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Urinary Tract Blood In Urine

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When To Get Medical Advice

Urinary Tract Infections, Animation.

Its a good idea to see your GP if you think you might have a UTI, particularly if:

  • you have symptoms of an upper UTI
  • the symptoms are severe or getting worse
  • the symptoms havent started to improve after a few days
  • you get UTIs frequently

Your GP can rule out other possible causes of your symptoms by testing a sample of your urine and can prescribe antibiotics if you do have an infection.

Antibiotics are usually recommended because untreated UTIs can potentially cause serious problems if theyre allowed to spread.

Can Dog Uti Go Away On Its Own

It is not likely for a dogs UTI to go away on its own.

It is always recommended that if your dog exhibits signs of a UTI such as straining to urinate, increased frequency in urination, licking of the genital area, and fever, then you should seek veterinary care.

Urinary tract infections are not only unlikely to go away on their own. Without a dog UTI treatment, they can worsen or even lead to complications.

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Can Utis Be Prevented

These tips can help prevent UTIs:

  • School-age girls should avoid bubble baths and strong soaps that might cause irritation. They also should wear cotton underwear instead of nylon because its less likely to encourage bacterial growth.
  • All kids should be taught not to hold it when they have to go. Pee that stays in the bladder gives bacteria a good place to grow.
  • Kids should drink plenty of fluids but avoid those with caffeine.

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What Causes Hematuria

Reasons people may have blood in the urine include

  • infection in the bladder, kidney, or prostate
  • vigorous exercise
  • viral illness, such as hepatitisa virus that causes liver disease and inflammation of the liver
  • sexual activity
  • endometriosisa problem in women that occurs when the kind of tissue that normally lines the uterus grows somewhere else, such as the bladder

More serious reasons people may have hematuria include

  • bladder or kidney cancer
  • blood-clotting disorders, such as hemophilia
  • sickle cell diseasea genetic disorder in which a persons body makes abnormally shaped red blood cells
  • polycystic kidney diseasea genetic disorder in which many cysts grow on a persons kidneys

What Is A Uti

Hematuria Means Blood in Urine

A urinary tract infection, or UTI, is an infection that starts in the urinary tract, the drainage system that removes liquid waste from the body in the form of urine. Most UTIs occur in the lower urinary tract, which includes:

  • The bladder, a triangle-shaped organ that collects urine and stores it until youre ready to urinate. Cystitis is the name for an infection of the bladder.
  • The urethra, a small tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body so it can be released. Urethritis is the name for an infection of the urethra.
  • The prostate, a male organ responsible for supplying seminal fluid to nourish sperm and help with their mobility. Part of the prostate called the transition zone surrounds the urethra. Prostatitis is the name for an infection of the prostate.

Upper UTIs can also occur and involve:

  • The kidneys, the bean-shaped organs that filter your blood and transform waste into urine. Pyelonephritis is the name for a kidney infection.
  • The ureters, the long tubes that transport urine from your kidneys to your bladder.

Its also possible to have a widespread infection that affects both the upper and lower urinary tract.

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How To Treat A Urinary Tract Bleed:

  • If the blood appears after you have been hit, call your doctor. Your doctor will check to see if you have an injury inside your body. You may need an x-ray to be sure that your kidneys are not damaged.
  • If the bleeding starts for no known reason, drink more water to flush out your kidneys and bladder. This helps prevent clots which could damage your kidneys or ureters . To flush your system, drink an eight ounce glass of water each hour during the day and one glass every couple of hours at night.
  • If you still have symptoms after drinking the water or you think you may need to take factor, call your doctor.
  • Rest flat on your back for 24 hours or as your doctor tells you. Get up only to go to the bathroom.
  • Donât lift, pull, or push anything heavy for one to two weeks.

What Natural Supplements Can I Take To Prevent Another Uti

There is little evidence that natural supplements can prevent UTIs, but you can try cranberry supplements or probiotics. Cranberries contain antioxidants that may help prevent bacteria in the urinary tract from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract. Drinking 10 to 30 oz of cranberry juice per day may be beneficial. Probiotics may help prevent UTIs by supporting the bodys natural microorganisms in the flora.

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Why You Should Never Ignore Uti Symptoms

Lower UTIs arent generally serious medical emergencies, but you should still never ignore their symptoms. When you dont treat a lower UTI, the inflammation may cause urine to flow back through the ureters into the kidneys. If this happens, the infection can spread.

Kidney infections are much more serious than lower UTIs. They can lead to permanent kidney damage or allow the bacteria to spread to your bloodstream and cause a potentially fatal systemic infection. As a result, you should never try to simply manage your symptoms and allow your body to naturally fight the infection. Boosting your bodys defenses with an antibiotic is the best way to protect your health.

When Should I Seek Medical Attention

Blood In Dog’s Urine

Since some of the causes of blood in the urine are serious, you should seek medical attention the first time you see it. You shouldnt ignore even a small amount of blood in your urine.

Also see your healthcare provider if you dont see blood in your urine but experience frequent, difficult, or painful urination, abdominal pain, or kidney pain. These may all be indications of microscopic hematuria.

Seek emergency help if you cant urinate, see blood clots when you urinate, or have blood in your urine along with one or more of the following:

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Causes Of Blood In Cat Urine

Your cats urinary system starts at the kidneys. Urine produced here moves through the ureters and is stored in the bladder until it is voided through the urethra and into the tray.

Things can go wrong with any part of this system to cause blood in your cats urine. The most common problems occur in the lower urinary tract and form a spectrum of diseases called Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease or FLUTD.

Blood Clots In Brain Causes

Blood clots are the bodys natural defense to damage when a blood vessel is damaged. They basically form to stop the body from bleeding out. Unfortunately, they can also form when the body thinks that a blood cell has been damaged, or if the blood cell has been damaged internallyand thats where the problems can arise.

One of the first things to know when dealing with blood clots, is the various blood clot in brain causes. There are a number of causes of blood clots in the brainsome of which can be prevented, and other causes you can have very little control over.

The normal colors for urine may range from deep amber to pale yellow. Having red-colored urine or peeing blood clots is also known as hematuria. This condition may occasionally signal some serious health problems. Read on to learn more about blood clots in urine, their causes and consequences.

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Tests When Blood In Urine Is Present

If a physician suspects hematuria, he will order a dipstick test that identifies the presence of red blood cells. But because hematuria is a symptom that occurs in a number of different conditions, urologists usually require additional tests to determine the underlying cause. These include:

  • Urine tests to detect high protein levels and red and white blood cells , as well as cancerous cells
  • Blood tests, such as creatinine or a complete blood count , to look for infection or kidney disease
  • Kidney biopsy, which involves removing a small piece of tissue to be tested for cancer or kidney disease
  • Cytoscopy to look for inflammation, bleeding, or cancer
  • Kidney imaging tests to check for urine blockages or unusual masses in the urinary tract, kidneys, or prostate


Gerber GS, Brendler CB. Evaluation of the urologic patient. Campbell-Walsh Urology, 10th. ed. 2011.

Hematuria: Blood in the urine. . National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse . NIH Publication No. 124559.


What Are The Complications Associated With Hematuria


Some of the causes of blood in the urine are serious, so you should contact your healthcare provider if you notice this symptom.

If the symptom is due to cancer, ignoring it can lead to an advancement of the tumors to the point that treatment is difficult. Untreated infections can ultimately lead to kidney failure.

Treatment can help reduce symptoms if the cause of hematuria is an enlarged prostate. Ignoring it may lead to discomfort from needing to urinate frequently, severe pain, and even cancer.

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Condom Use During Sex

Non-lubricated latex condoms may increase friction and irritate the skin during sexual intercourse. This may increase the risk of a UTI.

But there are many reasons to use condoms. Theyre important for reducing the spread of sexually transmitted infections and preventing unwanted pregnancy.

To help prevent friction and skin irritation from condoms, be sure to use enough water-based lubricant during sex.

Avoid using condoms coated with spermicide.

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When To Contact A Medical Professional

You may not see blood in your urine because it is a small amount and is microscopic. Your health care provider may find it while checking your urine during a routine exam.

Never ignore blood you see in the urine. Get checked by your provider, especially if you also have:

  • Discomfort with urination

Contact your provider right away if:

  • You have fever, nausea, vomiting, shaking chills, or pain in your abdomen, side, or back
  • You are unable to urinate
  • You are passing blood clots in your urine

Also contact your provider if:

  • You have pain with sexual intercourse or heavy menstrual bleeding. This may be due to a problem related to your reproductive system.
  • You have urine dribbling, nighttime urination, or difficulty starting your urine flow. This may be from a prostate problem.

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How To Treat Blood In Urine Without Infection

Blood in urine or Hematuria is not something which should be neglected. However, in order to treat the same, the exact cause of such blood in urine should be known to the medical practitioner. Thus, an appointment with the doctor at the earliest is the most important step that one should undertake in case he/she finds blood in urine.

The doctor would advise a thorough urine test in order to find out what can cause blood in urine without infection and then start the appropriate treatment schedule. For example, in case of bleeding due to strenuous exercises, the doctor might need to advise limiting the exercises or not practising heavy exercises till the time the injury heals.

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What Causes Urinary Tract Infections

Risk of Urinary Tract Malignant Tumors in Patients With Asymptomatic Microscopic Hematuria

Normal urine is sterile and contains fluids, salts, and waste products. It does not contain bacteria, viruses, or fungi. A UTI occurs when germs, most often bacteria from the digestive tract, get into the opening of the urethra and start to multiply.

Most UTIs are caused by E. coli bacteria, which normally live in the colon.

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How Does Urination Occur

To urinate, your brain signals the sphincters to relax. Then it signals the muscular bladder wall to tighten, squeezing urine through the urethra and out of your bladder.

How often you need to urinate depends on how quickly your kidneys produce the urine that fills the bladder and how much urine your bladder can comfortably hold. The muscles of your bladder wall remain relaxed while the bladder fills with urine, and the sphincter muscles remain contracted to keep urine in the bladder. As your bladder fills up, signals sent to your brain tell you to find a toilet soon.

How Is The Cause Of Hematuria Diagnosed

If youre seeing your doctor for hematuria, theyll ask you about the amount of blood and when you see it during urination. Theyll want to know how often you urinate, any pain youre experiencing, if you see blood clots, and what medications youre taking.

Your doctor will then give you a physical examination and collect a sample of your urine for testing. The analysis of your urine can confirm the presence of blood and detect bacteria if an infection is the cause.

Your doctor may order imaging tests such as a CT scan, which uses radiation to create an image of your body.

Another possible test your doctor may want to do is a cystoscopy. This involves using a small tube to send a camera up your urethra and into your bladder. With the camera, your doctor can examine the interior of your bladder and urethra to determine the cause of your hematuria.

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Homeopathic Remedies For Uti

1. Aconitum apellus : this remedy is useful when there is a feeling of anxiousness both before and while urinating. It is also good for UTI-burning relief.

2. Belladonna: if there is a frequent feeling of urination along with cramps in the area of the bladder, accompanied by a very small amount of colored urine, this remedy is helpful.

3. Apis mellifica: this remedy can be taken if there is a frequent urge to urinate along with a burning sensation and soreness in the abdominal area.

4. Borax: this remedy is helpful to treat acute cystitis accompanied by pain in the bladder as well as urinary opening.

5. Chimaphila umbellata: if a person has to strain a lot in order to pass the urine, along with a scalding sensation, this remedy works well.

6. Staphysagria: this remedy is quite useful for women if cystitis occurs due to sexual activity. This condition may be accompanied by a feeling of pressure in the bladder even after urinating.

Apart from these, you can try some other homeopathic treatments, like Berberis Vulgaris, cantharis, clematis, lycopodium, equisetum, nux vomica, sepia, and sarsaparilla.

What Can Cause Blood In Urine

Blood in urine (hematuria)

Blood in urine is a symptom that does not typically appear on its own, and is generally a sign of an underlying problem. It is important to understand that the cause of blood in urine is not always infection. There are multiple causes for this, some more serious than others. Possible causes of blood in urine besides infection are:

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Blood-thinning medicines like aspirin and warfarin are useful in dissolving blood clots, but can also push microscopic traces of blood into a persons urine. Prolonged usage of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs like ibuprofen can also cause blood to appear in someones urine.

  • Internal Hemorrhaging

Trauma, injury, and overexertion during exercise may all cause internal injuries that break blood vessels. This can cause blood to leak into body cavities and discharge in a patients urine. A blow to the kidneys might also rupture cell walls and blood vessels, therefore causing bleeding during urination. Hemorrhaging may also occur when an aneurysm or balloon-like expansion of an abdominal artery ruptures.

  • Stones in the Kidney or Ureter
  • Prostate Problems

Written by Sarah Thebarge, Physician Assistant

Hematuria is a condition in which red blood cells are found in the urine. Hematuria can be macroscopic , where blood is visible with the naked eye, or it can be microscopic, only visible when examined under a microscope.

Here are four of the most common causes of this condition.

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What Do The Results Mean

Many things can cause blood in urine. Most of them aren’t serious. The blood may be caused by taking certain medicines, intense exercise, sexual activity, or menstruation .

But blood in your urine may be a sign of a more serious problem, such as:

If your test result shows blood in your urine, you may need more tests to find out why. To learn what your results mean, talk with your provider.

Learn more about laboratory tests, reference ranges, and understanding results.

Treating Whats Causing Blood In Your Urine

Treatment for blood in urine will depend on what medical condition is causing the hematuria. For example, if you have a urinary tract infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. If you have an enlarged prostate, your doctor may prescribe medication to shrink it.

For bladder or kidney stones, your doctor may use shock wave treatment, known as extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. They may remove the stone by inserting a scope through the urethra, or they may recommend surgery.

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Is It Normal To Pee Blood With An Uti

By | June 22, 2018, 8:36 p.m.


Yes. One symptom of a UTI is blood in your pee. If you think you have a UTI, especially if youre peeing blood, its really important to see a doctor or nurse and get treated right away. UTIs dont go away on their own. Sometimes it can spread to your kidneys and make you really sick. Plus, UTIs can be very painful and uncomfortable.

Symptoms of UTIs include:

  • feeling like you have to pee even when you know you dont

  • pain or burning when you pee

  • bad-smelling or cloudy urine

  • blood or pus in your urine

  • soreness, pressure, or cramps in your lower belly, back, or sides

The good news is that a UTI is usually easy to treat with medicine your doctor or nurse will give you that clears the infection right up. So contact a doctor or nurse, like the ones at your nearest Planned Parenthood health center if you think you have a UTI.


Planned Parenthood delivers vital reproductive health care, sex education, and information to millions of people worldwide. Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. is a registered 501 nonprofit under EIN 13-1644147. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable under the law.

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