Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Can Turmeric Cause Urinary Problems

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Editorial Sources And Fact

Bladder Infection Remedial: Turmeric, Ginger Root & Garlic Benefits
  • Al-Suhaimi EA, Al-Riziza NA, Al-Essa RA. Physiological and Therapeutical Roles of Ginger and Turmeric on Endocrine Functions. American Journal of Chinese Medicine. 2011.
  • Prasad S, Aggarwal BB. Turmeric the Golden Spice: From Traditional Medicine to Modern Medicine. In: Benzie IFF, Wachtel-Galor S, ed. Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects. 2nd edition. 2011.
  • Takada Y, Bhardwaj A, et al. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Differ in Their Ability to Suppress NF-kappaB Activation, Inhibition of Expression of Cyclooxygenase-2 and Cyclin D1, and Abrogation of Tumor Cell Proliferation. Oncogene. December 2004.
  • Jurenka J. Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Curcumin, a Major Constituent of Curcuma Longa: A Review of Preclinical and Clinical Research. Alternative Medicine Review. 2009.
  • Hewlings SJ, Kalman DS. Curcumin: A Review of Its Effects on Human Health. Foods. October 2017.
  • Is Turmeric Bad For High Blood Pressure

    High doses of turmeric can lower blood sugar or blood pressure, Ulbricht said, which means people taking diabetes or blood-pressure medication should use caution while taking turmeric supplements. People preparing for surgery should avoid turmeric supplements because turmeric can increase the risk of bleeding.

    Turmeric May Cause Kidney Stones

    Turmeric is high in oxalate, a chemical thats released from the body through urine. In high doses, excess oxalate can combine with calcium to form kidney stones, according to the University of Rochester Medical Center. A past study found that turmeric supplements significantly increased levels of oxalate in urine, and may increase the risk of kidney stones.

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    May Be Risky During Surgery

    This has to do with turmerics tendency to inhibit the blood-clotting process. Though there is no direct research here, it is likely that turmeric may interfere with blood clotting during surgery. Patients who are considering surgery may have to refrain from consuming turmeric one to two weeks before surgery and consult their doctor.

    Prevention Method

    If you are considering surgery, you must refrain from consuming turmeric one to two weeks before surgery.

    Turmeric May Help To Prevent Cancer

    7,000 Studies Confirm Turmeric Can Change Your Life: Here ...

    The anti-inflammatory properties of Curcumin in Turmeric may also help in preventing cancer.

    Studies have used Curcumin in cancer patients. There are several beneficial effects noted by such studies. It is even sometimes used to treat prostate cancer. It is considered complementary medicine. Furthermore, it may be used alongside chemotherapeutic agents and medicine. Curcumin or Turmeric may also form an important part of cancer prevention.

    The potent effects that have been noted when Curcumin is used in cancer patients mean we should look at studies that focus on this subject here as well.

    A research paper5 compiled by the Cytokine Research Laboratory in Houston explains that scientific evidence has already been presented that shows Curcumin may hold the potential to assist in the treatment, as well as the prevention, of the following cancers:

    • Leukemia
    • Inflammation
    • Invasion

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    Proven Benefits Of Turmeric In Urinary Disorder Treatment

    Turmeric is believed to have excellent healing properties. Increasing scientific evidence is indicative of its ability to reduce the risk of various types of renal problems along with reversing their effects.

    The nutrients present in it have the ability to decelerate and fix cell damage. Some of the benefits of turmeric in the treatment of various types of urinary disorders have been listed as follows:

    What Is The Correct Turmeric Dosage For Dogs

    The best way to combat side effects is to make sure your dog is receiving the appropriate dose. It might be a good idea to gradually build up the amount of turmeric you give your dog, as this will give their body time to adjust.

    Every dog is different, so you should follow the dosage recommendations on your chosen turmeric supplement, based on your pets size. If you are adding turmeric powder to food or using powder to create an edible paste for your dog, you could try using these quantities when starting out.

    You should monitor your dogs reaction and decide whether to decrease the quantity. If you have any concerns, talk to your vet. You may also wish to increase the quantity over time if you feel that your dog would benefit.

    For best results, give your dog a little every day to gradually build up the amount of curcumin in their system theres no need to rush.

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    Dosage Of Turmeric For Uti

    There is no specific dose of turmeric prescribed as such in case of UTI. Turmeric is known as a safe dietary product and its consumption can be beneficial in this disease.

    However, turmeric is known to have a poor absorption in the body.

    To increase the absorption of turmeric in the body, it can be taken in the form of Golden Paste .

    The recipe of Golden Paste using turmeric powder can be found here. If using fresh turmeric root, find the recipe here.

    Turmeric intake should be initiated with a quarter or half a tablespoon per day for a week. If gastric side-effects are not observed, then the intake can be gradually raised by quarter or half a tablespoon per week.

    1-2 teaspoon two or three times a day is recommendable .

    Consumption of turmeric in on an empty stomach should be avoided.

    Turmeric intake should also be avoided at the same time of taking medications. It is better to maintain a gap of 3-4 hours.

    Optimal turmeric dosage differs from one person to another some may need less while some more. The dosage depends on what suits an individual and what dosage is tolerated by the stomach.

    Turmeric can be consumed in a delicious way as Turmeric milk and Turmeric tea.

    To find some good organic brands of turmeric, check our recommendation on best organic turmeric brands.

    Turmeric supplements can also be used, but the advice of a medical practitioner before their use is important.

    What Are Kidney Stones

    Can Turmeric Help Kidney Disease? | Curcumin The Ingredient In Turmeric May Help CKD

    According to Johns Hopkins, kidney stones are hard objects composed of millions of crystals. They can range in size from a grain of sand to a large pebble, though many can be larger. Typically, these stones form on the kidneys inside surface, where the urine exits. 3

    The crystals that comprise kidney stones come from the various waste products the kidneys filter from the blood. Substances such as oxalate, calcium, and phosphate can become too concentrated in the blood. When this happens, they separate as crystals, which can then attach to each other. Unfortunately, if the body is unable to rid itself of these crystals while theyre small, they may turn into masses kidney stones. 34

    Kidney stones can come in several different types. The most common of these is calcium oxalate. These occur when your body has too much calcium in the blood, which then binds to oxalate in your kidneys. Its also possible to get: 34

    • Calcium phosphate stones, which form as a result of a kidney-related medical condition
    • Struvite stones composed of magnesium, phosphate, ammonium, and calcium carbonate
    • Uric acid stones composed of uric acid crystals
    • Cystine stones, which only form in persons with an inherited metabolic disorder

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    It Can Affect The Gallbladder

    In large quantities, turmeric is known to cause some gallbladder problems in a small number of people, especially those with pre-existing problems.

    A study in the Asia Pacific Journal of Nutrition showed that large amounts of turmeric can cause the gallbladder to contract, causing it to function improperly.

    Furthermore, taking large doses of turmeric supplements can significantly increase urinary oxalate levels, increasing the risk of kidney stone formation.

    Can Turmeric Or Curcumin Help With Uti

    Curcumin cannot help with an acute infection. Since turmeric are not going to show up in your urine, they can not directly affect anything that happens in your bladder. So if you are experiencing UTI symptoms, there is no need to waste your time on curcumin. Try other OTC UTI options.

    However, as long as we agree that the best way to cure chronic recurrent UTIs is to fix gut dysbiosis, then sure, curcumin can truly help shift your gut microbiome into the right direction. Especially if you are not that great at following a good diet.

    To improve the results make sure to take the right probiotics and add some other prebiotics, too. Any kind of insoluble fiber works great, but variety is a key.

    Another study that is worthy of mentioning in the context of chronic UTI administered a combination of Hyaluronic Acid, Chondroitin Sulfate, Curcumin, and Quercetin to 98 female volunteers , for a period of 6 months. The study demonstrated a positive impact of this combo on almost all key parameters . Its hard to say, what role every element of this supplementation regime played in the positive effect, plus the study wasnt placebo-controlled, so we dont know how the results could compare to a sugar-pill group. Theoretically, however, the choice of supplements could have helped restore GAG-bladder layer and, perhaps, curcumin helped increase the number of beneficial Lactobacilli.

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    Turmeric May Lower Blood Sugar Too Much

    On the one hand, some research suggests that turmeric may help treat and prevent diabetes, according to a review in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. That said, turmeric may magnify the effects of diabetes medications that lower blood sugar, increasing your risk of low blood sugar . More research in humans is needed. Dont take turmeric supplements for diabetes without first checking with your doctor.

    Turmeric Helps With Diabetes

    Is Turmeric bad for kidney?

    Since turmeric is an antioxidant, it is also a powerful agent when it comes to dealing with diabetes. It helps in reducing the resistance of insulin in the body, enabling it to work effectively. It helps reduce the risk of diabetes in the long run.

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    Before introducing new medications to your system, remember to consult with your doctor. It is important that you get the best medical advice for the other treatments that you want to try.

    If you get the go signal of your doctor, slowly introduce turmeric to your body. Hopefully, this treatment will work well with the other treatments that you are taking.

    Take note that turmeric cant be considered as a treatment for kidney problems. You cant rely solely on it in making your kidneys healthy.

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    Curcumin In Turmeric Benefits In The Treatment Of Chronic Kidney Diseases

    Chronic kidney disease is a major inflammatory disorder. On proliferation, over time it leads to dialysis and transplant requirements. Several cases have also been linked to cardiovascular problems and diabetes.

    One of its chief causes is an increase in gut permeability leading to leaking of pro-inflammatory molecules.

    Since it is majorly an inflammatory concern, the anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin can be put to good use in its therapeutics.

    Curcumin also increases the levels of Alkaline Phosphatase, a compound that is useful in restoring impermeability levels of the gut and thereby preventing leakage of toxic molecules. This, in turn, reduces the level of inflammatory enzymes and benefits in chronic kidney disease.

    Moreillon JJ along with his colleagues involved a group of 16 patients to understand the effects of herbal supplementation on chronic kidney diseases.

    The herbs he chose were Curcuma Longa and Boswellia serrate. By analyzing the results with respect to several enzymatic and biostatistical parameters, it was determined that these compounds are safe and highly useful in relieving pain and inflammation related to chronic kidney diseases.

    What does this mean?Turmeric extracts are useful in treatment of chronic kidney disease as they exert anti-inflammatory activity on affected cells.

    May Cause Iron Deficiency

    As per mice studies, compounds in turmeric were found to bind to iron. This could decrease the bodys ability to absorb iron from food, thereby leading to iron deficiency .

    Prevention Method

    If you have iron deficiency, avoid turmeric, and consult your doctor regarding its usage. Check your iron levels in your blood before including turmeric in your diet.

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    Pregnant And Breastfeeding Women

    Turmeric is safe for pregnant women to eat as a spice in food, but turmeric supplements should be avoided during pregnancy.

    There is not much research available at the moment on the possible effects of turmeric on pregnant and breastfeeding women, and its not known if the active compounds will pass through breast milk.

    Does Too Much Turmeric Have Side Effects

    Benefits of Turmeric for Kidney Patients | Can Turmeric (हलà¥?दà¥) Cure Kidney Disease | Turmeric Spice

    Turmeric is a popular yellow spice originating from southern Asia. Its an essential ingredient in many Indian dishes.

    Its also consumed for its health benefits. Supplements of turmeric, or curcumin its main active ingredient are becoming increasingly common.

    However, some people are concerned about the possible side effects of high-dose turmeric and curcumin supplements. This review looks into the evidence.

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    When Should You Not Take Turmeric

    People who should not take turmeric include those with gallbladder problems, bleeding disorders, diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux disease , infertility, iron deficiency, liver disease, hormone-sensitive conditions and arrhythmia. Pregnant women and those who are going to undergo surgery should not use turmeric.

    For Those Of You Unfamiliar With Turmeric Its An Antioxidant

    Tumeric: One of the worlds favourite spices and all-around health-promoters! For those of you unfamiliar with turmeric, its an antioxidant-rich staple that not only has awesome anti-inflammatory benefits, but a ton of other uses as well.

    A member of the ginger family, we know it as the culinary spice that gives curries their powerful yellow colour. So why is it such a big deal? Well, mostly because of curcumin, a special compound found only in turmeric.

    The most active component of turmericand responsible for many of its health benefitscurcumin is known for its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

    Its been shown to influence more than 700 genes in the body, and it can inhibit both the activity and the synthesis of enzymes that cause inflammation. Turmeric has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine because of its ability to protect the bodys cells from oxidative damage that suppresses immune function and causes tissue damage.

    Support Digestion: Regular small doses of turmeric with black pepper have been known to help with bloating and lethargy after meals by decreasing inflammation, strengthening intestinal walls and reducing abdominal pain. Turmeric also helps with irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and diarrhea by destroying fungi and bacteria.

    : Elderly villagers in India appear to have the lowest rates of Alzheimers in the world, and scientists believe that curcumin may play a role in this.

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    Bottom Line: Turmeric Is Mostly Safe But Be Sure To Check With Your Doctor

    As a spice, turmeric can add tons of flavor to your cooking along with anti-inflammatory effects and antioxidants to protect you against free radicals. But you may be able to reap greater benefits by taking turmeric in supplement form.

    Though turmeric is generally recognized as safe, its always smart to talk with your doctor before adding a supplement to your diet, especially if youre already taking other medications. Or at the very least, make sure to mention youre taking it the next time you go in for a checkup. People dont necessarily tell their doctor theyre taking a supplement, but its always important to disclose that to make sure there arent any contraindications, White says. Your doctor may even be able to help you figure out the ideal dosage for your health goals.

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    May Cause Diarrhea And Nausea

    This Is A Must Read Before Using Turmeric

    Diarrhea and nausea are two of the common symptoms associated with turmeric supplementation . This is because the curcumin in turmeric has a tendency to irritate the gastrointestinal tract.

    As per certain clinical studies, individuals supplemented with 0.45 to 3.6 grams of curcumin per day for 4 months experienced mild nausea . Even low doses of curcumin can provoke nausea in certain individuals .

    Prevention Method

    Take turmeric within the prescribed limit. If you observe any symptoms, stop the intake and consult your doctor immediately.

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    Turmeric Can Boost The Immune System

    The immune response of the body is a critical defence mechanism against infections. It helps to ward off the extraneous factors such as pathogens that may adversely affect the body.

    In the case of UTI as well, the defence mechanism against the uropathogens are compromised which leads to the occurrence of infection.

    Turmeric has a property of stimulating the immune system which is carried out by curcumin and its polysaccharide fraction.

    These compounds show this activity by suppressing expression various molecules of the immune system while activating expression of some others.

    Curcumin is found to enhance the antibody response which helps in preventing the infections through antibody-antigen interactions.

    What does it mean?It means consumption of turmeric has efficacy in boosting the immune system. This is helpful in warding off the infective agents and hence, can prevent UTIs.

    Here Is An Instant Turmeric Paste Recipe:


    5 ml linseed, olive or coconut oil


    Just mix together in a bowl and form a paste.

    You can mix turmeric with baked dog treats. However, the high heat and prolonged cooking time decrease the benefits of curcumin, as well as piperine. Thus, uncooked paste or gravy mixed with dog food is a much better option.

    The safe dose per day ranges from 100 to 500 milligrams per day depending on the size of your dog.

    Turmeric is a promising food supplement for dogs. Just make sure that you consult a veterinarian before giving it to your pet.

    Also always make sure to use organic and pure turmeric powder.

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