Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Are The Symptoms Of Male Urinary Tract Infection

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Home Remedies For Urinary Tract Infections In Men


Will a UTI go away on its own? Minor, uncomplicated UTIs may be resolved by the body without additional treatment. Home remedies may help in this process, and can also be used while taking antibiotics. You can take several steps to maintain your comfort and ensure that all the bacteria are eliminated from your body such as:

  • Drink more water. This dilutes your urine and encourages the flushing out of bacteria from your urinary tract.
  • Avoid alcohol, coffee, citrus juice, sugary sodas, and spicy foods. All of these may irritate your bladder and contribute to your frequent, urgent urinating.
  • Use a heating pad or hot water bottle. Using a warm heating pad on your abdomen can help with the pain and discomfort.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking is one of the main contributors to bladder cancer.
  • Drink cranberry juice. Some studies suggest that cranberry juice can help with UTIs by preventing bacteria from sticking to the walls of your urinary tract. Other studies are inconclusive or suggest otherwise, but if you think drinking cranberry juice is helping you, then by all means drink it. Just watch your calorie intake, and avoid drinking cranberry juice if youre taking any blood-thinning medication, like aspirin or warfarin.

Things You Can Do Yourself

To help ease symptoms of a urinary tract infection :

  • takeparacetamolup to 4 times a day to reduce pain and a high temperature for people with a UTI, paracetamol is usually recommended over NSAIDs such as ibuprofen or aspirin
  • you can give childrenliquid paracetamol
  • rest and drink enough fluids so you pass pale urine regularly during the day
  • avoid having sex

Some people take cystitis sachets or cranberry drinks and products every day to prevent UTIs from happening, which may help. However, there’s no evidence they help ease symptoms or treat a UTI if the infection has already started.

Urgent Advice: Ask For An Urgent Gp Appointment Or Get Help From Nhs 111 If:

You think you, your child or someone you care for may have a urinary tract infection and:

  • a very high temperature, or feeling hot and shivery
  • a very low temperature below 36C
  • are confused, drowsy or have difficulty speaking
  • have not been for a pee all day
  • have pain in the lower tummy or in the back, just under the ribs
  • can see blood in their pee

These symptoms could mean you have a kidney infection, which can be serious if it’s not treated as it could cause .

You can call 111 or get help from 111 online.

Don’t Miss: What Antibiotics Are Given For Urinary Tract Infections

Visit An Urgent Care Clinic

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of a urinary tract infection in men, we recommend visiting an urgent care clinic right away.

The professionals at these clinics are well equipped to diagnose a UTI. UTIs are easy to treat and you will be on your way to feeling better in no time.

For more information or to find your nearest location, contact us today.

Uti In Men: Symptoms Causes Treatment & Prevention

5 Phases to Heal UTIs Naturally

Though urinary tract infections are more common in women, they can also occur in men.

In this article, Ill describe the two main types of UTIs in men as well as their symptoms and potential causes. Ill also review how doctors diagnose and treat UTIs in men. Finally, Ill address who is most at risk for getting a UTI, how it can affect older adults and children differently, and which behaviors may help prevent a UTI.

In most cases, UTIs are easy to treat, but they do not go away on their own. Knowing how to recognize the symptoms of a UTI will help you determine when its important to see a healthcare professional for treatment.

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What Are The Symptoms Of A Urine Infection

  • Infection in the bladder usually causes pain when you pass urine, and you pass urine more frequently. You may also have pain in your lower tummy . Your urine may become cloudy, bloody or smelly. You may have a high temperature .
  • Infection in the kidneys may cause pain in a loin and a high temperature . It may cause you to feel sick or be sick . You may feel generally unwell.

In some elderly men, the only symptoms may be a recent onset of confusion or just feeling generally unwell, even without any actual urinary symptoms.

Check If It’s A Urinary Tract Infection

Symptoms of a urinary tract infection may include:

  • pain or a burning sensation when peeing
  • needing to pee more often than usual during the night
  • pee that looks cloudy, dark or has a strong smell
  • needing to pee suddenly or more urgently than usual
  • needing to pee more often than usual
  • lower tummy pain or pain in your back, just under the ribs
  • a high temperature, or feeling hot and shivery
  • a very low temperature below 36C

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When To Get Medical Advice

It’s a good idea to see your GP if you think you might have a UTI, particularly if:

  • you have symptoms of an upper UTI
  • the symptoms are severe or getting worse
  • the symptoms haven’t started to improve after a few days
  • you get UTIs frequently

Your GP can rule out other possible causes of your symptoms by testing a sample of your urine and can prescribe antibiotics if you do have an infection.

Antibiotics are usually recommended because untreated UTIs can potentially cause serious problems if they’re allowed to spread.

Urinary Tract Infection Diet

Urinary Tract Infection, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

There is no specific diet that will treat a UTI, but there are certain foods you can add to your diet to reduce the risk of UTIs.

Berries are full of antioxidants and ideal for keeping bacteria at bay. Cranberries are known to help with UTIs, but other berries like blueberries are also beneficial. You also want to eat plenty of yogurt because its beneficial probiotics prevent bacteria from living in your urinary tract.

In addition to this, there are certain things to avoid when you want to prevent UTIs. If you have a UTI, you need to avoid caffeine and alcohol until the infection is cleared because these drinks can irritate your bladder. You also want to avoid acidic and spicy foods during an infection.

Citrus fruit after an infection is great for preventing future problems because of the high vitamin C content.

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Causes Of Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections are usually caused by bacteria from poo entering the urinary tract.

The bacteria enter through the tube that carries pee out of the body .

Women have a shorter urethra than men. This means bacteria are more likely to reach the bladder or kidneys and cause an infection.

Things that increase the risk of bacteria getting into the bladder include:

  • do not use scented soap

  • do not hold your pee in if you feel the urge to go

  • do not rush when going for a pee try to fully empty your bladder

  • do not wear tight, synthetic underwear, such as nylon

  • do not drink lots of alcoholic drinks, as they may irritate your bladder

  • do not have lots of sugary food or drinks, as they may encourage bacteria to grow

  • do not use condoms or a diaphragm or cap with spermicidal lube on them try non-spermicidal lube or a different type of contraception

Why Do Women Get Urinary Tract Infections More Often Than Men

Women tend to get urinary tract infections more often than men because bacteria can reach the bladder more easily in women. The urethra is shorter in women than in men, so bacteria have a shorter distance to travel.

The urethra is located near the rectum in women. Bacteria from the rectum can easily travel up the urethra and cause infections. Bacteria from the rectum is more likely to get into the urethra if you wipe from back to front after a bowel movement. Be sure to teach children how to wipe correctly.

Having sex may also cause urinary tract infections in women because bacteria can be pushed into the urethra. Using a diaphragm can lead to infections because diaphragms push against the urethra and make it harder to completely empty your bladder. The urine that stays in the bladder is more likely to grow bacteria and cause infections.

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What Are Symptoms Of Uti In Infants

Infants with a urinary tract infection are less likely than adults or older children to have the characteristic symptoms. Urinary tract infections can develop in both male and female infants. Affected babies may have a fever and no other symptoms. Infants who have a urinary tract infection may:

  • be irritable, have a fever, and
  • have loose stools and/or feeding problems.

Because of the nonspecific nature of many of these symptoms, urinary tract infections can be more difficult to diagnose in infants.

The symptoms can also appear nonspecific and the diagnosis may be more difficult in the elderly or those in healthcare settings who require long-term catheter use.

Urine testing will establish the diagnosis of a urinary tract infection. The urine is examined for the presence of red blood cells that signify bleeding into the urine and for white blood cells that signify infection. A culture of the urine is also taken to identify the organism responsible for the infection and to determine the effectiveness of different antibiotics against the offending organism. If recurrent infections develop, further types of testing including imaging studies and/or visual examination of the bladder may be recommended.

How Urinary Tract Infections Are Treated In Men

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Whether an infection affects a man or a woman, the treatment is the same: a round of antibiotics to kill the bacteria and get rid of UTI symptoms. For an uncomplicated infection, a woman typically needs to take an antibiotic for one to three days. For men, a longer course of at least seven days of antibiotics is required, says Trost.

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Uti Causes And Risk Factors

The most common cause of a UTI in the urethra is a sexually transmitted disease. Chlamydia and gonorrhea are two STDs that can cause a UTI. STDs are also the most common cause of UTIs in younger men.

Prostate problems can also cause UTIs. An enlarged prostate is common in older men and can block the flow of urine. This can increase the odds that bacteria will build up and cause a UTI.

Prostatitis, which is an infection of the prostate, shares many of the same symptoms as UTIs.

Diabetes and other medical issues that affect your immune system can also make you more likely to get a UTI.

Testing For Recurrent Utis Includes:

Ultrasounds or CT scans: detailed images of the urinary tract to reveal structural abnormalities or blockage.

Cystoscopy: removal of bladder tissue to look for inflammation and cancerTreatment for Urinary Tract Infection

Treatment for a UTI will depend on the cause. Viral infections are treated with antiviral medications, and fungal infections are treated with antifungal medications. Bacteria are the most common cause, so antibiotics are the most common treatment for UTIs.

Lower tract infections can be treated with oral antibiotics, while upper tract infections need intravenous antibiotics. In some cases, bacteria can develop resistance to medications, but your doctor can evaluate which medication will by taking a urine culture.

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How To Prevent Urinary Tract Infections In Men

Younger men cant do too much in terms of preventing a UTI, according to Trost. But older men can take a few steps to lower their risk. One of the best defense mechanisms against UTIs is to completely empty the bladder every time you urinate, says urologist Howard B. Goldman MD, professor and institute vice chairman for quality at the Glickman Urologic and Kidney Institute at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.

Its also important to drink lots of fluids, especially water, every day. If you already have a UTI, drinking plenty of fluids can help push the bacteria out of the urinary tract and in some very mild UTI cases, that could be enough to treat it. But if you notice any of the signs of a UTI, it’s still very important to head to your doctor for a diagnosis and treatment recommendation.

Without proper UTI treatment, the infection can quickly spread and become a serious and sometimes even fatal threat. So don’t brush off symptoms like frequent urination or a burning sensation when you urinate, and don’t assume that you can’t get a UTI just because you’re a man. Its important that you get these symptoms checked out promptly, too.

How Are Utis Diagnosed

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Only a health care provider can treat urinary tract infections. The first thing a doctor will do is confirm that a person has a UTI by taking a clean-catch urine specimen. At the doctor’s office, you’ll be asked to clean your genital area with disposable wipes and then pee into a sterile cup.

The sample may be used for a urinalysis or a urine culture . Knowing what bacteria are causing the infection can help your doctor choose the best treatment.

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What Is The Long

UTIs become more serious the further the infection spreads, so seeking prompt medical treatment is essential to a positive outlook.

UTIs can be prevented by staying hydrated each day and not holding urine in for long periods of time. You can also reduce the risk by regularly including cranberries in your diet.

Most UTIs will go away after treatment, but some can become recurrent. The same bacteria are usually the cause of recurrent infections, but in most cases, you can get rid of recurring infections too.

In This Article

Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: Treatment And Management

For men whose lower urinary tract symptoms are not bothersome or complicated, it is reasonable to offer watchful waiting . This involves giving reassurance and information and advice on lifestyle measures such as:

  • Reduction in the intake of fluids containing alcohol, caffeine and artificial sweeteners together with avoidance of carbonated drinks is often advised.

Other helpful measures may include:

  • Optimising medication to ensure that drugs promoting urinary frequency are kept to a minimum.

The patient should be reviewed if symptoms change or become worse.

  • For men with mild or moderate bothersome lower urinary tract symptoms, discuss active surveillance or active intervention .
  • Offer men considering treatment for LUTS an assessment of their baseline symptoms with a validated symptom score eg, I-PSS.
  • Surgical treatment is generally reserved for men who have failed or are unable to tolerate drug treatment, or for those who have developed complications.

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Treatment From A Gp For Utis That Keep Coming Back

If your UTI comes back after treatment, or you have 2 UTIs in 6 months, a GP may:

  • prescribe a different antibiotic or prescribe a low-dose antibiotic to take for up to 6 months
  • prescribe a vaginal cream containing oestrogen, if you have gone through the menopause
  • refer you to a specialist for further tests and treatments

In some people, antibiotics do not work or urine tests do not pick up an infection, even though you have UTI symptoms.

This may mean you have a long-term UTI that is not picked up by current urine tests. Ask the GP for a referral to a specialist for further tests and treatments.

Long-term UTIs are linked to an increased risk of bladder cancer in people aged 60 and over.

Key Points About A Uti In Children

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
  • A urinary tract infection is inflammation of part of the system that takes urine out of the body.
  • Most infections are caused by bacteria from the digestive tract. The most common is Escherichia coli bacteria. These normally live in the colon.
  • A UTI is not common in children younger than age 5. A UTI is much more common in girls because they have a shorter urethra.
  • A UTI is unlikely in boys of any age, unless part of the urinary tract is blocked. Uncircumcised boys are more at risk for a UTI than circumcised boys.
  • Symptoms vary by age, and can include fever, need to urinate often, pain, and crying.

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What Is The Outlook

The vast majority of men improve within a few days of starting treatment. See a doctor if you do not quickly improve. If your symptoms do not improve despite taking an antibiotic medicine then you may need an alternative antibiotic. This is because some germs are resistant to some types of antibiotics. This can be identified from tests done on your urine sample.

Occasionally the infection may spread and cause you to be more unwell. Infection in the bladder may spread to the kidney . Infection may also spread to involve the prostate gland, causing infection of the prostate gland . Occasionally it may lead to a swelling caused by a collection of pus in the prostate gland.

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How Is It Diagnosed

Your healthcare provider will ask about your symptoms and medical history. You may have lab tests of your urine and discharge from the urethra and prostate gland.

For serious or repeated infections, you may need:

  • An intravenous pyelogram . An IVP is a special type of X-ray of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder.
  • An ultrasound scan to look at the urinary tract.
  • A cystoscopy. This is an exam of the inside of the urethra and bladder with a small lighted instrument. It is usually done by a specialist called a urologist.

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