Friday, July 26, 2024

Ms And Urinary Tract Infections

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What Is A Urinary Tract Infection

Are urinary tract infections MS symptoms? How can they be managed?

The urinary tract is the bodys system for removing waste and getting rid of extra water. The kidneys filter the blood to collect waste products and create urine, ureters take urine from the kidneys to the bladder where it is stored until the time is right to empty via the urethra .

A urinary tract infection develops when part of the urinary tract becomes infected, usually by bacteria. The bacteria can enter the urinary tract through the urethra or, more rarely, through the bloodstream.

Symptoms of a urinary tract infection include:

  • frequent urge to urinate
  • painful or burning sensation when urinating
  • feeling generally tired or washed out
  • painful bladder or abdomen even when not urinating
  • passing a small amount of urine, even though there is an urge to pass more
  • milky or cloudy urine that may smell more strongly than usual.

Most people experience some or all of these symptoms if they have a urinary tract infection.

Symptoms of a UTI can be confused with other MS symptoms such as fatigue or existing bladder problems. It is important to have your urine checked for infection if you are feeling generally unwell or experience a worsening of existing symptoms. If there is a flare up of your MS symptoms and you suspect a relapse, your urine is likely to be checked to rule out infection as the cause.

Are You Asking The Right Questions

But there are challenges to overcome – for both the patient and the healthcare provider. Better care and a better quality of life are possible when bladder and bowel are treated together.

We’ve collected testimonies from those with bladder and bowel dysfunction related to their neurogenic diagnosis, who’s lives have been improved and we explore the therapies that help to improve quality of life so that both patient and professional can reach for a better quality of life.

Uti Complications Are No Joke

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society suggests that UTIs can worsen MS symptoms, and even lead to relapses. Additionally, sepsis can occur when UTIs reach the kidneys.

Hospitalization for a UTI may be more likely for people with compromised immune systems. When resistant UTIs fail to respond to antibiotics, heavy-duty intravenous treatment can prevent the spread of UTIs to the bloodstream, which can be fatal in immunocompromised people.

Antibiotics have been the primary treatment for UTIs for decades. However, The New York Times recently suggested that antibiotics are losing the battle against UTIs.

All of this begs the question: If UTIs are one of the most common ailments in the world , and if UTIs are common among people with MS, then what can people with MS do if they develop one?

The simple answer: See your doctor right away and get treated as soon as possible.

Also Check: What Do I Take For A Urinary Tract Infection

Bladder Infection In Ms

For patients with multiple sclerosis , bladder infection is a serious health issue that should be reported to a doctor and treated. Also known as a urinary tract infection or cystitis, a bladder infection can be caused by several symptoms and conditions related to MS, such as untreated urinary retention or other bladder dysfunctions. It is important to have a bladder infection diagnosed and treated because an untreated infection in the urinary tract can cause a chain reaction of increased spasticity and cognitive impairment, which can lead to a relapse.

In advanced cases of multiple sclerosis, an untreated urinary tract infection can even lead to sepsis a dangerous potentially life-threatening infection that attacks the entire body.

Kidney Stones And Infections

In multiple sclerosis, urinary tract infection symptoms ...

In rare cases, especially when left untreated for a long time, an emptying dysfunction can lead to more serious problems in the kidneys. This can cause an infection to spread to the kidneys from the bladder.

Retained urine can also lead to the formation of mineral deposits, causing kidney stones. Both stones and infection in the kidneys are serious health problems that require medical treatment. If you get UTIs from your emptying dysfunction, seek treatment and be aware of any pain in your lower back, which could be a result of kidney issues.

Simple lifestyle changes can help you manage symptoms of bladder emptying and storage issues caused by MS.

Schedule bathroom breaks throughout the day.

Also, avoid bladder irritants, including:

  • cigarettes
  • artificial sweeteners
  • alcohol

Stop drinking two hours before you go to bed. If you have trouble emptying your bladder completely, wait several minutes after each time you urinate and then try again. Use pads for incontinence or times when you know you wont be able to get to a bathroom immediately.

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Evaluation Of Urinary Tract Infection Following Corticosteroid Therapy In Patients With Multiple Sclerosis Exacerbation

1Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran

2Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran

3Department of Biostatistic, Ibne Sina Medical and Educational Center, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran


1. Introduction

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system that is characterized by the presence of demyelinating plaques in the brain and spinal cord . It is one of the most prevalent neurological diseases in young adults, particularly women . Studies show that about two million people worldwide are affected by this illness .

MS often appears in its relapse-remitting form . Exacerbation of MS is described as the beginning of a new neurological complication or worsening of earlier ones, which last for 24 hours or more if they are not caused by fever or infection . On the other hand, pseudorelapse lasts less than 24 hours and is not associated with demyelinating changes. In addition, pseudorelapse is only an old symptom that is exacerbated by systemic stresses such as temperature changes, fever, and infection .

This is a placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial. It aims at evaluating the effects of oral prednisolone tapering after intravenous methylprednisolone pulse therapy on the risk of UTI in patients with multiple sclerosis relapse.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Study Design

3. Results

How Can Bladder Function Be Affected By Multiple Sclerosis

As with other MS symptoms, the kinds of bladder problems vary from person to person and can change over time. People may:

  • Have trouble controlling the release of urine
  • Experience a sense of having to go right away
  • Experience frequent urges to urinate
  • Have difficulty in starting to urinate or in sustaining a steady stream

In fact, some people may experience urinary retention and will require some form of intermittent catheterization. All these symptoms usually indicate problems in the functioning of the muscles that control urination, although urinary tract infection must be eliminated as a cause.

An appointment with an advanced practice nurse or physician assistant to initially assess the bladder symptoms is helpful. Initial bladder assessment includes obtaining a thorough history from the patient and focusing on the primary concern.

You may be asked to urinate during the time of the appointment. The amount of urine may be measured. Please come to the appointment well hydrated with the need to urinate.

The specimen will be checked for a urinary tract infection through laboratory urinalysis and culture and sensitivity . Other tests may be done if needed.

Do not try to self-treat your bladder problems by drinking less fluid! This can lead to constipation or urinary tract infections.

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Tips For Preventing Urinary Tract Infections

Elizabeth Crabtree, MD, neurologist and MS specialist at Tulane Medical Center in New Orleans, has several recommendations for preventing urinary tract infections.

  • To keep urine flowing, Dr. Crabtree says, keep drinking liquids. There is mixed evidence about whether some types of drinks are better than others for preventing UTIs, though most experts agree that carbonated sodas and sweetened juices should be avoided. Drink enough water to keep the urine light yellow, to flush waste, bacteria, and mineral deposits from the urinary system, notes the NMSS.
  • Clean up after sex, says Crabtree. Ideally, women should urinate after sex, followed by washing with a warm washcloth. Keep wipes by the bed if you dont want to get up.
  • Always wipe yourself from front to back after using the toilet or when bathing, to avoid bringing germs from the anal area toward your urethra.
  • Bowel health and bladder health go together. A full bowel presses on your bladder, so it can hold less urine and has more trouble emptying. Eat lots of vegetables to promote good bowel function, says Crabtree. Consider taking magnesium citrate at bedtime to promote a bowel movement in the morning.
  • Avoid tight, synthetic underwear and clothing, which encourage germ growth. Wearing cotton underwear and other breathable fabrics may help, according to Planned Parenthood.

A few more tips from the NMSS include:

When The Body Is Dealing With Infection And Autoimmune Disease

Does cranberry juice helps in urinary tract infection? – Ms. Sushma Jaiswal

Multiple sclerosis develops as a result of an overactive immune system attacking the white and gray matter of the brain, optic nerve, and spine. The assault is continuous our T-cells are lobbing grenades at myelin 24/7, even though we feel okay. We arent in constant flares because some immune cells move in like Army medics to administer first aid on the battle field, thereby healing the inflammation before the damage can corrupt nerve signals and cause symptoms of a flare. But things can get complicated after that.

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The Urinary Tract In Multiple Sclerosis

Nina Davis, MD, FACS

For normal urination to occur, the bladder and the urethra must work together in a coordinated fashion. When the bladder is full and there is an urge to urinate, the bladder neck and the external urethral sphincter open, then the bladder muscle contracts to push the urine out. When the bladder is finished emptying, it relaxes, then the external urethral sphincter and bladder neck close. Please see illustration below for normal anatomy.

However, between 50-90% of people with MS experience nerve-mediated dysfunction of the bladder or external urethral sphincter or both, causing them to have bothersome urinary tract symptoms. These symptoms include:

OVERACTIVE BLADDER or “spastic” bladder. With an overactive bladder, abnormal nerve signals cause the bladder to contract or spasm before it is full which can cause involuntary urine leakage called urgency incontinence. Overactive bladder is the most common urinary disorder associated with MS. It occurs in about 66% of people with MS.

The least common form of bladder impairment in MS is a HYPOTONIC BLADDER which occurs in about 20% of people with MS. This is the most difficult to treat because the bladder is not strong enough to squeeze the urine out, and there are no treatments to make the bladder muscle stronger. Patients with hypotonic bladders need some form of catheterization to empty their bladders.

Uti And Other Kidney Problems Caused By Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that affects the central nervous system. The disease causes the immune system to attack the protective material surrounding nerve cells , damaging them. Symptoms include:

  • pain, numbness, and tingling
  • weakness
  • bladder dysfunction

For most people with MS, symptoms flare up and then recede. In rarer instances, symptoms get progressively worse. However, most people with MS have normal life spans and can maintain a healthy lifestyle with treatment.

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Association Between Urinary Symptoms And Urinary Tract Infection In Patients With Multiple Sclerosis

  • Alireza Nikseresht
  • Masoumeh Nazeri


BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE: Urinary dysfunctions occur in the majority of MS patients and these patients are at higher risks of developing UTI due to multiple reasons. We determined to study the association between different urinary symptoms and UTI in MS patients.

MATERIAL & METHOD:Eighty seven MS patients that referred to our medical care center with an acute attack of the disease, from November 2012 to April 2014, were included in the study. Patients were classified into two groups based on their urine culture results: UTI positive and non-UTI patients. The prevalence of different types of urinary symptoms was then compared among the two groups.

RESULT: The mean age of our patients was 36.8 years old. From the total 87 patients, 83 were female. Overall 56.3% of patients displayed urinary symptoms. The most prevalent urinary problems were urinary incontinence and frequency . A positive urinary culture was seen in 71.3% of the patients. The prevalence of urinary problems was significantly higher in UTI patients in comparison to non-UTI patients . Separately none of the different urinary symptoms displayed a significant difference between UTI and non-UTI patients .

Not a single symptom can be diagnostic of UTI, but MS patient with urinary tract infections do present more urinary symptoms and this can be an indication for further urine analysis and screening measures for MS patients who display more urinary symptoms.

  • Full Text:

Signs Of Bladder Infection In Ms

How to Prevent and Treat UTIs in People With MS

Signs of a urinary tract infection in an MS patient can include fatigue or a wide range of bladder symptoms associated with ongoing bladder dysfunction such as urinary incontinence, which is common with MS. Other symptoms include a frequent urge to urinate a painful, burning sensation while urinating pain in the bladder or abdomen and milky or cloudy looking urine accompanied by a foul smell.

Urinary tract infections are quite common in people with MS. One study indicated that 1 in 10 patients will have a bladder infection at some point. Another study suggests that the frequency of infections may be higher because some patients who were found to be infected were asymptomatic and went previously undiagnosed. Patients found to have urinary tract infections while experiencing exacerbations need to be treated differently for the infection compared to patients in remission, but in all cases the infection needs to be addressed clinically as soon as possible.

Multiple Sclerosis News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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Delirium During A Spell Of Pneumonia

Lynn had delirium for about a month when he had a spell of aspiration pneumonia at one point. I attributed the behaviors he exhibited at that time to pneumonia. I wrote about it related to sundowner’s behaviors.

I honestly thought his shortness of breath was behind the confusion and the CO2 level or oxygen saturation levels were all that I needed to monitor to keep him straight. Heres what he was experiencing.

Pelvic Floor Muscle Training

Pelvic floor muscle training may be used solely, or in combination with other therapies, to treat LUT dysfunction in patients with MS. PFMT is effective in patients who demonstrate the ability to contract pelvic floor muscles. The proposed mechanism of action is through the activation of an inhibitory reflex on detrusor activity when the pelvic floor muscles are voluntarily contracted . The benefits of PFMT are modest and studies are limited by low patient numbers and heterogeneous outcome measures. A recent study demonstrated that PFMT alone or in combination with neuromuscular electrical stimulation or transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation improved storage symptoms in women with MS . Due to its non-invasiveness, PFMT should be continued whenever possible throughout the treatment course.

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Treating Urinary Tract Infections

If youre experiencing symptoms of a UTI or having any bladder dysfunction, be sure to seek prompt diagnosis and treatment. According to the NMSS, untreated bladder issues can cause:

  • Worsening of other MS symptoms
  • Kidney stones that can cause serious pain along with other health issues
  • Difficulty with work, home, and social activities
  • Loss of independence, self-esteem, and self-confidence
  • In serious cases, untreated urinary problems can lead to infections in the blood and skin breakdown both of which can shorten life in people who have MS.

If you do test positive for a UTI, your doctor will most likely prescribe an antibiotic to treat the infection. Its very important to take the full amount as directed even if your symptoms improve, because stopping too soon is likely to cause a recurrence of symptoms.

If your symptoms persist, or you have repeated infections, your healthcare provider will likely refer you to a urologist to figure out what type of ongoing bladder dysfunction might be causing your urinary symptoms.

Fighting In One Part Of The Body Leaves The Rest Vulnerable

#23087 Differences in the Incidence of Urinary Tract Infections between Neurogenic and Non-Neuro…

According to a February 25, 2015 article by Lauren Aguirre and published in NOVA NEXT, T- and B-cells, microphages and microglia can each do double duty as either the good guy or the bad guy in any inflammatory episode. Whatever roles they might play, theyre all putting in time-and-half when we have MS plus an infection or two. Treatments for these use anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen , corticosteroids, and antibiotics to great effect. That is, if we use them for acute episodes. If we use these for chronic conditions, they might not perform the same way. A helper immune cell can go all Hare Krishna with finger cymbals and saffron robes to heal your urinary tract infection–then become a psycho stalker when a B-cell antigen receptor sounds the charge to attack your cervical spine. As in any war, the front is wherever the fighting is heaviest. Immune cells, like soldiers, are highly adaptable and effective in the short skirmishes, but if they seize a small region and bivouac there for a while, they could become drunken revelers, rapists or plunderers. In other words, your UTI symptoms went away all rightbut your hands are now weak and shaky. Why cant the brain call a cease fire on all fronts and order the cells to retreat to the nearest lymph node? Even the most bloodthirsty B-cell must like to kick back, drink a beer, and watch the game once in a while.

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