Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Home Remedies For Urinary Retention In Females

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Home Remedies For Chronic Urinary Hesitancy

Urinary Retention – Natural Home Remedies For Urinary Retention Problem | UTI | Improve urine Flow

If your issues with a weak urine stream arent acute, there are some things you can do at home to ease the problem. None of these are difficult, nor will they interfere with any prescribed treatments. Home care for urinary hesitancy includes:

  • Using a hot water bottle or heating pad over your bladder and lower abdomen
  • Taking a warm bath
  • Massaging your lower abdomen and bladder area
  • Drinking plenty of water and other fluids

If your urinary hesitancy comes and goes, maintaining a log of your symptoms may help you identify conditions that contribute to your weak bladder stream when it occurs, and it could be helpful to share with your urologist when you visit the Urology Center of Florida.

Try Drinking Some Unsweetened Cranberry Juice

While the research is a bit unclear, cranberries have been used as a prevention of UTI for generations. Studies have shown that cranberries actually make it harder for the bacteria that cause UTIs to stick to the urinary tract walls. So, while not really a remedy, if you frequently get UTIs, it might be worth drinking a couple of glasses of unsweetened cranberry juice, or snacking on the actual fruit .

Urinary Retention: Does Drinking Water Really Help

Urinary retention is a condition characterized by an inability to fully empty the bladder. The bladder serves as a storage tank for urine, a substance made by the kidneys after they have filtered out waste and extra water from your blood. Once made, the urine travels to the bladder where it will stay until a person is ready to urinate. In a healthy individual, the bladder can hold up to two cups of urine comfortably for up to five hours.

Urinary retention can occur for a variety of reasons. Among men, an enlarged prostate is the most common cause. Among women, bladder muscle dysfunction and urinary stones are the typical culprits. Individuals with this condition may experience:

  • Feeling the need to urinate right after using the bathroom

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What Steps Can I Take At Home To Treat Urinary Incontinence

Your doctor or nurse may suggest some things you can do at home to help treat urinary incontinence. Some people do not think that such simple actions can treat urinary incontinence. But for many women, these steps make urinary incontinence go away entirely, or help leak less urine. These steps may include:

You can also buy pads or protective underwear while you take other steps to treat urinary incontinence. These are sold in many stores that also sell feminine hygiene products like tampons and pads.

Diagnosis Of Urinary Retention

Urinary Retention Treatments

When a person seeks treatment for urinary retention, the doctor will do a physical exam and ask about symptoms and medications.

For men, the doctor may do a rectal exam to check the size of the prostate, a walnut-sized gland located between the bladder and the penis. An enlarged prostate might press the urethra and cause urinary retention. Doctors might order blood tests to screen for prostate cancer, which is very common among older men.

The doctor also may order tests including:

  • Urinalysis to check for infection or blood in urine.
  • Ultrasound to see how much urine remains in the bladder after voiding.
  • Cystoscopy, a test where a tiny camera is inserted through the urethra, allowing the doctor to see the inside of the urethra and bladder.
  • CT scan, which looks for stones or other blockages of the urine flow.
  • Urodynamic tests of urine flow.
  • Electromyography , which measures how well the muscles and nerves work around the bladder and the urethra.

In some cases, doctors also might order an MRI test of the pelvic region and/or the brain to determine the cause of the urinary retention.

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Will Urinary Incontinence Go Away On Its Own

There’s no doubt that urinary incontinence affects your quality of life. Leakages can not only irritate your skin and cause embarrassment, but constantly worrying about when one might happen next can keep you from living your life. So much so that you might plan everything you do around whether there’s a bathroom nearby.

It’s a very common problem affecting up to one in three women. If you’re experiencing urinary incontinence, you’re likely looking for answers. Specifically, what can you do to stop it?

“Urinary incontinence is a loss of urine when you’re not actively trying to urinate,” explains Dr. Fiona Lindo, urogynecologist at Houston Methodist. “It can happen without you being aware or with physical exertion, such as exercise or even when simply standing up, coughing or laughing.”

“Unfortunately, urinary incontinence isn’t likely to go away on its own. The good news, however, is that there are things that you can do on your own to improve it, and there are plenty of options for treating it,” adds Dr. Lindo.

Causes For Urinary Retentions In Females

Urinary retention is a condition in which the bladder is not able to empty completely even when its full. As a result, there is a frequent urge to urinate. There are two forms of urinary retention which are chronic and acute. This problem affects both men and women, but it occurs mostly in men as they get older.

  • Prevention of Urinary Retention
  • Recommended Reading: All Natural Urinary Tract Infection Treatment

    How Do I Know If I Have Obstructive Or Non

    The only way to find out if a patient has obstructive or non-obstructive urinary retention is for the patient to undergo testing, typically done by urologists to determine the cause of urinary retention. Tests such as pelvic/bladder ultrasound, uroflow, urodynamics study, and cystoscopy can help to determine whether you have an obstructive or non-obstructive type of urinary retention.

    Wipe From Front To Back

    Incomplete Bladder Emptying (Urinary Retention)

    This one is more about prevention. Because many UTIs develop from the spread of bacteria from the rectum, its important to pay attention to how you wipe both after a bowel movement and after urinating. Always wipe from front to back to avoid spreading bacteria to the urethra, and on to the urinary tract.

    Recommended Reading: Upper Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms

    Take An Otc Pain Reliever

    Over-the-counter pain medications can temporarily relieve pain caused by a UTI. Use caution here, and always speak with a doctor first, as some UTIs can turn into kidney infections. In these cases, patients should avoid taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , which could make the infection worse.

    How Effective Is Interstim For Treatment Of Non

    Interstim has been used for the treatment of non-obstructive urinary retention for more than 20 years. Scientific studies show that 30-70% of patients may be able to void after Interstim. Many patients do not require urinary catheterization while others are able to decrease significantly the frequency of self-catheterization. Another potential benefit decreases in the frequency of UTI that often occur in patients with urinary retention.

    Interstim can effectively cure many men and women with non-obstructive urinary retention.

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    When To See A Doctor For Your Uti

    If your symptoms persist beyond a few days with no sign of improvement, or if your infection keeps recurring, its best to see a doctor. While many home remedies may ease symptoms if they persist your doctor will be able to determine the cause and prescribe a course of antibiotics that should help take care of your UTI right away and prevent it from leading to a worsening condition or infection.

    Have you tried any of the above natural remedies for UTIs, or other home treatments to treat your urinary tract infection? Tell us about them in the comments below!

    How Is Urinary Retention Treated

    What causes urinary retention?

    Treatment for urinary retention can depend on whether you have the acute form or the chronic form, as well as the cause of the condition. For the acute form, a catheter is put into the urethra to drain the bladder.

    Treatment of the chronic form or the acute form that becomes chronicwill depend on the cause.

    Medications for enlarged prostate: For men with an enlarged prostate, certain drugs may be used to try and open it up or shrink it. These include alpha-blockers and 5-alpha reductase inhibitors . Also, procedures or surgery to open up the prostate may be tried.

    Procedures for enlarged prostate: Many procedures are available when this problem is due to an enlarged prostate. Office-based treatments can be done with just local anesthetic only. These include water vapor therapy and prostatic urethral lift .

    There are also several surgeries done under general anesthesia which are available. These include shaving down the inside of the prostate and opening up the prostate with a laser . A laser can also be used to carve out the entire enlarged portion of the prostate through the urethra , or this part of the prostate can be removed through the belly . All of these procedures can be effective in opening up the blockage.

    Treatment for nerve issues: If the retention is due to a nerve-related issue, you may need to use a catheter on yourself at home.

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    Treatment Of Urinary Retention

    Acute: Acute urinary retention is a medical emergency and the doctor will place a catheter in the bladder> It is done to let out of your urine. This is the safest procedure. If this method doesnt work, the doctor will make a small tunnel which can be done in the skin over the bladder and via the bladder wall. The doctor can use local anesthesia, emptying the bladder can make you feel better and it will help to prevent any complications. The doctor will diagnose and treat the cause.

    Chronic: Chronic urinary retention is done if you have developed symptoms which affect the quality of life or if you are having any urinary tract complications.

    Catheterization: You will require catheterization which will help to release urine from the bladder unless urinary retention can be fixed. Doctors avoid using a urethral catheter because this can lead to a variety of complications. A doctor will tell you how to place the catheter to minimize the chances of getting bacteria into the bladder.

    Stents and urethral dilation: This procedure is used to widen the urethral stricture which will allow more urine to flow through. Tubes will be inserted into the urethra. This will open the stricture. Another method to do this by inserting a tube with a balloon into the urethra and inflate the balloon in stricture.

    Stress Urinary Incontinence Surgery

    Many women have partial UR in the early stages after SUI surgery. Presumably, several factors will be involved, such as the anesthetic agents employed local discomfort or the analgesic agents used to treat the discomfort edema or hematoma formation altered voiding dynamics as a consequence of outlet realignment. Voiding usually recovers comparatively swiftly, but close surveillance is needed to check resolution of symptoms and PVR, and ensure that progression to full AUR and emergency issues do not ensue.

    Other forms of SUI have also been associated with BOO. Colposuspension can lead to urethral compression or distortion, particularly where sutures are placed close to the urethra. The Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz procedure appeared to carry a definite risk of causing urethral distortion and obstruction in a proportion of patients. Bone anchor slings also led to some obstructive complications. In some cases the placement of the tape to cause urethral compression can be a deliberate therapeutic approach. For example, a compressing autologous sling can be an intended therapeutic strategy used in the management of intrinsic sphincter deficiency, for those women trained in IC preoperatively. A similar approach using TVT should not be advocated, in view of the potential risk of late urethral erosion with over-tight tapes, which can occur many years after surgery.

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    Nerve Disease Or Spinal Cord Injury

    Many events or conditions can damage nerves and nerve pathways. Some of the most common causes are

    • vaginal childbirth
    • infections of the brain or spinal cord
    • Diabetes
    • accidents that injure the brain or spinal cord
    • multiple sclerosis
    • heavy metal poisoning
    • pelvic injury or trauma

    In addition, some children are born with nerve problems that can keep the bladder from releasing urine.

    What Causes Chronic Urinary Retention

    David Castro-Diaz – Urinary Retention in Women: Concepts and Pathophysiology

    Urinary retention can happen for several different reasons. These causes can include:

    • A blockage to the way urine leaves your body.
    • Medications youre taking for other conditions.
    • Nerve issues that interrupt the way your brain and urinary system communicate.
    • Infections and swelling that prevent urine from leaving your body.
    • Complications and side effects of medications given to you for a surgical procedure.


    When something blocks the free flow of urine through the bladder and urethra, you might experience urinary retention. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of your body. In men, a blockage can be caused when the prostate gland gets so big that it presses on the urethra. This is the most common cause of chronic urinary retention in men. One cause in women is a bladder that sags. This is called cystocele. It can also be caused when the rectum sags into the back wall of the vagina a condition called rectocele. Some causes can happen to both men and women. The urethra can get narrow due to scar tissue. This is called a stricture. Urinary stones can also block the flow of urine out of your body.


    Nerve issues

    • Trauma to the spine or pelvis.
    • Pressure on the spinal cord from tumors and a herniated disk.
    • Vaginal childbirth.

    Urinary retention from nerve disease occurs at the same rate in men and women.

    Infections and swelling


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    When To Seek Urgent Medical Care

    On its own, a weak urine stream may not be cause for concern, but if its accompanied by other symptoms, it could be an indication of a more serious medical issue. Urinary hesitancy could be an issue if you also experience:

    • Chills and/or fever
    • Shakes
    • Lower back pain

    If your urine stream stops entirely, a condition called urinary retention, youll need emergency medical attention, since this can become a serious problem without immediate treatment.

    What Is Urinary Retention

    Urinary retention is a condition where your bladder doesnt empty all the way or at all when you urinate. Your bladder is like a storage tank for urine. Urine is made up of waste thats filtered out of your blood by your kidneys. Once filtered, the urine moves to your bladder where it waits till its time to move through the urethra and out of the body.

    When you have urinary retention, it can be acute or chronic . Acute means that it comes on quickly and it could be severe. Chronic urinary retention means that youve had the condition for a longer period of time.

    The acute form of urinary retention is an emergency. In this case, youll need to see a healthcare provider right away. The chronic form happens most of the time in older men, but it can also occur in women.

    Also Check: What Causes Urinary Urgency And Frequency

    Medical Procedures And Devices

    Your health care professional may recommend a medical procedure or device to treat your urinary retention, depending on the cause of the retention. Examples of these procedures and devices include

    • cystoscopyusing a cystoscope to look inside the urethra and bladder to find and remove blockages such as urinary tract stones
    • laser therapytherapy that uses a strong beam of light to treat an area of enlarged prostate tissue by breaking up the blockage and reducing the obstruction
    • prostatic urethral lift, or UroLiftusing tiny implants to lift and hold the prostate away from the urethra so urine can flow more freely
    • transurethral electrovaporizationa procedure that uses heat to vaporize an area of enlarged prostate tissue
    • transurethral water vapor therapy, or Rezumtherapy that uses water vapor, or steam, to shrink an enlarged prostate
    • urethral dilationgradually increasing the size of the urethral opening by stretching the scar tissue, to help treat urethral stricture
    • vaginal pessarya stiff ring that is inserted into the vagina to help stop urine leakage, such as with cases of a cystocele or rectocele

    When To See A Doctor

    ICS 2017 Workshop 21

    Anyone experiencing symptoms of acute urinary retention should go to the emergency room.Chronic urinary retention is not a medical emergency, but it does usually indicate a potentially serious underlying problem.

    A person should schedule an appointment with a doctor for urinary retention that lasts longer than a few days or that goes away and then returns.

    People who experience temporary urinary retention due to medication or anesthesia may not need medical treatment if the symptoms disappear and do not return.

    Although anyone can develop urinary retention, it is more common as a person ages. Males are also more likely than females to have urinary retention due to prostate issues and partial blockages of the urethra.

    Some other risk factors include:

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    Drinking Water & Other Home Remedies For Urinary Retention

    Urinary retention is often treated by addressing the underlying condition. For example, prostate medication can help to shrink an enlarged prostate so its no longer pressing on the urethra, which can improve urine flow. Pelvic floor physical therapy may be helpful for women with cystoceles to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and reduce urinary retention symptoms.

    There are also a variety of natural remedies that can address slow urine flow, the most common one being hydration. It makes sense to think that drinking less water can ease symptoms , but thats actually not true. Water is essential to the function of the body and without it, blood vessels cant deliver important nutrients to the kidneys. In turn, the kidneys will only be able to make highly concentrated urine that irritates the bladder. Therefore, staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day is one of the essential pieces of any treatment plan for urinary retention.

    How much water you need per day depends on several factors, including where you live, your activity level, and your age. In general, the long-standing advice of drinking 8 cups of water per day is a good guideline to follow. And remember, liquids other than water can count towards that total, such as tea, coffee, sports drinks, and fruit juice. As long as you arent feeling thirsty on a regular basis and your urine is colorless or light yellow, youre likely drinking enough water for your needs.

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