Friday, July 26, 2024

Magnetic Therapy For Urinary Incontinence

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Pemf Therapy For Urinary Incontinence

Pulsed Electro Magnetic Therapy for Urinary Incontinence (Urine leakage)

Common treatments for incontinence include lifestyle changes and prescription drugs. There are also invasive treatment options for incontinence. Changing your diet and giving up smoking could help, but that may not be the source of the problem. Consider PEMF therapy for urinary incontinence before you commit to medication or an invasive procedure.

Pulse electromagnetic field therapy can help relieve symptoms of incontinence by reducing inflammation and swelling and stimulating muscles and nerves to promote healthy function. There have been several studies showing the effectiveness of PEMF therapy for urinary incontinence. For example, a study published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science found that patients who received PEMF with and without physical exercise both saw improvement, while those who received only a placebo did not.

Inclusion And Exclusion Criteria

The potentially relevant articles were independently reviewed by two authors, who reached a consensus on all disagreements. Inclusion criteria were: RCTs evaluating the efficacy of active MS versus sham MS as a treatment for urinary incontinence study population aged 18 years or older with symptoms of stress urinary incontinence, urgent urinary incontinence or mixed urinary incontinence. Accordingly, studies were excluded based on the following criteria: head-to-head studies of MS versus other modalities studies including patients who were pregnant presented with pelvic organ prolapse, severe cardiac/cerebrovascular disorders, urinary tract infection, or a history of pelvic surgery used medications that may affect urinary incontinence or received other ongoing treatment for urinary incontinence abstracts, comments, reviews, conference papers, case reports, meta-analyses and other irrelevant studies. When more than one study included duplicate data from the same population, we only selected the study reporting useful information. Reference lists of selected articles were also examined.

Problems Arising From Agenda

The most severe fault in meta-analysis often occurs when the person or persons doing the meta-analysis have an economic, social, or political agenda such as the passage or defeat of legislation. People with these types of agendas may be more likely to abuse meta-analysis due to personal bias. For example, researchers favorable to the author’s agenda are likely to have their studies cherry-picked while those not favorable will be ignored or labeled as “not credible”. In addition, the favored authors may themselves be biased or paid to produce results that support their overall political, social, or economic goals in ways such as selecting small favorable data sets and not incorporating larger unfavorable data sets. The influence of such biases on the results of a meta-analysis is possible because the methodology of meta-analysis is highly malleable.

For example, in 1998, a US federal judge found that the United States Environmental Protection Agency had abused the meta-analysis process to produce a study claiming cancer risks to non-smokers from environmental tobacco smoke with the intent to influence policy makers to pass smoke-freeâworkplace laws. The judge found that:

As a result of the abuse, the court vacated Chapters 1â6 of and the Appendices to EPA’s “Respiratory Health Effects of Passive Smoking: Lung Cancer and other Disorders”.

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Clinical Management Of Urinary Incontinence In Women

This is a corrected version of the article that appeared in print.

LAUREN HERSH, MD, and BROOKE SALZMAN, MD, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Am Fam Physician. 2013 May 1 87:634-640.

Patient information: A handout on this topic is available at .

Urinary incontinence, defined as the involuntary leakage of urine, affects 20 million persons nationwide. 1 Estimations of prevalence range from 3 to 55 percent, depending on the definition and the population.2 Within nursing homes, 60 to 70 percent of patients experience the disorder.3 These estimates are thought to be conservative, because at least one-half of patients do not report incontinence to a physician.4


Conservative therapies should be the first-line treatment for stress and urge urinary incontinence.

Clinical recommendation Evidence rating References

Pharmacologic interventions should be used as an adjunct to behavioral therapies for refractory urge incontinence.

Surgical therapy should be considered in women with stress incontinence that has not responded to less invasive treatment modalities.


Conservative therapies should be the first-line treatment for stress and urge urinary incontinence.

Classification of Urinary Incontinence in Women

Information from references 6 and 7.

Information from references 6 and 7.

Weak Inclusion Standards Lead To Misleading Conclusions

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy Urinary ...

Meta-analyses in education are often not restrictive enough in regards to the methodological quality of the studies they include. For example, studies that include small samples or researcher-made measures lead to inflated effect size estimates. However, this problem also troubles meta-analysis of clinical trials. The use of different quality assessment tools lead to including different studies and obtaining conflicting estimates of average treatment effects.

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Principle Of Magnetic Stimulation Therapy

When an electric current is passed through the coil, a magnetic field is generated along the coil axis. An electric field is induced in proportion to the rate of change of the magnetic field, stimulating skeletal muscle, the autonomic nervous system, and the somatic nervous system. When a pulsed current is passed through the coil of a chair, a pulsed magnetic field is generated in the pelvis and an eddy current is generated. The eddy current stimulates the pelvic floor muscles, which are mainly the pelvic nerve, and suppresses the pelvic nerve and stimulates the lower abdominal nerve via the afferent fibers of the pelvic nerve and bladder, and the urinary muscle. As a result, the pressure in the urethra increases and bladder contraction is suppressed.

Motor Function Of The Pelvic Floor Muscles

The pelvic floor muscles support the organs and are active at rest. Therefore, the pelvic floor muscle group is composed of slow muscle fibers that act as posture maintenance at a high rate. Furthermore, the pelvic floor muscles do not work alone, and when the pelvic floor muscles are contracted, the abdominal muscles contract, and conversely, when the abdominal muscles are contracted, the pelvic floor muscles are also activated. When the abdominal pressure rises, the pelvic floor muscles and abdominal muscles move inward. However, in cases of dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscle group such as urinary incontinence, the pelvic floor muscle group and the abdominal muscle move outward .

Also Check: Pelvic Floor Therapy For Urinary Incontinence

How Pemf Therapy Improves Urinary Incontinence

PEMF therapy can be effective for a wide variety of conditions but many women are looking for a solution for urinary incontinence.

Most of us see the commercials and magazine adds for surgical bladder supports and special underclothing.

PEMF Therapy is a non-invasive tool that could be a long term solution for those with this condition.

Dr. William Pawluk, an expert in PEMF therapy research, began to notice that as he had his female patients trial this therapy for other conditions began to notice decreased symptoms of urinary incontinence improved.

As a result, he began to research these cases and was pleased to find that research was already being conducted specifically for this condition.

If you are struggling with urinary incontinence, youll be pleased to know that the results of clinical study show promising results.

There has been significant proof on the the effectiveness of high intensity devices in medical offices as well as low intensity devices that were used in the home.

High-intensity devices work quickly but Dr. Pawluk states that the results are not typically long-lasting.

Low-intensity devices are achieving more optimal, long term results.

When used routinely, low intensity devices are more effective due to the cumulative effects of the sessions.

Effect On Neurogenic Overactive Bladder

Urinary Incontinence Treatment Patient Testimonial – Magnetic Electro Stimulation Therapy

Neurogenic bladder is a lower urinary tract dysfunction caused by a neurological disorder, and the diagnosis is based on urodynamic testing. When the upper part of the pontine detrusor center existing in the brain stem is damaged, neurogenic detrusor overactivity causes the bladder to contract involuntarily against the intention of the person occurs, resulting in urge incontinence and pollakiuria. In a study comparing the effects of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on neuropathic overactive bladder dysfunction in patients with spinal cord injury , 50 male and 30 female patients with secondary neuropathic overactive bladder due to spinal cord injury were recruited. Urinary tract dynamics were performed before and after treatment. 40 patients received TENS 3 times/week, for a total of 20 times and the remaining 40 patients received PEMFT 3 times/week, for a total of 20 times. As a result, the maximum cystometric capacity, volume at first uninhibited detrusor contraction, and maximum urinary flow rate were significantly increased in the PEMFT group, indicating that PEMFT is superior to TENS in terms of therapeutic effect .

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Repetitive Periphere Magnetstimulation : Behandlungsablauf

Wir setzen die Magnetfeldstimulation mit dem BioCon-2000W Therapiestuhl in folgenden Situationen ein:

  • Behandlung von Inkontinenz für Stuhl oder Darmgase
  • Harninkontinenz, v.a. bei Stress-Inkontinenz und Inkontinenz nach Prostatektomie
  • Unterstützung der Rehabilitation nach einer proktologischen Operation
  • Unterstützung der Rückbildung nach Entbindungen
  • Störungen der Feinkontinenz beim Hämorrhoidal-Leiden

Weniger gut untersucht sind folgende Indikationen und bedürfen daher einer besonders sorgfältigen Nutzenabwägung:

  • unspezifische Schmerzzustände im kleinen Becken
  • sexuelle Funktionsstörungen

Zur Durchführung der Therapie müssen Sie sich einfach nur in den Behandlungsstuhl setzen. Dabei bleiben Sie vollständig angezogen und können in Ruhe eine Zeitschrift lesen. In den Stuhl ist ein elektrisches System eingebaut, das ein elektromagnetisches Feld generiert und bis 12 cm tief in den Beckenboden ausstrahlt. Frequenz und Signalstärke der Impulse wird vom Therapeuten passend zu ihrer Indikation eingestellt. Während der Behandlung fühlt der Patient ein Gefühl, als würde man angestupst und/oder rhythmische Anspannungen der zu trainierenden Muskulatur.

Wir bieten diese IGeL-Leistung in unserer proktologischen Praxis in München an. Weil wir davon überzeugt sind, dass Sie den Unterschied spüren, bieten wir Ihnen eine unverbindliche Beratung und eine kostenlose erste Therapiesitzung.

What Are The Types Of Ui

  • Stress incontinence

    Leakage happens with coughing, sneezing, exercising, laughing, lifting heavy things, and other movements that put pressure on the bladder. This is the most common type of incontinence in women. It is often caused by physical changes from pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. It can be treated and sometimes cured.

  • Urge incontinence

    This is sometimes called overactive bladder. Leakage usually happens after a strong, sudden urge to urinate. This may occur when you dont expect it, such as during sleep, after drinking water, or when you hear or touch running water.

  • Functional incontinence

    People with this type of incontinence may have problems thinking, moving, or speaking that keep them from reaching a toilet. For example, a person with Alzheimers disease may not plan a trip to the bathroom in time to urinate. A person in a wheelchair may be unable to get to a toilet in time.

  • Overflow incontinence

    Urine leakage happens because the bladder doesnt empty completely. Overflow incontinence is less common in women.

  • Mixed incontinence

    This is 2 or more types of incontinence together .

  • Transient incontinence

    Urine leakage happens for a short time due to an illness . The leaking stops when the illness is treated.

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Pemf Therapy Can Reduce The Symptoms Of Urinary Incontinence In The Following Ways:

  • Reduction of inflammation. Inflammation of the bladder can weaken the muscles, thus resulting in urinary incontinence.
  • Stimulation of the nerves. When nerve cells are overactive, they can cause the symptoms of bladder conditions to be more severe.
  • Effective and non-invasive therapy. PEMF Therapy is an effective method of treatment that is less invasive and less painful than other electrical stimulation techniques.
  • Many that have used electrical stimulation therapy find that it is not only uncomfortable but the results are short-lived.

    The recommendation for patients to utilize exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor should not be ignored.

    PEMF therapy works well when used in conjunction with any conventional or other holistic treatment plan.

    Overall, Dr. Pawluk believes that the use of high-intensity PEMFs is effective in many ways for overactive bladder and urinary incontinence.

    However, the use of a low-intensity PEMF device within the home will yield longer lasting results with a much less invasive application.

    Publication Bias: The File Drawer Problem

    Magneto STYM

    Another potential pitfall is the reliance on the available body of published studies, which may create exaggerated outcomes due to publication bias, as studies which show negative results or insignificant results are less likely to be published. For example, pharmaceutical companies have been known to hide negative studies and researchers may have overlooked unpublished studies such as dissertation studies or conference abstracts that did not reach publication. This is not easily solved, as one cannot know how many studies have gone unreported.

    This file drawer problem , can result in a biased distribution of effect sizes thus creating a serious base rate fallacy, in which the significance of the published studies is overestimated, as other studies were either not submitted for publication or were rejected. This should be seriously considered when interpreting the outcomes of a meta-analysis.

    The problem of publication bias is not trivial as it is suggested that 25% of meta-analyses in the psychological sciences may have suffered from publication bias. However, low power of existing tests and problems with the visual appearance of the funnel plot remain an issue, and estimates of publication bias may remain lower than what truly exists.

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    What Are The Advantages Of Treatment

    PelviPower is medically proven to be a safe, non-surgical solution for many common pelvic, urinary and sexual health issues, offering the patient many advantages over other treatment options:

    • PelviPower training combines Magnetic Field Therapy with non-invasive PelviPower Bio-Feedback-Training
    • This simple and painless training has a stronger effect than conventional pelvic floor exercises or independent training
    • The intensity of PelviPower Magnetic Field Therapy produces results in a much shorter time and research indicates that the results tend to last longer
    • It is impossible to train incorrectly and you do so in your everyday clothes
    • Because strengthening the pelvic floor improves awareness of it, contracting these muscles in your day to day activities becomes much easier
    • Other positive side effects can include improved sexual sensitivity, a reduction in cellulite and reduced back pain.

    How Do I Talk To My Doctor About Ui

    Many women do not want to talk to their doctor about such a personal topic. But UI is a common medical problem. Millions of women have the same problem. Many have been treated successfully. Your doctor has probably heard many stories like yours.

    Even if you feel shy, it is up to you to take the first step. Some doctors dont treat bladder control problems, so they may not think to ask about it. They might expect you to bring up the subject.

    Family practitioners and internists can treat bladder problems. If your doctor does not treat such problems, ask for help finding a doctor who does, such as a urologist, OB/GYN, or urogynecologist.

    Here are some questions to ask your doctor:

    • Could what I eat or drink cause bladder problems?
    • Could my medicines cause bladder problems?
    • Could other medical conditions cause loss of bladder control?
    • What are the treatments to regain bladder control? Which one is best for me?
    • What can I do about the odor and rash caused by urine?

    It also helps to keep a bladder diary. This means you write down when you leak urine. Be sure to note what you were doing at the time, such as sneezing, coughing, laughing, stepping off a curb, or sleeping. Take this log with you when you visit your doctor.

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    Literaturverzeichnis Magnetfeldtherapie Des Beckenbodens

    Anderson, C. A., Omar, M. I., Campbell, S. E., Hunter, K. F., Cody, J. D., & Glazener, C. M. . Conservative management for postprostatectomy urinary incontinence. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 1, CD001843.

    Benezech, A., Bouvier, M., & Vitton, V. . Faecal incontinence: Current knowledges and perspectives. World journal of gastrointestinal pathophysiology, 7, 5971.

    Brusciano, L., Gambardella, C., Gualtieri, G., Terracciano, G., Tolone, S., Schiano di Visconte, M., Grossi, U., Del Genio, G., & Docimo, L. . Effects of Extracorporeal Magnetic Stimulation in Fecal Incontinence. Open medicine , 15, 5764.

    Galloway, N. T., El-Galley, R. E., Sand, P. K., Appell, R. A., Russell, H. W., & Carlan, S. J. . Extracorporeal magnetic innervation therapy for stress urinary incontinence. Urology, 53, 11081111.

    Gumussoy, S., Kavlak, O., & Yeniel, A. . Effects of Biofeedback-Guided Pelvic Floor Muscle Training With and Without Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation Therapy on Stress Incontinence. Journal of Wound, Ostomy & Continence Nursing, 48, 153-161.

    Hou, W. H., Lin, P. C., Lee, P. H., Wu, J. C., Tai, T. E., & Chen, S. R. . Effects of extracorporeal magnetic stimulation on urinary incontinence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of advanced nursing, 76, 22862298.

    Kirschner-Hermanns, R., & Jakse, G. . Magnetstimulation des Beckenbodens beim älteren Menschen. Ergebnisse einer prospektiven Untersuchung . Der Urologe. Ausg. A, 46, 377381.

    Effectiveness Of Magnetic Stimulation In Patients With Overactive Bladder



    Introduction:Material and methods:Results:


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