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How To Cure Urinary Retention Naturally

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Urine Retention Home Remedies

Urinary Retention – Natural Home Remedies For Urinary Retention Problem | UTI | Improve urine Flow

Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto is a traditional remedy used in many European countries for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. It is known that saw palmetto has anti-inflammatory properties. However, this home remedy also prevents testosterone from converting into dihydrotestosterone. For this reason, one urine retention home remedy is sawed palmetto as well.


Sarsaparilla is a home remedy used for the treatment of cystitis. Also, sarsaparilla is a great natural remedy when it comes to relieving pain associated with urinary tract stones. One of the great effects of sarsaparilla is the relieving of the burning sensation which accompanies urinary tract infections at the end of urination.

Indian Licorice

The indicant licorice extract is considered to be a very effective natural alternative to antibiotics and for this reason, it is used for the treatment of cystitis. Indian licorice as one of many urine retention home remedies is also used when trying to relieve the inflammation or infection of the urinary tract. For this purpose, you should mash about 50 mg of Indian licorice, boil it for about 30 minutes with a glass of water and drink the tea at least three times a week.

Green Onions



Dandelion is an herb used for the treatment of various diseases such as heartburn, nausea and even kidney diseases. Dandelion is often used as a natural diuretic due to its anti-inflammatory properties as it increases the urine output.


Urinary Retention In Men: Symptoms Causes And Treatments

Discussing bladder control problems, even with the doctor, can cause discomfort, and embarrassment.

Bladder control, however, is an issue that affects far more people than perceived. So bear in mind, if you are unable to empty your bladder properly, you are definitely not alone.

Urinary retention is defined as having great difficulty in completely, or even partially, emptying the bladder.

Many people have problems starting urination, as well as keeping the urine volume going, which results in the bladder not being fully drained.

The bladder is a very integral part of the body, and when it is not functioning as it should, it is very distressing, and at times, even painful.

Fortunately, there are several treatments available, most of which have a good record of success.

Natural Treatments For Frequent Urination

1. Pelvic Floor Training

Pelvic floor muscle exercises are usually one of the first lines of treatment for urinary issues like incontinence, overactive bladder and frequent urination. These exercises help to improve the strength, coordination and endurance of the pelvic floor muscles. Pelvic floor training is a type of exercise that involves muscle clenching.

One type of pelvic floor training is kegel exercises, which help to strengthen the muscles that wrap around your urethra. When you clench these muscles by contracting them and then relaxing them, they are becoming stronger and you can better control the act of urinating. For people dealing with frequent urination, kegels can help to support your bladder.

2. Bladder Training

Did you know that you can train your bladder? Some people are teaching their bladders some pretty bad habits and they dont even know it. For instance, some people dealing with frequent urination may be training their bladder to empty more often, before it is actually full. So you are getting the urge to urinate, even though you dont really have to just yet.

Do your best to wait the set amount of time before you urinate again, and if you find that you dont have to urinate when youve hit your interval, do it anyway. If you get the urge to urinate before its time, try some distraction techniques like taking deep breaths, relaxing your body and sitting in a chair and leaning down, which should relieve some pressure.

3. Watch Your Fluid Intake

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Home Remedies For Frequent Urination In Men

Men in their middle age after 40 tend to lose bladder control due to prostate enlargement. The best way to cure over urination is by avoiding bad habits that lead to frequent urination at night in the first hand. But, if you have already surpassed the stage of prevention and are suffering from frequent urination at night, the following home remedies for frequent urination will offer maximum relief.

Precautions And Proper Diagnosis

4 Natural Home Remedies For benign prostatic hyperplasia ...

The main symptoms of OAB can also occur in other health conditions like bladder cancer, urinary tract infection and enlarged prostate. Seeing blood in your urine is not a symptom of OAB.

A sudden and frequent need to urinate is common in both OAB and a UTI. How can you tell the difference between these two urinary health issues? Unlike OAB, a UTI also comes with other symptoms such as discomfort while urinating. In addition, OAB symptoms are continuous while UTI symptoms are sudden and may also include a fever.

Overflow incontinence is characterized by the involuntary release of urine from an overfull urinary bladder, often in the absence of any urge to urinate. This condition is not associated with OAB. It typically occurs in people who have a blockage of the bladder outlet, which can occur with benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate cancer or a narrowing of the urethra. Overflow incontinence can also occur when the muscle responsible for removing urine from the bladder is too weak to empty the bladder in a normal way.

It is very important to see a doctor to ensure a proper diagnosis if you experience any changes in your urine and/or urination habits.

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Cinnamon For Continuous Urination

Cinnamon is one of the best natural medicine for frequent urination caused by urinary tract infection and vaginitis. It can kill fungus, bacteria, germs, and parasites. Thus, it also reduces the problems of excessive discharge, improper menstrual cycle, and bad vaginal odor.

How To Stop Frequent Urination Feeling With Cinnamon?

You should drink cinnamon tea regularly to avoid over urination in the first hand by keeping your system clean from infections. Otherwise, if you have already developed the problem of frequent urination, you can make a cinnamon paste for instant relief from repeated urination.

Required Ingredients

Steps To Make And Apply Cinnamon Paste To Cure Burning Sensation After Urination

  • Take 1 tsp cinnamon powder and ? tsp colorless henna in a bowl
  • Add cold distilled water in the bowl and stir until you get the desired semi-liquid consistency
  • Refrigerate the mixture for 15 minutes
  • In the meantime, massage your pelvic area and vulva with warm cinnamon oil
  • Apply the cold paste directly over the freshly massaged surface
  • Wash with clean water and apply every alternate day for 2 weeks to get rid of frequent urination feeling

Why It Works?

Cinnamon is anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and analgesic. It is rich in vitamin C, E, K, and riboflavin. Thus, it can treat all kinds of infections like UTI and vaginitis. On the other hand, colorless henna is a cooling agent that reduces burning sensation after urination.

Urethral Dilation Or Stents

This might be done if there is an obstruction or stricture in the urethra where urine flows through to be emptied. Dilating means the urethra is widened, using a small catheter or tube. A stent is a small catheter or tube that is inserted and left in place. Dilating can be done on its own or when a stent is needed. This is typically done as an outpatient or during an office visit with local anesthesia. The stent may be temporary or permanent to help drain the bladder.

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Home Remedies For Urine Retention/blockage

Acute urinary retention is fatal and occurs for a short period of time so in this case, it is better to consult with a doctor. Chronic urinary retention is not that serious and occurs for a longer period of time. You can use a natural remedy for chronic urinary retention.

  • Nettle Leaves
  • Nettle has restorative properties and also used as a diuretic which helps cure bladder and kidney. If you are taking medication for any other health problem then consult with a doctor before consuming nettle.

    • Prepare a tea from a nettle tea bag or fresh leaves and drink three times a day until you get relief from bladder pain and urine retention.
  • Drink More Reddish Juice
  • Reddish juice is a good home remedy for urine retention. It has anti-inflammatory properties that help to ease the pain. It also helps to flush out harmful toxins through urine and prevent infection in the urinary tract.

    • Extract a half cup of juice from reddish and drink empty stomach in the morning.
    • Repeat this remedy once or twice in a day until you get relief.
  • Dandelion Root
  • Dandelion root has diuretic properties which help to increase urine production. This remedy also helps to cure heartburn, Kidney disease, liver disease, and constipation due to its diuretic nature. If you are on medication then consult with your doctor before using this remedy.

    Read: Home Remedies for Kidney Infection

  • Peppermint
  • Pineapple Juice
  • Cranberry Juice
    • Drink one glass of cranberry juice two or three times a day. Do not add any sugar.
  • Cinnamon
  • What Is An Inability To Urinate

    How To Detox Kidney, Urinary Retention Renal Calculi Natural Treatmentððð²

    Urinary retention is the inability to completely empty your bladder. Urinary retention may be sudden in onset or gradual in onset and chronic . When you cannot empty your bladder completely, or at all, despite an urge to urinate, you have urinary retention. To understand how urinary retention occurs, it is important to understand the basics of how urine is stored in and released from the body.

    The bladder is a hollow balloon-like organ in the lower part of the belly that stores and eliminates urine.

    Urinary retention may cause harm to the function of the bladder and the kidneys, incontinence, and may increase the risk of urinary tract infections. Thus, it requires urgent medical attention for evaluation and management. In some cases, hospitalization is required.

    Urinary retention is not an unusual medical condition, and it is more common in men than in women.

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    Your Urology Specialist Can Help

    Having difficulty urinating is an uncomfortable and inconvenient experience. While urinary retention remedies are good practice in preventing future health concerns, not being able to urinate is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention.

    Managing mild urinary retention symptoms is possible, but it is always best to see a urology specialist for a professional opinion to learn about traditional treatment options. Schedule an appointment with us, or visit your local emergency room, if you start showing symptoms of urinary retention.

    This content was originally published in March 2019 and was refreshed in January 2021.

    What Is An Overactive Bladder Symptoms To Look For

    Overactive bladder is a syndrome, or a set of symptoms, that is believed to be due to sudden contractions of the muscles in the wall of the bladder. When you have overactive bladder syndrome, the muscles controlling bladder function start acting involuntarily. This often leads to urinary incontinence or loss of bladder control. The urine leakage experienced by someone with OAB can be as little as several drops to up to several ounces. Sometimes, incontinence can be a sign of something simple like drinking way too many caffeinated beverages on a daily basis. Other times the underlying cause can be something more serious.

    An overactive bladder is said to account for 40 to 70 percent of incontinence. What is incontinence? Incontinence is a lack of voluntary control over urination or defecation. When you have overactive bladder, you can experience urinary incontinence or loss of control over urination.

    There are actually two different types of overactive bladder. Dry is when you have a sudden, urgent need to urinate many times during the day. Wet means you have the sudden, urgent need to urinate and you experience bladder leakage, which is also referred to as urge incontinence. Both dry and wet can occur without any underlying health condition. An estimated 60 percent of OAB patients have dry OAB while 40 percent have wet OAB .

    OAB symptoms can differ on an individual case basis. Common symptoms of an overactive bladder include:

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    Diagnosis Of Urinary Retention

    When a person seeks treatment for urinary retention, the doctor will do a physical exam and ask about symptoms and medications.

    For men, the doctor may do a rectal exam to check the size of the prostate, a walnut-sized gland located between the bladder and the penis. An enlarged prostate might press the urethra and cause urinary retention. Doctors might order blood tests to screen for prostate cancer, which is very common among older men.

    The doctor also may order tests including:

    • Urinalysis to check for infection or blood in urine.
    • Ultrasound to see how much urine remains in the bladder after voiding.
    • Cystoscopy, a test where a tiny camera is inserted through the urethra, allowing the doctor to see the inside of the urethra and bladder.
    • CT scan, which looks for stones or other blockages of the urine flow.
    • Urodynamic tests of urine flow.
    • Electromyography , which measures how well the muscles and nerves work around the bladder and the urethra.

    In some cases, doctors also might order an MRI test of the pelvic region and/or the brain to determine the cause of the urinary retention.

    What Causes Chronic Urinary Retention

    Urinary Retention Treatment in Ambattur, Chennai

    Urinary retention can happen for several different reasons. These causes can include:

    • A blockage to the way urine leaves your body.
    • Medications youre taking for other conditions.
    • Nerve issues that interrupt the way your brain and urinary system communicate.
    • Infections and swelling that prevent urine from leaving your body.
    • Complications and side effects of medications given to you for a surgical procedure.


    When something blocks the free flow of urine through the bladder and urethra, you might experience urinary retention. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of your body. In men, a blockage can be caused when the prostate gland gets so big that it presses on the urethra. This is the most common cause of chronic urinary retention in men. One cause in women is a bladder that sags. This is called cystocele. It can also be caused when the rectum sags into the back wall of the vagina a condition called rectocele. Some causes can happen to both men and women. The urethra can get narrow due to scar tissue. This is called a stricture. Urinary stones can also block the flow of urine out of your body.


    Nerve issues

    • Trauma to the spine or pelvis.
    • Pressure on the spinal cord from tumors and a herniated disk.
    • Vaginal childbirth.

    Urinary retention from nerve disease occurs at the same rate in men and women.

    Infections and swelling


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    Add Vitamin C To Your Diet

    Not only does vitamin C help strengthen your immune system, but it may also acidify your urine, which limits the growth of some bacteria and may prevent urinary tract infections from occurring. Just be careful of eating too many acidic foods when you have a UTI, as they can potentially irritate your bladder, which may only make your UTI symptoms worse.

    A Combination Of Medical And Home Treatments May Help Ease The Symptoms Faster Here Are Three Home Remedies For Bladder Retention:

    Written by Longjam Dineshwori | Updated : February 25, 2020 9:19 PM IST

    Urinary retention is the inability to completely or partially empty the bladder. When you have this condition, you may be unable to start urination, or if you are able to start, you can’t fully empty your bladder.

    You’re suffering from urinary retention, if you experience the following symptoms:

    • Difficulty starting to urinate
    • Difficulty fully emptying the bladder
    • Weak dribble or stream of urine
    • Increased abdominal pressure
    • Lack of urge to urinate
    • Strained efforts to push urine out of the bladder
    • Frequent urination
    • Nocturia

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    Stay In Tune With Your Body

    Pay attention to how often you feel the urge to urinate. If it becomes easier to delay using the bathroom and you stretch out the time between urinating, you may gradually stretch out your bladder. Also note if it becomes more difficult for you to begin to urinate or you feel that youre not able to completely empty your bladder. These may be early signs of urinary retention.

    Be aware of any changes to your urination habits after surgery or a serious back injury. Its common for urinary retention to developeither immediately or over timeafter having surgery or injuring your back.

    Talk with your health care professional if you notice any of the signs of urinary retention. You may be able to prevent the condition from becoming more severe if you get help early on.

    Chronic Urinary Retention Treated At Home

    Cure Urinary Retention [Subliminal]

    If youre experiencing chronic urinary retention symptoms, its normal to feel anxious about leaving home to seek medical attention. After all, you likely want to be close to a bathroom in case you need to urinate suddenly. At DispatchHealth, we specialize in delivering high-quality healthcare in the comfort of our patients homes. All you have to do is request a visit and well send a team to your homeits as easy as that. Our medical teams are fully equipped to handle a wide range of health concerns and arrive with a stocked medical kit that has many of the same tools and diagnostics as found in an emergency room.

    Request a visit by contacting us via our website, the phone, or our app!

    For life-threatening and time-sensitive injuries and illnesses, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. DispatchHealth shouldnt be used in a life-threatening emergency and doesnt replace a primary care provider.

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    Obstruction In People With A Penis

    Possible causes of obstruction in people with a penis

    • Cystocele. Cystocele occurs when the bladder lowers and pushes against your vagina.
    • Rectocele. This is when the rectum expands and pushes against your vagina.
    • Uterineprolapse. Uterine prolapse occurs when the uterus lowers and pushes against the bladder.

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