Monday, September 30, 2024

How To Get Rid Of Urinary Tract Infection Female

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Home Remedies For Fast Uti Relief

Urinary Tract Infections
  • Forward improves UTI treatment
  • The urge to go to the bathroom, pain during urination, and lower abdominal pressure and pain associated with urinary tract infections can make it difficult to concentrate at work or school, enjoy favorite activities and rest comfortably at night. Fortunately, there are ways that you can get UTI relief through home remedies while your body fights the infection.

    Can I Become Immune To The Antibiotics Used To Treat A Uti

    Your body can actually get used to the antibiotics typically used to treat a urinary tract infection . This happens in people who have very frequent infections. With each UTI and use of antibiotics to treat it, the infection adapts and becomes harder to fight. This is called an antibiotic-resistant infection. Because of this, your healthcare provider may suggest alternative treatments if you have frequent UTIs. These could include:

    • Waiting: Your provider may suggest that you watch your symptoms and wait. During this time, you may be encouraged to drink plenty of fluids in an effort to flush out your system.
    • Intravenous treatment: In some very complicated cases, where the UTI is resistant to antibiotics or the infection has moved to your kidneys, you may need to be treated in the hospital. The medicine will be given to you directly in your vein . Once youre home, you will be prescribed antibiotics for a period of time to fully get rid of the infection.

    How To Prevent A Uti From Striking Again

    Sick of dealing with urinary tract infections? Really, the best natural remedy is simple: just prevent one from striking in the first place! Heres how:

    Drink cranberry juice

    Although it has often been thought of as a treatment option, cranberry juice can only help as a preventative measure. Cranberry juice can be helpful in preventing UTIs by making the urine more acidic and preventing harmful bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder, Dr. Sherry explains. An acidic environment in the urine makes bacterial build-up more difficult and reduces your chance of getting a UTI. But even with this information, studies have conflicting evidence about cranberries being a reliable source for prevention. So if youre prone to UTIs, it wont hurt to drink unsweetened cranberry juice. But its definitely not the UTI cure-all it has always been thought to be.

    Practice good hygiene after sex and ask your partner to, too

    Overall health with increased water intake and exercise is the best way to improve health and help with decreasing UTIs, Dr. Shepherd shares. This includes good hygiene and being diligent about cleaning all of your lady parts. And make sure your partner does, too. Bacteria from sexual intercourse is one of the most common ways women can get a UTI, Dr. Shepherd explains.

    Limit antibiotic use

    Avoid feminine hygiene products with scents and chemicals

    Wipe front to back

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    Prostatitis Epididymitis Urethritis And Orchitis

    In contrast to UTI, prostatitis affects men of all ages and, from 1990-1994, accounted for almost 2 million office visits per year in the United States. Prostatitis syndromes account for 25% of male office visits for genitourinary complaints, 8% of visits to urologists, and 1% of visits to primary care physicians. Of these men, 5% have bacterial prostatitis, 64% have nonbacterial prostatitis, and 31% have prostatodynia. Digital examination of the prostate in the setting of probable or possible UTI should be avoided to prevent the risk of inciting bacteremia.

    Epididymitis has a bimodal distribution, corresponding to different age groups and pathogens. Most cases in men younger than 35 years are due to sexually transmitted pathogens. Older patients are more likely to have obstructive prostatism or a history of instrumentation or catheterization.

    Gonococcal urethritis is more common in ethnic minorities, lower socioeconomic groups, and persons living in urban centers. The risk to a male having intercourse with an infected female is 17%. Some of these associations may be limited by confounding. The peak age for urethritis is 20-24 years.

    Mumps orchitis occurs in 18% of postpubertal boys infected with the mumps virus.

    John L Brusch, MD, FACP Corresponding Faculty Member, Harvard Medical SchoolJohn L Brusch, MD, FACP is a member of the following medical societies: American College of Physicians, Infectious Diseases Society of AmericaDisclosure: Nothing to disclose.

    At What Age Should Children Be Able Control Their Bladder


    Wetting in children under 3 years old is very common. Most children will be able to control their bladder after they turn 3, but this age can still vary. An OAB is often not diagnosed until a child is 5 or 6 years old. By the age of 5, of children are able to control their urine during the day. Your doctor may not diagnose nighttime urinary incontinence until your child is 7 years old.

    Bed-wetting affects

    Less commonly, your child may experience leakage, especially when active or when sneezing.

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    Looking For More Natural Remedies

    As you may know, Im extremely passionate about providing women with all the details they need to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.

    Im not in any way against pharmaceuticals when they are necessary and indicated for a particular treatment. Antibiotics have a time and a place in our health. But when other options are safe and effective, I like to offer women choices that include natural options they can administer themselves.

    If youre into that sort of balance too, Id love to send you an email when I post new articles. Hop on my mailing list HERE so I can share my research with you!

    Recommended Reading: Urinary Tract Infection After Period

    What Are The Effective Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Urinary Tract Infection In Women

    1) Stay Hydrated:

    Drink water of about 2 liters a day or up to nine glasses per day. Water will flush out the bacteria from the urinary tract. Stay hydrated by drinking water or other fluids like herbal tea, milk, fruit and vegetable smoothies, sparkling water, etc.

    2) Maintain Personal Hygiene:

    Always keep good personal hygiene. Always flush the public toilet before and after using it. After urinating, make sure you wipe the area from front to back with toilet paper. Keep your genital area dry by wearing cotton panties and avoid nylon panties as they can trap moisture and sweat, cultivating a favorable environment for bacterial growth. Wear loose-fitting clothes in summer.

    3) Avoid Holding Urine:

    Do not hold urine for a long time. Go to the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge to pass urine. Holding urine for a long time in the bladder will make bacteria grow and make you prone to infection.

    4) Cranberry Juice:

    Some studies have found that drinking cranberry juice can prevent UTI, especially in women at risk of the infection.

    5) Elude Feminine Hygiene Products:

    There are more than 50 different types of microbes that help keep the balance of the pH and maintain vaginal health. Stay away from feminine hygiene sprays and avoid using douches, powders, and scented bath products. They only increase vaginal irritation, dryness and cause an imbalance in the number of vaginal bacteria.

    6) Urinate Before and After Sex:

    7) Alternate Birth Control Methods:

    8) Take Antibiotics:

    Also Check: Natural Remedies For Urinary Tract Infection

    Check If It’s A Urinary Tract Infection

    Symptoms of a urinary tract infection may include:

    • pain or a burning sensation when peeing
    • needing to pee more often than usual during the night
    • pee that looks cloudy, dark or has a strong smell
    • needing to pee suddenly or more urgently than usual
    • needing to pee more often than usual
    • lower tummy pain or pain in your back, just under the ribs
    • a high temperature, or feeling hot and shivery
    • a very low temperature below 36C

    What Is The Prognosis For A Person With A Urinary Tract Infection

    Treating Urinary Tract Infections Naturally – Dr. Mark Ellerkmann – Mercy

    Urinary tract infections typically respond very well to treatment. A UTI can be uncomfortable before you start treatment, but once your healthcare provider identifies the type of bacteria and prescribes the right antibiotic medication, your symptoms should improve quickly. Its important to keep taking your medication for the entire amount of time your healthcare provider prescribed. If you have frequent UTIs or if your symptoms arent improving, your provider may test to see if its an antibiotic-resistant infection. These are more complicated infections to treat and may require intravenous antibiotics or alternative treatments.

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    What Exactly Is A Uti

    Unsurprisingly, a UTI is an infection of the urinary tract. Bacteria has gotten into the urinary tract system, which is normally sterile. To put it in less pleasant terms, when material from the lower intestine gets into your urethra, it causes a bladder infection.

    Though that sounds horrid, its not uncommon. Sometimes, it can be caused by a lack of proper hygiene, but most of the time it occurs from sex, using a diaphragm, or just being a woman. The Mayo Clinic lists female anatomy as a risk factor for the illness. So, if youre simply walking around town with a vagina, you very well might get a UTI.

    The infection itself might be caused by the E. coli bacteria, which goes up the urethra. Sometimes, it hangs out in this urinary hallway without infecting anywhere else. More often, the bacteria gets into the bladder, causing frequent painful peeing, discharges, blood in your urine, and pelvic discomfort. Its not a good time, but a bladder infection is rarely serious, especially if you get treatment right away.

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    Other Things To Remember For Faster Relief From Urinary Tract Infections

    • Spicy and pungent foods can cause more irritation and inflammation of the urethra
    • Avoid having caffeinated and carbonated drinks such as coffee, colas, etc.
    • Practice abstinence from alcohol.
    • Regular exercising and staying clean greatly reduces symptoms of any UTI
    • Artificial sweeteners can promote the growth of harmful bacteria in the urinary tract.
    • Change the underwear every day or if required, twice a day.
    • Avoid wearing synthetic underwear, choose cotton ones for comfort.

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    What Causes Oab In Children

    There are several possible causes of OAB. Some causes vary based on a childs age. For example, in children 4 to 5 years old, the cause may be:

    • change in routine, such as moving to a new city or having a new brother or sister in the house
    • forgetting to use the toilet because they are engaging in other activities

    Other causes in children of all ages can include:

    • nerve damage or malfunction that causes a child to have difficulty recognizing a full bladder
    • refraining from completely emptying the bladder when on the toilet
    • underlying sleep apnea

    In some children, it may be a delay in maturation and will eventually go away with age. But because bladder contractions are controlled by nerves, its possible that OAB may be caused by a neurological disorder.

    A child may also learn to deliberately hold their urine, which can affect their ability to fully empty their bladder. The long-term effects of this habit can be urinary tract infections, increased urinary frequency, and kidney damage. See a doctor if youre concerned that your childs OAB hasnt gone away on its own.

    How Are Urinary Tract Infections Diagnosed


    Your doctor will use the following tests to diagnose a urinary tract infection:

    • Urinalysis: This test will examine the urine for red blood cells, white blood cells and bacteria. The number of white and red blood cells found in your urine can actually indicate an infection.
    • Urine culture: A urine culture is used to determine the type of bacteria in your urine. This is an important test because it helps determine the appropriate treatment.

    If your infection does not respond to treatment or if you keep getting infections over and over again, your doctor may use the following tests to examine your urinary tract for disease or injury:

    • Ultrasound: In this test, sound waves create an image of the internal organs. This test is done on top of your skin, is painless and doesnt typically need any preparation.
    • Cystoscopy: This test uses a special instrument fitted with a lens and a light source to see inside the bladder from the urethra.
    • CT scan: Another imaging test, a CT scan is a type of X-ray that takes cross sections of the body . This test is much more precise than typical X-rays.

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    A Pharmacist Can Help With Utis

    You can ask a pharmacist about treatments for a UTI.

    A pharmacist can:

    • offer advice on things that can help you get better
    • suggest the best painkiller to take
    • tell you if you need to see a GP about your symptoms

    Some pharmacies offer a UTI management service. They may be able to give antibiotics if they’re needed.

    How To Prevent Utis: Home Remedies That Work

    Some home remedies for UTIs really do work, like drinking more water, changing your birth control method and using vaginal estrogen.

  • Drinking enough water. In a study of premenopausal women with recurrent UTIs, drinking 1.5 liters more than they usually did decreased UTI occurrence by half. Literally rinsing out the bacteria prevents it from taking hold as often. One and a half liters is about 50 ounces of water, so drink up.
  • Check your birth control method. Spermicides, diaphragms and condoms with spermicides on them all contribute to more UTIs than when women use other methods. Other methods dont add to UTI frequency or severity. Read about the pros and cons of various birth control methods.
  • Vaginal estrogen for postmenopausal women. After menopause, the vulvar skin thins, the pH of the vagina rises and the risk of bladder infection gets much higher. Vaginal estrogen helps reverse those changes and certainly reduces the frequency of recurrent UTIs. If youre interested in starting vaginal estrogen, call 800.922.0000 to make an appointment with your OB-GYN.
  • Also Check: Why Do I Have Urinary Incontinence

    Can Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Treat Utis

    Studies, such as one published in January 2018 in Scientific Reports, have shown that apple cider vinegar has some antibacterial and antifungal properties, but theres no scientific or medical evidence that drinking apple cider vinegar cures UTIs. Drinking large amounts of apple cider vinegar could lead to throat irritation and tooth decay.

    May Prevent And Treat Diarrhea

    Home remedies for urinary tract infection or UTI (urine infection)

    Diarrhea is a common issue sometimes caused by bacterial infection.

    In most situations, diarrhea is relatively harmless. However, persistent diarrhea can cause fluid loss, which may lead to dehydration.

    Studies show that L. rhamnosus may help prevent or treat various types of diarrhea.

    For example, L. rhamnosus may protect against antibiotic-related diarrhea. Antibiotics can disrupt microbiota, which may result in digestive symptoms like diarrhea (

    However, more research in humans is needed before recommendations can be made.

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    What Is Lactobacillus Rhamnosus

    L. rhamnosus is a type of bacteria found in your intestines.

    It belongs to the genus Lactobacillus, a type of bacteria that produce the enzyme lactase. This enzyme breaks down the sugar lactose which is found in dairy into lactic acid.

    Bacteria from this genus, such as L. rhamnosus, are considered probiotic.

    Probiotics are live microorganisms that can offer health benefits when consumed .

    Hundreds of studies support the benefits of L. rhamnosus.

    Uniquely adapted to survive in acidic and basic conditions within your body, this bacterium can also adhere to and colonize your intestinal walls. Such characteristics give L. rhamnosus a better chance of survival so it may offer longer-term benefits (

    However, many products that contain L. rhamnosus dont typically include it in the ingredients list.


    L. rhamnosus is a member of the probiotic Lactobacillus genus of bacteria. It is adapted to survive in your gut, thus potentially offering longer-term benefits.

    L. rhamnosus has numerous potential benefits and uses for your digestive system, as well as other areas of health.

    What Is The Urinary Tract

    The urinary tract makes and stores urine, one of the body’s liquid waste products. The urinary tract includes the following parts:

    • Kidneys: These small organs are located on back of your body, just above the hips. They are the filters of your body removing waste and water from your blood. This waste becomes urine.
    • Ureters: The ureters are thin tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to your bladder.
    • Bladder: A sac-like container, the bladder stores your urine before it leaves the body.
    • Urethra: This tube carries the urine from your bladder to the outside of the body.

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    What If The Infection Does Not Clear Up With Treatment

    Most infections clear up with treatment. However, if an infection does not clear up, or if you have repeated infections, you may be given some special tests such as:

    • a type of x-ray called an intravenous pyleogram , which involves injecting a dye into a vein and taking pictures of your kidney and bladder

    • an ultrasound exam, which gives a picture of your kidneys and bladder using sound waves

    • a cytoscopic exam, which uses a hollow tube with special lenses to look inside the bladder.

    Remedies For Bladder Infections

    How to Get Rid of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) with Cranberry Juice ...

    If you think you have a bladder infection, you should contact your doctor and schedule an outpatient appointment. Youâll need medication to get rid of the bacterial infection. That said, there are home remedies you can also use to help ease symptoms and help with the healing process. Here are five remedies and treatments for bladder infections that you can use:

    1. See your doctor for an antibiotic

    If youâre diagnosed with a bladder infection, your doctor will likely prescribe an oral antibiotic. Antibiotics work by getting rid of the bacteria that is causing your bladder infection. Research has shown that antibiotics are effective and perform better than a placebo.

    You need to complete the full course of the prescribed antibiotic, even when you start to feel better. If you stop the antibiotic before completing the prescription, you risk getting another infection. In an uncomplicated or simple bladder infection, youâll typically notice an improvement in your symptoms within a day or two of starting the antibiotic. Your doctor may select an antibiotic treatment course that will last three to five days. In complicated bladder infections, the course is longer, typically seven to fourteen days.

    2. Drink more water

    When caring for a bladder infection, itâs critical to drink lots of fluids to help flush the bacteria out of your bladder. The additional fluids also help dilute your urine, which can make urinating less painful while youâre healing from the infection.

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