Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Control Urinary Frequency

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Cinnamon For Continuous Urination

6 Secret Ways to STOP Urinary Urgency FAST | Overactive Bladder 101

Cinnamon is one of the best natural medicine for frequent urination caused by urinary tract infection and vaginitis. It can kill fungus, bacteria, germs, and parasites. Thus, it also reduces the problems of excessive discharge, improper menstrual cycle, and bad vaginal odor.

How To Stop Frequent Urination Feeling With Cinnamon?

You should drink cinnamon tea regularly to avoid over urination in the first hand by keeping your system clean from infections. Otherwise, if you have already developed the problem of frequent urination, you can make a cinnamon paste for instant relief from repeated urination.

Required Ingredients

Steps To Make And Apply Cinnamon Paste To Cure Burning Sensation After Urination

  • Take 1 tsp cinnamon powder and ? tsp colorless henna in a bowl
  • Add cold distilled water in the bowl and stir until you get the desired semi-liquid consistency
  • Refrigerate the mixture for 15 minutes
  • In the meantime, massage your pelvic area and vulva with warm cinnamon oil
  • Apply the cold paste directly over the freshly massaged surface
  • Wash with clean water and apply every alternate day for 2 weeks to get rid of frequent urination feeling

Why It Works?

Cinnamon is anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and analgesic. It is rich in vitamin C, E, K, and riboflavin. Thus, it can treat all kinds of infections like UTI and vaginitis. On the other hand, colorless henna is a cooling agent that reduces burning sensation after urination.

Smoking May Increase The Urge To Urinate

Smoking irritates the lining of the bladder, and also makes you cough, both of which are unhelpful if you have an overactive bladder.

It is a good decision for both general health reasons and overactive bladder reasons to stop smoking. Work with your health care provider to start a formal “Quit Smoking” program, which may involve smoking cessation medications and group support for the most successful outcome.

Learn more: Our Quit Smoking center also has some helpful advice.

When Is Frequent Urination A Problem

Frequent urination is a problem if it affects your quality of life. And its essential to know the cause so that youll know how it will be treated.

If your symptoms are due to a chronic condition like diabetes insipidus or diabetes mellitus, then you should take medications that lower blood sugar levels.

You should also avoid some foods that increase blood sugar and monitor your intake of fluids.

Frequent urination in men can also be indicative of prostate problems such as an enlarged prostate. Men with this condition often experience an annoying trip to the bathroom every night.

This comes with trouble starting a stream of urine, leaking, or dribbling. Even though an enlarged prostate is a natural by-product of getting older, it still needs to be managed.

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What Causes Urinary Urgency And Frequency

  • A urinary tract injury or infection , or a chronic bladder infection
  • Infection in your urethra, or urine leaking from your urethra
  • A nerve problem, or radiation treatment for cancer
  • A medical condition, such as bladder cancer, diabetes, or a stroke
  • Anxiety
  • In women, pregnancy, menopause, or a vaginal infection
  • In men, prostate infections, swelling, or enlargement

Symptoms Of Urinary Urgency And Frequency

Frequent Urination in Women

Urinary problems such as pain, urgency and frequency are common, and these symptoms typically affect both men and women. It is often labeled as dysuria, which is the medical term for painful or difficult urination. Urinary pain or burning is often related to kidney problems or infections, which can potentially lead to pelvic floor issues. Our patients are more often experiencing a feeling of urgency, frequency, inability to go or completely empty the bladder. These control, or lack of, symptoms are more closely related to the musculature of the pelvic floor versus localized pain or burning.

Urinary urgency and frequency along with other kinds of pelvic pain and discomfort can have many causes. But they can also be related to a single cause: a condition called nonrelaxing pelvic floor disorder, which is not widely recognized but starting to have further medical research and identification.

Many standard medical treatments for pelvic floor dysfunction focus on treating symptoms in isolation with medications, lifestyle changes and even surgery. But ultrasound guided trigger point injections, an innovative technique offered at Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine, target the source of pelvic pain and discomfort, not just the symptoms.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Frequent Urination

However, note that not all types of this condition need medical help, as it can sometimes be not that serious.

For example, it would be expected for you to urinate more frequently if you drink too many fluids.

Doctors need to assess the symptoms to find out the possible cause. In some disease states, frequent urination may come with nocturia, daytime frequency of urination, urinary urgency, and incontinence.

People who have nocturia will need to urinate frequently during the night have to get up at night, and this affects the quality of their sleep.

Dribbling, or a weak, intermittent stream, may come along with frequent urination.

It may also be linked with urgency or painful urination. Some experience a compelling urge to urinate, along with some pain or discomfort in the bladder.

Can Frequent Urination Be Controlled Or Stopped

Frequent urination can be controlled, and often, stopped over time and with treatment. Your healthcare provider will usually start by determining the cause of your symptom. If the condition can be treated, you should see a decrease in how often you need to urinate. Treatment depends completely on the condition. In cases like a UTI, you may need an antibiotic medication. This may be prescribed by your healthcare provider and you should feel better once you have finished the medication. Other conditions like diabetes or prostate problems will require a trip to see a specialist. The specialist will work with you to manage your symptoms and improve your daily routine. If your healthcare provider has diagnosed you with overactive bladder syndrome, pelvic floor physical therapy may help and there are actually several medications that can be used to calm your bladder. Talk to your healthcare provider about whether or not these might be good options for you.

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How Is Urinary Incontinence Treated

There are number of options for treating urinary incontinence, some of which may be used in combination. If constipation is thought to be causing the urinary incontinence, the doctors may suggest reviewing what foods the child is eating and their toileting habits. They may also suggest managing the childs fluid intake for a while to see if this improves the incontinence. Medicines can be prescribed to reduce the sensitivity of the bladder or reduce the amount of urine produced by the body. Some medicines are best only given in short bursts to cover a special occasion as they can have side effects.

There are a number of behavioural interventions to help with urinary incontinence. These include bladder retraining, pelvic floor exercises and biofeedback training.

A fairly new form of treatment for urinary incontinence is tibial nerve stimulation, which involves passing a low electrical charge through a nerve in the ankle, which then relaxes the nerves controlling the muscles around the bladder.

In rare circumstances, surgery might be suggested to improve urinary incontinence. This could include injections into the sphincter to strengthen or relax it. Major surgery, for instance, if a childs bladder capacity is too small, an operation called a bladder augmentation might be suggested.

Frequent Urination In Men: Causes Symptoms Treatments

How to STOP BLADDER FREQUENCY | Overactive Bladder 101

Frequent urination in men is not just a nuisance. It greatly affects your quality of life.

Yet many men accept it as a natural part of getting older.

This is simply not true.

Going to the toilet more often than you are used to whether at day or during the night is a sign that something is wrong. And that something is your prostate.

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Natural Supplements You Can Take At Home

While there have been very few scientific studies on herbal remedies as an option for overactive bladder treatment, some remedies have shown promising results for some people.

Studies from Japan have shown improvements in urgency, leakage and a reduction in night-time urination using a herbal remedy known as Gosha-jinki-gan. Also, the buchu plant from South Africa is thought to nourish the bladder tissue and fights inflammation which can lead to infections and incontinence.

There are also plenty of common herbs that may help with symptoms, including:

  • Corn silk
  • Capsaicin
  • Ganoderma lucidum

Remember to consult your doctor first before adding any of these herbal remedies into your overactive bladder management plan.

How Do Kegel Exercises Help Me To Stop Peeing So Much

Kegel exercises improve the strength of pelvic floor muscles which help control bladder and bowel function, as well as sex. Your pelvic floor muscles can become weak during pregnancy and childbirth or just from normal aging. Weak pelvic floor muscles put extra pressure on the bladder and mean you have to pee more often. The pelvic floor exercises will help strengthen these muscles and cut down on your trips to the loo!

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Dietary Changes And Fluid Management

One of the most straightforward methods in the treatment of OAB involves making dietary changes. This involves cutting out several known food irritants from the diet and limiting fluid intake.

Foods to avoid

Foods and drinks, which are known to cause or worsen the symptoms of OAB include:

  • alcohol
  • tomatoes
  • vinegar

As triggers from food vary from person to person, it can be helpful for people to keep a diary detailing food intake and bladder symptoms. A diary can help people work out which foods are causing the greatest problems.

Manage fluid intake

Drinking enough water is essential for health. Too little water can lead to concentrated urine, which can irritate the bladder lining, increasing urgency. Too many liquids may worsen frequency symptoms. Fluid intake before bed can contribute to urinating during the night.

A , published in Research and Reports in Urology, recommends limiting fluid intake to 6 to 8 glasses of water daily, and avoiding liquids for 2 to 3 hours before bedtime.

Yogurt And Lavender Oil For Painful And Frequent Urination In Men

Home Remedies for Urinary Incontinence

Yogurt and lavender oil solution is a medically proven frequent urination medicine that can treat excessive urination caused by bladder problems, urinary tract infection, chlamydia, as well as stress.

How To Prevent Frequent Urination With ?Lavender Oil And Yogurt Solution?

Lavender oil massage around private parts daily offers the benefits of bladder control to reduce urination frequency at night. Eating 1 bowl of Yogurt every day tackles infections by fungus and bacteria in the urinary tract.

Why It Works?

Stress is one of the major reasons for anxiety induced frequent urination in men. And lavender oil is a stress buster that calms down the tingling sensation all around the nerve endings. On the other hand, daily yogurt consumption while simultaneous lavender massage kills bad bacteria and fills the body with probiotics to ease burning and pain caused by urinary tract infection.

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Seek Help From A Qualified Physical Therapist

Vaginal childbirth can damage the ligaments, nerves, and pelvic floor muscles that support the vagina, bladder and urethra. While pelvic floor exercises may help some women after birth, many need more intensive physical therapy.

Talk to your doctor, who may refer you to a qualified physical therapist who specializes in pelvic floor therapy if you have any incontinence or pain that doesnt go away after giving birth. Embarking on proper rehabilitation soon after having your baby may help you avoid more serious gynecological problems later on.

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Weakened Pelvic Floor Muscles

Your pelvic floor muscles hold up many of the organs in your urinary system, including your bladder. If these muscles weaken, organs can slip slightly out of place and lead to more frequent urination. Vaginal childbirth is one way the pelvic floor muscles can become strained and start to lose their strength. Aging may also lead to pelvic floor muscles weakening.

If weakened pelvic floor muscles are causing your frequent urination, your primary care doctor or OB-GYN can work with you to understand your symptoms, make treatment recommendations and, if needed, connect you with a urogynecologist .

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Are There Home Remedies For Frequent Urination

If there is no underlying medical condition that requires treatment by a physician, there are things that can be done to reduce urinary frequency.

  • Bladder retraining: This treatment is helpful for overactive bladder syndrome. It involves holding your urine for a slightly longer time than you usually do. The intervals are lengthened, often over the course of about 12 weeks. This helps retrain the bladder to hold urine longer and to urinate less frequently.
  • Kegel exercises: These are exercises in which you contract and release the pelvic floor muscles. These are the muscles you use when you voluntarily stop and then restart the flow of urine. Toning these muscles can help improve bladder control and reduce urinary urgency and frequency. Squeeze for three seconds, then relax for three seconds. Repeat 10 to 15 times per session, and do this at least three times a day. Kegel exercises are only effective when done regularly.
  • Modify your diet: Avoid foods that appear to irritate your bladder or act as a diuretic, including caffeine, alcohol, carbonated drinks, artificial sweeteners, tomato-based products, chocolate, and spicy foods. Eat a high-fiber diet, because constipation can worsen the symptoms of overactive bladder syndrome.
  • Monitor fluid intake: Drink enough to prevent constipation and over-concentration of urine. Drink as little as possible four to five hours before bedtime to reduce or eliminate nighttime urination.

How To Stop Peeing So Much

Urinary Frequency, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

Here are some tips to help you manage your overactive bladder:

1. Keep track how often are you peeing? Remember that 7 or 8 times in 24 hours is normal, but if this is affecting your quality of life its worth trying to reduce these numbers.

2. Loosen up! tight clothes and underwear will stop the flow. Try to avoid synthetic fibers when buying underwear cotton is best for your delicate lady bits!

3. Go to the toilet before you go out if you wait until youve left home, its too late and there will be little chance of getting there quickly enough. Go to the toilet straight after breakfast and dinner and try not to drink too much in-between times.

4. Take a look at your diet avoid caffeine and fizzy drinks as these can irritate your bladder making you go more often. And make sure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

5. Try Kegel exercises they work to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and can help you gain more control over your bladder. Theyre easy to do just flex as if youre stopping the flow of urine, hold for a count of 10, and release. Repeat at least 10 times a day.

6. Use a pad or panty liner they work really well to absorb any leaks before they happen. And dont worry about looking unsightly theyre a small price to pay for feeling fresh and dry.

12. Buy incontinence pads theyre absorbent diapers designed for women with heavy leaks or full bladders, which means youll feel dry and fresh all day long.

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Eating To Reduce Constipation

Sometimes constipation can place extra pressure on your bladder. You can prevent constipation by exercising regularly and including more fiber in your diet. Foods high in fiber include beans, whole-wheat breads, fruits, and vegetables.

The Cleveland Clinic recommends eating 2 tablespoons of a mixture of 1 cup of applesauce, 1 cup unprocessed wheat bran, and 3/4 cup of prune juice every morning to promote bowel regularity.

What Causes Frequent Urination

There are actually many different conditions that could cause frequent urination. Many of these causes are based on your age, gender or possibly even both. You could experience frequent urination a few times throughout your life for different reasons. These conditions can range from minorand easily manageableto more serious issues.

Urinary tract and bladder conditions It may seem obvious, but issues with your urinary tract and bladder are some of the most common conditions to cause frequent urination. Urinary tract infections , in particular, are the most common cause of frequent urination. During a UTI, an outside infection enters the body and causes inflammation in your urinary system. This system is made up of the kidneys, ureters , bladder and urethra . Other conditions in this system that can cause frequent urination to include interstitial cystitis and overactive bladder syndrome. In very rare cases, frequent urination can be a symptom of bladder cancer.

Prostate problems In men, the prostate is a golf-ball-sized gland that makes some of the liquid that comes out during ejaculation. Your prostate grows as you do, but it can cause issues if it gets too large. A large prostate can place pressure on your urinary system and cause frequent urination. Conditions like benign prostatic hyperplasia prostate enlargement, are all fairly common and treatable by your doctor. Other conditions that could cause frequent urination can include:

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Other Treatments For Frequent Urination

When frequent urination turns out to be something other than a temporary issue, such as a urinary tract infection, there is no need to despair and to think that you are destined to be a hermit because you need to be near a washroom at all times. While there is no cure for frequent urination, there are a number of different treatments that can help keep frequent urination episodes under control.

For example, if diabetes is the cause, treatment might involve managing blood sugar levels. If a person has overactive bladder, treatment could begin with behavioral therapies, such as bladder retaining, diet adjustments, and Kegel exercises.

Treatment for frequent urination can also involve medications. Some drugs come in the form of tablets, while others come in the form of a patch. In recent years, the drug Botox has been used to treat some people with frequent urination. The serum is injected into the bladder muscle, causing it to relax and increasing its storage capacity. This can reduce episodes of leaking.

Surgery is possible, but it should be a last resort. The least invasive is a procedure that involves implanting a nerve stimulator beneath the skin to help manipulate contractions in the muscles and organs within the pelvic floor.

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