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Acupuncture Points For Urinary Incontinence

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Why It Is Important To Perform This Review

#23472 Acupuncture for mixed urinary incontinence: a randomized single-blind placebo-controlled …

The American Urological Association recommends a three-line therapy for OAB. The first-line therapy is behavioural therapy, such as delayed voiding bladder training, pelvic floor muscle training, lifestyle modifications and management of fluid intake. These therapies are suitable for all OAB patients however, patients need to invest much time and effort to achieve good effects. The second line of therapy is oral anticholinergic drugs such as tolterodine, solifenacin and oxybutynin. Although drug therapy is non-invasive, side effects such as dry mouth, constipation, headache and vision abnormality may affect quality of life. The third line of therapy refers to neural regulation such as sacral nerve stimulation however, this treatment is limited because it is invasive and can cause adverse reactions such as infection.

The objective of this proposed systematic review is to determine the effectiveness and safety of acupuncture for OAB in adults. The following comparisons will be addressed:

  • Acupuncture versus placebo or no treatment.

  • Acupuncture versus any other treatment.

  • What Is Overactive Bladder

    According to the International Continence Society, overactive bladder is a condition characterized by urinary urgency, with or without urgency incontinence, usually with urinary frequency and nocturia. A diagnosis of overactive bladder is made based on the patients symptoms and is appropriate in the absence of a proven infection or other obvious pathology. Overactive bladder is caused by the bladder muscles contracting before the bladder is full.

    Symptoms of overactive bladder and explanation of terms:

    Urinary urgency: The sudden, strong need to urinate immediately.

    Urge incontinence: Leakage or gushing of urine that follows a sudden, strong urge.

    Urinary frequency: Bothersome, frequent urination occurring eight or more times a day or two or more times at night. Nocturia: Awaking at night to urinate.

    Acupuncture And Chinese Herbs For Urinary Incontinence

    1 September 2017by Heiko Lade

    Acupuncture helps with urinary incontinence

    Urinary incontinence is quite common and is estimated that worldwide can effect up to 200 million people. The incidence is much higher in women than in men. In women the most common causes are pregnancy, menopause and post birth and in men it is an enlarged prostate. Other diseases like multiple sclerosis and Parkinsons disease can lead to urination problems. Children can also be effected by urinary incontinence as well as bed wetting. The three common medications used to treat urinary incontinence are festoterodine, tolterodine and oxybutynin. These medications only partially help in one in ten cases and researchers Shamliyan et al in their 2012 paper Systematic Review: Benefits and Harms of Pharmacologic Treatment for Urinary Incontinence in Women had even more concerns about their side effects.

    Acupuncture and Chinese herbs have been used for thousands of years in the treatment of many urination problems. There are a number of causes according to traditional medical theory leading to urinary problems. Ancient physicians made the connection between the kidneys and the bladder and therefore often the traditional Chinese medicine treatment is focused on tonifying or supplementing the kidney energy. Supplementation of the kidneys is often also done with moxibustion.

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    Description Of The Intervention

    Acupuncture is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine that encompasses many methods, such as body acupuncture, scalp acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, warm needling, fire needling and elongated needling. Acupuncture has been used to treat urinary incontinence since ancient times in China. The HuangdiNeijing says For needling, the reinforcing methods should be used for urinary incontinence and the reducing method for urinary retention.

    Table 1a And 1b Prescriptions Of Acupuncture Points For Urinary Incontinence Described In Acupuncture Textbooks And Chinese Medicine Classics

    Pin on Pressure points

    It should be noted that traditional acupuncturists administer treatment on an individual basis, using combinations of the above-mentioned points. In addition, many traditionally trained acupuncturists not only utilize the points related to urinary organs but also use points to address the patients underlying physical and/or emotional imbalances. This approach could be highly important, especially when considering that a previous PTNS study has strongly suggested that the success of PTNS treatment depends upon the patients emotional state.

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    Acupuncture For Urinary Incontinence

    The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. Listing a study does not mean it has been evaluated by the U.S. Federal Government. Read our disclaimer for details.
    First Posted : February 28, 2006Results First Posted : August 1, 2016Last Update Posted : October 24, 2016
    • Study Details
    Condition or disease
    Procedure: AcupunctureOther: Sham acupuncture Phase 2
    Layout table for study information

    Study Type :
    Primary Purpose:
    Efficacy of Acupuncture in Treating Urinary Incontinence
    Study Start Date :
  • Percent Change in Incontinent Episodes Percent change in incontinent episodes at 1 week post-intervention relative to baseline.
  • Percent Change in Incontinent Episodes Percent change in incontinent episodes 4 weeks post true or sham acupuncture
  • Physical Health-Related Quality of Live Percent change in physical health related quality of life measured at 1 week post-intervention relative to baseline measured by the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36 Physical Component score. Higher SF-36 Physical Component scores are considered a better outcome.
  • Duration of Any Beneficial Effects Time to relapse in months of participants who completed true acupuncture initially or who crossed-over following sham
  • Acupuncture Helps Bladder Control Stops Leakage

    12 October 2016

    A powerful type of acupuncture is proven effective for the treatment of urinary incontinence. In a Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine clinical trial, standard acupuncture stimulation demonstrated a 54% total effective rate, however a specialized electroacupuncture treatment protocol yielded an 86% total effective rate. Well take a look how these remarkable results were achieved.

    Urinary incontinence is defined as the involuntary leakage of urine. Due to loss of bladder control, urine may leak during coughing, sneezing, laughing, heavy lifting, or other activities. The condition may also present in the form of urgent urination wherein one may not have enough time to get to the restroom. Urinary incontinence may take on a more insidious nature wherein there may be frequent, often imperceptible, dribbling of urine. In all presentations of the disorder, there is a loss of bladder control.

    The discovery that acupuncture can safety and effectively treat this condition is significant. According to the CDC , incontinence presents a significant financial burden to the individual and to society. In the United States, the cost of bladder incontinence among adults in 2000 was estimated at $19.5 billion, with $14.2 billion incurred by community residents and $5.3 billion by institutional residents . Based on these figures, acupuncture is an important and cost-effective treatment option.

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    Don’t Miss: Ok Google Urinary Tract Infection

    Can Acupuncture Help With Bladder Problems

    Quick answer: yes! Acupuncture has proven to help with thousands of ailments, issues with the bladder being among those ailments. Acupuncture stimulates energy , allowing energy to flow throughout the body and promote healing.

    All acupressure points discussed below have resulted in great success for people suffering from bladder problems. Whether youre suffering from an overactive bladder, urinary incontinence, and more: you can benefit from the following acupressure points for the bladder. If you are looking for even more information on how acupressure can help bladder issues, check out other articles we have written on acupoint for urinary tract infection and how to unblock bladder meridian. We have articles on other ailments as well, such as acupressure for bloating.

    Where Are The Acupuncture Points To Treat Urinary Incontinence

    Urinary Bladder | proper functioning of urinary system | urine infection | Acupuncture points

    In the research study from China standardised acupuncture points were selected including common ones on the sacrum including bladder 32 ciliao. The problem with researchers selecting all the same points to do their research really limits the results as compared to acupuncture performed in a private clinical setting, the choice of the number acupuncture points would be much higher. Points can be selected to suit the individuals requirements. A post menopausal woman may require different acupuncture points to someone who has just given birth. Alan Jansson, a well known traditional acupuncturist on Australias Gold Coast, says In selecting acupuncture points, unfortunately, one size does fit all. I might use abdominal points as well as points on the back in tandem with moxibustion on the ankle. Most of the modern research doesnt even use moxibustion and I use this technique on on nearly all patients with urinary incontinence

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    Acupuncture For Incontinence Not Infertility

    Research yields mixed results for this traditional Chinese treatment

    HealthDay Reporter

    TUESDAY, June 27, 2017 — Acupuncture, a 3,000-year-old healing technique, received mixed reviews in two new studies from China — one focusing on incontinence and the other on a cause of female infertility.

    A research team found acupuncture did improve symptoms of stress incontinence — an involuntarily loss of urine, such as when a woman sneezes or coughs.

    But in a separate study, another team of researchers determined that acupuncture did not help women who were infertile because of polycystic ovary syndrome . Women with PCOS have a hormonal imbalance that keeps them from releasing an egg during the menstrual cycle.

    Acupuncture is a key element of traditional Chinese medicine. It involves inserting thin needles into the skin to stimulate specific body points. Previous research has found it might benefit constipation, depression and morning sickness, among other problems. And some research has found it helpful to boost fertility when the problem is not due to polycystic ovary syndrome, the researchers said.

    The bottom line from the two new studies?

    For infertility due to polycystic ovary syndrome, however, Shurtleff said acupuncture has not been found effective. He suggested patients consider other options.

    More rigorous research on acupuncture is needed in general, he added.

    The researchers concluded that acupuncture won’t help infertility in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

    Acupuncture May Have A Role In Managing Your Symptoms

    Waking up several times in the night desperate for the toilet, an increase in the need to go to the toilet or sudden urges to go. Sound familiar? You may have an overactive bladder .Recent evidence points towards acupuncture as a useful tool in the management of overactive bladder symptoms in men and women with minimal, if any, side effects.

    Overactive bladder syndrome is the name given to a combination of any, or all, of the following symptoms:

    • the need to go to the bathroom to empty your bladder more often than you usually would
    • a sudden urge to urinate that is very difficult to control and which may result in an accident
    • your bladder may wake you more than once during the night

    Between 12 and 20% of people have been reported to suffer from OAB symptoms in research conducted in the UK, US, Canada, Germany, Italy and Sweden1,2,3. It is only slightly more common in women than men .

    Interestingly, an increased risk of OAB symptoms as a result of ageing or a higher BMI was more strongly correlated with women1,4.Studies show that OAB can impact negatively on quality of life, sleep, work performance and general well-being, unsurprisingly.

    One of the main reasons given for not seeking help or advice was the lack of awareness that effective treatment was available for such conditions5.

    Sinéad McCarthy MISCP POGP AACP

    BSc. Physiotherapy

    MSc. Continence for Physiotherapists


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    How The Intervention Might Work

    Acupuncture works by stimulating points with needles. In TCM theory, acupuncture is thought to regulate qi circulation. For OAB, needling at points on the kidney or bladder meridians could reinforce qi and promote the recovery of bladder function. In Western medicine, the mechanism of acupuncture is as yet unknown.

    Randomization Allocation Concealment And Blinding

    A table of random numbers will be produced according to sample size using the statistical software SAS , and sealed in opaque envelopes. The envelopes will be delivered to each research center and stored in a double-locked cabinet. The practitioner will open the corresponding envelope and allocate the participants who meet the eligibility criteria after signing an informed consent form. Participants will be randomly allocated to the electroacupuncture group or the acupuncture group at a ratio of 1:1. After the practitioner checks the group allocation for the subject, the envelope will be stored again in a separate, double-locked cabinet.

    Randomization will be stratified by centers and is conducted with concealment of the randomization list.

    Practitioners cannot be blinded, and they will be excluded from the assessment procedure. Outcomes will be assessed by researchers who are not involved in the intervention procedure.

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    Has There Been Any Research To See If Acupuncture Can Help Urinary Incontinence

    What I found odd about modern China is that even though acupuncture and moxibustion has been used for thousands of years to treat urinary incontinence, modern physicians in China still want to go and research it. For example, Liu et Al conducted research over a period between 2013 and 2015 with 12 Chinese hospitals and found that the results showed less urine leakage and episodes of urine incontinence.

    What Is The Role Of Acupuncture In Urinary Incontinence Treatment

    Acupuncture is a promising alternative therapy. A 2013 review of four randomized controlled trials of of acupuncture or acupressure in the treatment of urinary incontinence found no statistically significant improvement in urinary incontinence, but did note favorable effects on overactive bladder symptoms and quality of life. A more recent randomized clinical trial by Liu et al in 504 women with stress urinary incontinence, treatment with electroacupuncture involving the lumbosacral region resulted in less urine leakage compared with sham electroacupuncture.

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    Description Of The Condition

    Overactive bladder is a symptom syndrome defined by the International Continence Society as the presence of urinary urgency , usually accompanied by increased frequency and nocturia with or without urge urinary incontinence in the absence of a urinary tract infection or other obvious pathology. OAB has a serious impact on the quality of life of patients. It can cause anxiety and depression, and it influences patients social interactions and sexual function.

    The Importance Of Kidney In Our Body

    3 Acupressure Point for Incontinence

    The kidneys perform a very important role in our bodies as they eliminate toxins. They cleanse your blood and get rid of waste and excess fluid, maintaining the balance of salt and minerals in your blood, besides maintaining the blood pressure level. As the kidneys get damaged, more and more waste products and fluid accumulate in the body. It leads to various health problems such as causing swelling in your ankles, vomiting, poor sleep, weakness, and shortness of breath.

    There are acupressure points for kidney on your hands and legs, which help remove toxins. You can just press the points for kidney disease in both hands and legs, to initiate the recovery process. If you are suffering from chronic renal failure, you should practice acupressure along with other treatment options such as medicines and proper medical advice.

    Chronic kidney failure can lead to other more chronic conditions such as chronic kidney failure, increasing the requirement for artificial filtering, dialysis or in worst cases, a kidney transplant.

    In acupressure, you apply manual pressure on specific points. When you use needles to stimulate the points, the treatment is known as acupuncture. An acupressure practitioner stimulates a number of points on the foot, ankle and around the second lumbar vertebrae for at least three to 10 seconds, to begin with at a time, then extending to a period of 15 minutes to an hour.

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    Can Acupuncture Treat Male Incontinence

    Can Acupuncture Treat Male Incontinence?

    Urinary incontinence is a troubling medical condition that can disturb a person’s sleep, lower their self-esteem and negatively affect their overall quality of life. While most common in women, men can develop it as well. According to, roughly 5 million men suffer from urinary incontinence. Acupuncture, however, has become an increasingly popular treatment option for male urinary incontinence. So, how does acupuncture work, and is it really effective at treating this condition?

    What Is Acupuncture?

    Acupuncture is a type of alternative Eastern medicine that involves placing thin needles into the skin at various areas of the body. A practitioner, known as an acupuncturist, places the needles into one of more than 400 points of the client’s body. Each of these points has a different effect. Therefore, an acupuncturist must diagnose the client’s illness before conducting this minimally invasive procedure. Acupuncture points around the bladder and kidney, for example, are often used to treat incontinence and other urinary health conditions.

    Does Acupuncture Work for Male Incontinence?

    Other Ways to Treat Incontinence

    Of course, acupuncture is only one treatment option to consider if you suffer from incontinence. The Wiesner Incontinence Clamp, for instance, is a an externally worn device that compresses the urethra, preventing the flow of urine. It’s simple, easy to use and highly effective at combating urinary incontinence.

    Search Methods For The Identification Of Studies

    A search strategy will be designed and conducted according to the Cochrane handbook guidelines.

    Electronic searches

    We will search the following databases from inception to July 2014:

  • The Cochrane Incontinence Group Trials Register


  • The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials

  • Chinese Biomedical Literature Database

  • Chinese Medical Current Content

  • China National Knowledge Infrastructure

  • Wan-Fang Data

  • Chinese Scientific Journal Database

  • presents the full list of search terms to be used.

    Recommended Reading: Physical Therapy For Urinary Incontinence

    How To Balance The Kidney Yin By Activating The Kidney Acupressure Points

    The Kidney is known as a Yin Organ and it is also Yin in nature. Whenever you think of Yin acupressure points, you can follow the below guidelines.1. Touch the point with a feather touch.2. Increase the pressure but maintain a quiet energetic field within yourself.3. Focus on the point and gradually sink into it.

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