI.

Diagnosing A Yeast Infection

An experienced doctor can often diagnose a yeast infection based on the history and symptoms you discuss. If you are seeing a provider in person, your doctor will examine you to evaluate the discharge and take a sample of vaginal fluid with a cotton swab to send to the lab. These lab tests can also be used to identify other causes of discharge, such as STIs.

What Is A Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infections occur when bacteria invade the urinary tract, usually working their way from the outside in towards the bladder, or worse, into the kidneys. Often, the bacterium responsible for this type of infection is a common resident of the large intestines, such as E. coli. While typically harmless in the intestinal tract, these bacteria can cause significant trouble if theyre unintentionally introduced into the urinary tract. If you have a history of previous UTIs, you should know that you are more likely to experience a recurrence.

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Symptoms Of Yeast Infection Vs Uti

Only a doctor can tell you for sure whether you’ve got a yeast infection or UTI . But each condition has its own distinctive set of symptoms, which could give you clues about which type of infection you might have.

Karyn Eilber, MD, a urologist who teaches at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles and founder/CEO of lubricant-maker Glissant, explains that if your symptoms are primarily related to urination, you probably have a UTI. That includes UTI symptoms like:

  • feeling like you have to pee all the time
  • an urgent need to urinate
  • a burning sensation when you pee
  • pee that’s reddish, pinkish, or cloudy

When you’ve got a yeast infection, you generally experience vaginal irritation all the timenot just when you have to urinate, Dr. Eilber tells Health. The Mayo Clinic says symptoms of a yeast infection include things like:

  • vaginal discharge that’s thick and white, almost like cottage cheese
  • vulva and vagina feel itchy and irritated
  • vulva is swollen and red
  • burning sensation, especially when you pee or have sex
  • vagina is sore
  • vaginal rash
  • watery vaginal discharge

If your main symptom is burning sensation when you pee, it might be tricky for you to figure out if it’s a yeast infection versus a UTI.

“It’s possible that when a woman who has a yeast infection urinates, the outside skin will burn, and that’s where sometimes the confusion can come in with a UTI,” says Dr. Gersh.

But chances are good that you’ll also experience other symptoms that will help you narrow down the cause.

Treatment And Home Remedies

Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) &  Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

UTIs and yeast infections require different treatments.

UTI treatment usually involves antibiotics, which clear up bacterial infections. The class and dosage of antibiotic treatment depend on the type of infection and the persons medical history.

Although symptoms usually go away shortly after a person starts taking antibiotics, they should complete the entire course of medication that the doctor prescribed.

People can treat yeast infections in several different ways. Mild yeast infections may respond to over-the-counter antifungal medications, which are available in the following forms:

  • creams

OTC antifungal medications are available to purchase in stores or online.

Severe yeast infections might require a prescription-strength antifungal oral tablet called fluconazole.

Although OTC and prescription medications can successfully treat UTIs and yeast infections, some people may choose alternative or natural therapies instead.

Eating natural, unsweetened yogurt that contains Lactobacillus acidophilus may help prevent yeast infections.

Unsweetened cranberry juice is a common home remedy for UTIs. However, in a 2013 article, researchers reviewed 24 studies and concluded that cranberry juice is less effective than earlier research indicated and that it demonstrates a limited ability to prevent UTIs.

Currently, not enough scientific evidence exists to support the exclusive use of natural remedies for treating UTIs or yeast infections.

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What Does A Uti Look Like

UTIs happen when bacteria enter the urethra, travel up the urinary tract, and multiply. As the bacteria spread, your urinary tract becomes inflamed and infected. 90% of the time, this bacteria is E. coli. E. coli normally lives without harm in our intestinal tract but becomes harmful once it enters the urinary tract.

Unlike yeast infections, vaginal itching is not a common symptom of UTIs. Instead, youll experience a painful burning sensation when you urinate and a frequent urge to urinate. You might notice that your urine is slightly cloudy, or even bloody, and smells like ammonia. UTIs dont usually affect your discharge but might turn it a yellowish-green color.

A UTI left untreated can occasionally go away on its own, but often it will only continue to get worse. With antibiotics, UTI symptoms should start going away after 24-48 hours. When a UTI is left completely untreated, it can spread and cause infections in other parts of the body, which can become dangerous. An untreated UTI can lead to a kidney infection, which is much more invasive and painful than a UTI.

Most doctors recommend waiting to have sex until after your UTI is healed because that will cause further irritation and make the infection worse. Listen to your body and try to refrain from sex until symptoms are gone. If you are someone who gets UTIs frequently, there are plenty of safe and effective supplements you can buy to lower your chances of getting a UTI and relieve your symptoms.

Causes Of Yeast Infections

Yeast infections are caused by a fungus, most commonly candida albicans. Candida normally lives in your vagina and other places on your body without incident.

However, it has the potential to cause an infection when able to grow and multiply. When this happens, the good bacteria called lactobacillus are no longer able to effectively keep candida growth under control. This can occur due to:

  • Antibiotics
  • Wearing tight-fitting or wet clothing

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Who Gets Utis And Yeast Infections

While UTIs and yeast infections are more common in women, men and children can also experience both types of infections.

For men, common causes of urinary tract infections are kidney stones and enlarged prostates. When it comes to yeast infections, men can also experience a condition known as balanitis, or inflammation of the head of the penis. Uncircumcised men are more susceptible to yeast infections and balanitis. Yeast infections are not sexually transmitted between partners.

Children are more likely to experience a UTI than a yeast infection, although yeast infections are common among growing girls. Symptoms are typically the same as adults and will require a visit to a pediatrician for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Uti Or Yeast Infection: Whats The Difference

Recurring Vaginal Infection | UTI, Yeast, & BV | Discussion with Dr. Tess

Urinary tract infections and yeast infections are two distinct yet common conditions among women that may present with similar symptoms. This can make it tricky to determine which infection is present when symptoms appear, making self-diagnosis not always accurate. Hector Chapa, MD, a Texas A& M College of Medicine OB-GYN, weighs in on the common confusion between the two and how you can help tell the difference.

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Yeast Infection Treatment: How To Treat Yeast Infection

If you want to know how to treat a yeast infection naturally, you cant go wrong with probiotics.

These are important ingredients in many treatments because they can help to restore the natural balance of bacteria in your body.

Probiotics are the good bacteria we all need to maintain good health and many of us suffer from a lack of these in our bodies.

Once you take probiotics, you will be able to treat the problem in a more complete way than you could without them.

Knowing how to treat a yeast infection naturally begins with knowing what to avoid.

You should avoid eating a lot of sugar and processed foods because these foods feed the bad bacteria, which in turn encourages the growth of yeast.

Also, if you notice that any of the signs of infection appear during times of high stress.

Then you may need to take some sort of antibiotic or prescription drugs to get rid of it.

To learn how to treat yeast infection naturally, you have to find something that has been proven to be a successful cure for yeast infections.

Fortunately, this is a relatively simple process.

You will want to look for treatments that work by killing the yeast before it even gets a chance to grow and cause an infection.

Natural supplementsare the best way to learn how to treat yeast infection.

There are many products available that can help you get rid of your problems once and for all.

However, dont worry that most of them are so ineffective because you have many options.

Examine Your Birth Control And Lubricant

Scientific studies show that women who use diaphragms have an increased risk for developing a UTI compared to those who rely on oral contraceptives for birth control. The likelihood of developing a UTI rises if you use spermicide along with a diaphragm. Personal lubricants and condoms that contain spermicide may also contribute to UTIs by irritating the genital area and urethra. Steering clear of spermicides and exploring other birth control methods beyond a diaphragm may help you avoid future UTIs.

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Urinary Tract Infection Treatment

Usually doctors prescribe antibiotics to treat UTIs. Once you start taking medication, your symptoms should go away in a few days, but this doesnt mean you can stop taking the medicine. While you are on the mediation, drink plenty of water to help flush the bacteria out of your system.

To help ease the pain of a UTI, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever and try putting a heating pad on your lower abdomen.

If you have recurrent UTIs , your doctor may recommend additional treatments.

What Is The Connection Between A Yeast Infection And A Urinary Tract Infection

All You

A yeast infection and a urinary tract infection often have similar symptoms, such as pain or irritation in the pelvic area and a burning sensation during urination. They can differ widely in other symptoms and causes, however. Yeast infections are usually caused by the deterioration of good bacteria within the vagina, which allows an increase in the production of yeast. A UTI is caused by bad bacteria entering the urinary tract. Yeast infections may cause a burning or itching sensation in the inner and outer vagina, soreness, and unusually colored or strong-scented discharge, while a UTI may cause cloudy or foul-smelling urine, tenderness in the lower abdomen, and an increased urge to urinate.

It is not uncommon for some women to confuse a yeast infection and a urinary tract infection, because a urinary and yeast infection cycle can sometimes coincide. A UTI is typically treated with antibiotics, which can lead to a yeast infection, so the similar symptoms can sometimes cause confusion. When UTIs become frequent, which may happen when the immune system is weakened, the cycle will continue.

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Utis And Yeast Infections Are Both Relatively Common Fyi

Both of these issues suck all-around, but we hope shame isnt part of your discomfort. Every year there are an estimated 1.4 million outpatient visits for yeast infections in the United States, the CDC says, . The Mayo Clinic estimates that 75% of women have had a yeast infection at some point in their lives.

UTIs are also pretty run-of-the-mill, with about 40 to 60% of women experiencing one in their lifetime, according to the National Institutes of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases .

All this means that if you have either of these infections, youre not alone. Whats more, you have treatment options.

Is It Possible To Prevent Utis And Yeast Infections

Careful attention to hygiene may help prevent some UTIs. This includes always cleaning the genital area from front to back. This practice can also help prevent yeast infections, as well as changing out of wet bathing suits or damp clothes as soon as possible. Loose-fitting cotton underwear can help reduce moisture in the genital area and may help prevent yeast infections. Avoiding products with potential irritants like douches or scented tampons can also help prevent yeast infections. However, it is not possible to completely prevent either condition from developing.

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Uti Symptoms: Urinary Tract Infections Symptoms You Dont Know

Urinary tract infection is a very common problem for most people.

If you suffer from frequent or recurring UTIs it can be a serious problem.

Even if you have only had one, it can still be an issue if it lasts for several weeks or months.

If you are suffering from any of the following, it is important to get help and get rid of your UTI as soon as possible.

One of the most common complaints is painful urination.

You may experience pain when you urinate or the sensation of being full.

Although there is no actual test to diagnose UTI, doctors will typically ask about the symptoms you are experiencing.

And try to determine if they are caused by a real UTI or an infection from a urinary tract infection.

The more serious the symptoms, the more likely a visit to the doctor will be necessary.

One of the most common signs of a UTI is a yellow color to the urine.

In most cases, this can be cured with antibiotics.

However, if you continue to have more than one symptom after taking the antibiotics, it is more likely that you have a UTI.

Some other symptoms include redness, itching, burning, and pain during urination.

To be sure that you are not having a UTI and not from a urinary tract infection, you should be tested for it.

As mentioned earlier, the symptoms can be caused by a lot of different things.

Common signs of a UTI include painful urination, excessive gas, and cloudy or dark urine.

A urine sample should be taken from your bladder and sent to a lab to be tested.

How Are These Issues Treated

Urinary Tract Infections Related to Yeast Infections CURE.

A large percentage of patients will be able to clear yeast infections on their own without additional treatment, said Kostov. If they go see a doctor and describe these symptoms, the doctor may do a test but its likely theyd determine the symptoms are synonymous with a yeast infection, she explained.

Over-the-counter treatments for yeast infections are found in most pharmacies and drug stores, which can help, she said.

For bacterial vaginosis, about half of all cases are asymptomatic where patients dont feel serious symptoms and the infection will go away on its own. The same can happen for people who are experiencing clear symptoms, like unusual discharge, said Kostov.

If its persistent and bothering you, seeing your family doctor would be helpful and the doctor may consider doing a swab to determine what the issue is. Treatment for bacterial vaginosis would be an antibiotic.

Patients that are coming in every one to two months with new symptoms, by that point doctors would have done more tests and examine underlying causes and whether a more rare fungus might be present. That patient may have an immune disorder they dont know about yet that could be causing frequent yeast infections, she said.

As for UTIs, about half of patients find these can resolve on their own, especially if they have a healthy immune system, she explained.

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Yeast In Urine Test And Urinary Tract Infections: Causes And Symptoms

To help determine the cause of vaginal infection or irritation, the doctor does a urinalysis to check if there is yeast in urine and asks the woman about her symptoms and performs a physical, pelvic examination. The doctor usually also tests the womans urine and samples of vaginal discharge. Before the exam, sexual intercourse and douching should be avoided for one to two days if possible to avoid complicating the diagnosis.

During the pelvic examination, the doctor inspects the womans vaginal canal and cervix for discharge, sores, and any local pain or tenderness. The doctor may insert a speculum into the vagina to examine the cervix. This may be uncomfortable because of pressure on the vaginal tissues.

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