Friday, July 26, 2024

How Do You Treat A Urinary Tract Infection In Dogs

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Urinary Tract Infection Treatment

Home Treatment for Dogs With a Urinary Infection

Urinary Tract Infection Antibiotics

Urinary tract infections would have to be one of the more common reasons why a women will go to her chemist to seek a resolution for a condition rather than her doctor. There are various pharmaceutical drugs your pharmacist will recommend to treat cystitis, and they will be generally recommended unless a woman is experiencing blood in her urine or is vomiting.

If she is pregnant with a UTI, she will most probably in all cases be asked to check in with her doctor or report this to her midwife as soon as possible. Usually, a single course of treatment is offered and this will clear up the condition, but if symptoms persist even after trying the OTC drug, she will be told to consult her doctor.

Urinary Tract Infection Tests

Your doctor will most probably want to prescribe antibiotics in this case, whilst he or she awaits the results of the urine test. This will also indicate whether the antibiotic is sensitive to the specific bacteria or whether there is any resistant bacteria which is not going to respond to the antibiotic. But what happens if you get a recurrent UTI you ask? Your doctor may in such a case refer you to a specialist who will perform ultrasound scanning or even an X-ray of the urinary system and perhaps a cystoscopy, an examination of the bladder with a minuscule camera.

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If A Dog Isnt Urinating Frequently/properly Its Less Likely That The Bacteria Are Getting Flushed Out

Next, if a dog urinates infrequently and/or doesnt empty the bladder fully, he or she is at a greater risk of getting a UTI. This is the case for two reasons.

First, a good flow of urine pushes out the bacteria that might have started to ascend up the urethra to the bladder.

Think about the bacteria like little mountain climbers. If every time they start to climb up the mountain an avalanche comes along and forces them down to the base of the mountain, they will never summit the mountain . But if the avalanches are infrequent, the bacteria may have time to get to the bladder.

Second, the longer the urine sits in the bladder, the more time the bacteria have to set up shop and multiply in the bladder.

If the dog urinates frequently and effectively empties the bladder, the bacteria that make it to the bladder get deposited on the ground fairly soon after arriving to the bladder. That doesnt leave as many bacteria in the bladder. However, infrequent urination gives the bacteria lots of time to multiply.

Also sometimes a dog is unable to sufficiently empty the bladder due to conditions such as IVDD in dogs, a spinal stroke in dogs, or other neurologic or orthopedic problems. The residual urine in the bladder can act as a storehouse for the bacteria. Since more urine, and therefore potentially more bacteria is left behind, this makes a UTI more likely.

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Can I Give My Dog Cranberry Juice

We have heard time and time again that cranberry juice can help get rid of a UTI for humans. But what about dogs? Is cranberry juice for a dog UTI safe? We recommend speaking to your dogs vet about this. Each dog is unique, and what works for one may be dangerous for another. We strongly urge you to speak with your dogs vet before administering any type of treatment.

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Summary Of Utis In Dogs

Urinary tract infections are fairly common in dogs, but may not show any symptoms. If symptoms do occur, they often include frequent urination, passing little urine, and increased thirst. Its important to treat a UTI as soon as possible, as they can lead to complications such as kidney infections or failure, and are very uncomfortable for your dog! Providing plenty of clean drinking water and frequent pee breaks, as well as keeping an eye on your dogs overall health with regular check-ups, can help prevent UTIs.

Changes In Urination Habits

5 Natural Remedies For Urinary Tract Infections In Dogs

Like it or not, most of us are attuned to our dogs elimination habits. Many of us have been caught in the act of examining our dogs poop by non-dog owners, and the same goes for urination. This attention to detail is more than just excessive caring it can help your veterinarian diagnose a medical condition before it gets out of hand.

Changes in your dogs urination habits always necessitate a visit to your veterinarian. While accidents in the house could be a behavioral issue, they could also be a sign of a serious medical condition. Accidents or increased frequency in urination may be symptoms of diabetes, hypothyroidism, Cushings disease, cancer, trauma, or urinary tract infections, just to name a few possible conditions. Your vet my suggest certain supplements or medications.

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How Can I Comfort My Dog With A Uti

Your vet might also prescribe a 24-hour course of anti-inflammatory or pain medication to make your dog more comfortable. If your vet does not suggest pain medication but you feel that your pet is really uncomfortable, ask about it. You may also want to ask your vet about natural remedies, like cranberry supplements.

The Frustration Of Urinary Tract Infections In Dogs

A number of cases will turn into refractory or resistant problems, meaning the UTI just keeps coming back and back.

Take Flossie, for example, a 9-year-old, 50-pound female spayed dog.

Flossie is healthy and athletic, but her human sees bloody urine and Flossie starts to strain to urinate every few months. Flossie always gets better on a 1014 course of antibiotics. Flossies mom has some financial difficulties and doesnt always bring back a urine sample once the antibiotics are finished and has declined culture and sensitivity testing, radiographs, etc.

Although its possible that Flossie is simply prone to recurrent UTIs and may need 3 courses of antibiotics a year for the rest of her life, there may indeed be underlying reasons for Flossies UTI problem, and further testing is required to get the correct diagnosis.

Although appropriate antibiotic therapy is helpful and makes Flossie feel better, they might stop working. Flossies infection might travel to her kidneys she might develop a serious, resistant UTI or she might have a concurrent underlying problem that is going to get worse.

If your dog has recurrent urinary tract infections, doing the recommended follow-up and further testing earlier rather than later gives your pet a better chance of a solution and a happy, healthy life.

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My Veterinarian Sent A Sample Of Urine To A Laboratory For A Culture And Sensitivity Test What Is This

All urinary tract infections are NOT created equal! Even though the most common organism to cause UTIs in dogs is Escherichia coli , there are several other organisms that may be involved. The only way to identify which specific bacteria is to blame, is to grow it in a laboratory. At the same time, the lab can also test which antibiotic is best suited to treat the infection.

Often, a veterinarian will prescribe an antibiotic that is among the most commonly used for treating UTIs in order to try to provide immediate relief to the dog. Pain medication may also be prescribed , and a diet change may be recommended.

Once the culture and sensitivity results are received, an appropriate antibiotic will be prescribed. After the course of antibiotics is given, it is important to recheck the urinalysis to confirm that the infection is resolved. If it is not, then it will be important to investigate additional issues that may contribute to a persistent UTI.

Treatment Of Utis In A Dog

D-Mannose powder to treat urinary tract infections in dogs and cats

Antibiotics are indicated for bacterial UTIs. Prescription food may be required to combat crystals/stones in the urinary tract.

Resistant or recurrent UTIs are a real pain in the neck for the patient, pet parent and doc! Many of these require additional testing before a treatment plan can be reached.

Over-the-county remedies and supplements such as cranberry juice extracts dont seem to do much good. One of the most trusted voices in holistic/naturopathic veterinary medicine, Dr. Susan Wynn, DVM, CVA, CVCH, AHG, says she does not use them.

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What Can Happen If A Dogs Lower Urinary Tract Problems Go Untreated

Untreated lower urinary tract problems can cause serious medical problems for dogs. Along with discomfort, untreated infections can result in partial or complete blockage of the urethra, disrupting urine output and leading to toxic levels of waste buildup.

If your dogâs urinary symptoms are caused by a disease or a cancer, the condition can progress if itâs left untreated, and your dogâs symptoms may worsen or increase to include other symptoms. Many serious conditions, like cancers, can be fatal if left untreated. Some can be treated to help your dog live a longer and healthier life, though they are difficult to cure.

Getting the right diagnosis will help you know how to resolve your dogâs urinary tract problems and be sure thereâs nothing else that also needs treatment.

What Are Common Dog Uti Signs And Symptoms

It can be hard to tell if your dog is in pain, because they may not show any signs at all. However, if youre seeing bloody, cloudy or their urine has a strong smell, you dog may have a UTI.

You may also notice straining or crying during urination, accidents in the house, needing to urinate more frequently, increased water consumption, or licking around their back end excessively after urinating, youll need to get them checked out by your veterinarian to rule out a UTI.

Also, if you have a dog thats all of a sudden not house-broken, especially puppies, its important to get them checked out for a bacterial UTI.

An important distinction is UTI doesnt always mean an infection. It can mean urinary tract inflammation versus urinary tract infection.

There are many causes of lower urinary tract problems that can lead to the symptoms mentioned. If you notice a change in your dogs urinary habits, make sure to get them checked out.

Some of the other causes of dog UTI signsinclude:

  • Bladder inflammation or infection
  • Crystals or sludge in the bladder or urethra
  • Congenital abnormalities like inverted vulvas
  • Cancers like transitional cell carcinoma

This is why its so important to get your pet checked out by your veterinarian if youre noticing any of the mentioned dog UTI symptoms.

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Be Observant And Proactive To Help Recognize Early Signs Of A Uti In Dogs

  • Keep a mental journal of your dogs bathroom habits. By watching for changes, youre more likely to recognize early signs of a UTI.
  • If you think your dog may have a urinary tract infection, please dont wait or wonder. Make an appointment with your veterinarian. Catching UTIs early can help prevent it from getting worse and turning into a more serious condition.
  • On a related note, take your dog to your veterinarian for yearly physical exams. And if your dog is a senior , your dog may benefit from more frequent visitsat least biannually. Sometimes a UTI is found through a routine screening test. Other times your vet may find a UTI based upon little clues in the history or physical exam.
  • If your dog has predisposing factors such as a neurologic condition or one of the diseases on the list I shared earlier, be extra vigilant. The same goes for dogs taking a medication that may make a UTI more likely.
  • As an example of the importance of the part you can play as your dogs biggest advocate, lets meet Bailey. This sweet senior dog had both predisposing factors AND was taking medications that increased the likelihood of a UTI. Her story paints a clear picture of the importance of observation and how subtle a UTI can be.

    Symptoms Of Urinary Tract Infections In Dogs

    MaxxiUtract Urinary and Bladder Supplement for Dogs â Land of Holistic Pets

    Dog UTI symptoms result from inflammation and pain due to bacteria invading the bladder wall.

    Signs of a UTI in dogs may include:

    • Inappropriate urination

    • Frequent urination

    • Straining to urinate with only a small amount of urine production

    • Blood in the urine

    In more severe cases, where the infection moves into a dogs kidneys, you may see:

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    How Do I Know If My Dog Has A Bladder Infection

    The most common signs of bladder infections in dogs include pain or difficulties urinating, blood in urine or in some cases you may notice that your pup is only urinating very small amounts but frequently. Other signs of bladder infections or urinary tract infections include:

    • Straining to urinate
    • Increased thirst

    If your pup is displaying any of the symptoms above it’s time to head to the vet for an examination. Bladder infections and urinary tract infections are very uncomfortable and often painful for your dog. When caught and treated early these infections can often be cleared up quickly and easily.

    A Note About Antibiotics For Bladder Infections

    Antibiotics are standard treatment for UTIs. The problem with this is that antibiotics dont just kill the bacteria causing the UTI they also destroy the healthy bacteria in your dogs gut. Remember that many holistic vets say that urinary tract problems in dogs are actually inflammation, not an infection. So using antibiotics will damage your dogs microbiome without effectively treating the real cause of your dogs UTI. Thats why UTIs become chronic recurrent infections in many dogs. Urinary concentration of antibiotics is also a factor. The drugs are less effective if they dont achieve high antimicrobial concentrations. In fact, a 2014 review of antibiotics for UTIs at University of Copehagen concluded: there is little published evidence relating to antibiotic treatment of UTIs in dogs and cats. Well-designed clinical trials focusing on the duration of treatment are warranted to create evidence-based treatment protocols.

    Antibiotic resistance is also a concern. The more your dog takes antibiotics, the less effective they are. So save them for when theyre truly necessary and avoid antimicrobial resistance thats becoming a problem for all of us!

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    What Can Happen If A Dogs Urinary Tract Problems Go Untreated

    As UTIs may be a symptom of another underlying condition, its essential to seek veterinary care as soon as possible if you suspect your dog might have a UTI.

    Left untreated, a UTI could go on to cause more serious illnesses such as a kidney infection in one or both kidneys.

    Untreated UTIs may also cause dogs to develop struvite bladder stones. While not all bladder stones are related to infection, this specific type which is quite common in dogs are directly correlated with UTIs. Bladder stones can then predispose your dog to more UTIs, in addition to being incredibly painful.

    What Should I Do If I Think My Dog Has Lower Urinary Tract Problems

    ð¥Tips and Complete Guide home remedies for dogs uti ð?

    Pay attention to your dogâs behavior, because itâs not easy to spot all your dogâs symptoms.

    If you notice symptoms of pain and discomfort, especially difficulty urinating, call your dogâs vet to figure out whatâs causing the problems and the best way to treat them.

    Show Sources

    American Kennel Club: âDoes Your Dog Have UTI Symptoms or Something Worse?,â Urinary Tract Infections in Dogs.â

    Banfield Pet Hospital: âLower Urinary Tract Disease .â

    Canine Health Foundation: âCanine Lymphoma.â

    Merck Manual Veterinary Manual: âBacterial Urinary Tract Infections.â

    MSPCA-Angell: “Lower Urinary Tract Diseases of the Senior Dog.”

    Peoria Area Veterinary Group: âUrinary Tract Problems in Dogs.â

    Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira: âAnalysis of lower urinary tract disease of dogs.â

    VCA Hospitals: âUrinary Tract Infections in Dogs.â

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    Common Symptoms Of Bladder Infection In Dogs

    Pain, difficulties urinating, blood in urine, straining to urinate and urinating very small amounts but frequently are all common signs that your dog may be suffering from a bladder infection. Other indications of bladder infections or urinary tract infections include:

    • Straining to urinate
    • Increased thirst

    If your dog is showing any of the symptoms above it’s time to head to your vet. Bladder infections and urinary tract infections are often painful for dogs. That said, when diagnosed and treated early these infections can often be cleared up quickly and easily so the sooner you can get your pup to the vet the better.

    Managing Multiple Episodes Of Uti:

    In dogs and cats, if UTI occurs only once or twice yearly, each episode may be treated as an acute, uncomplicated UTI. If episodes occur more often, and predisposing causes of UTI cannot be identified or corrected, chronic low-dose therapy may be necessary. Low antimicrobial concentrations in the urine may interfere with fimbriae production by some pathogens and prevent their adhesion to the uroepithelium. In dogs, recurrent UTIs are due to a different strain or species of bacteria ~80% of the time therefore, antimicrobial culture and susceptibility is still indicated. Antimicrobial therapy should be started as previously described and when urine culture is negative, continued daily at â the total daily dose. The antimicrobial should be administered last thing at night to ensure that the bladder contains urine with a high antimicrobial concentration for as long as possible.

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    Feces Is Full Of Bacteria Which Can Cause A Uti

    First, fecal contamination is one of the major culprits behind UTIs in dogs. Heres why: A dogs feces is full of bacteria. For example, E. coli is one of the more common bacteria that veterinarians see causing UTIs. And, you guessed it, E. coli is found in poop.

    PRO TIP: If your dog has any sort of issue urinating or defecating in a tidy manner, Im an advocate for using unscented, sensitive skin baby wipes to help keep your dog wiped clean.

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