Friday, July 26, 2024

How Do You Get A Urinary Tract Infection From Intercourse

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Do Condoms Cause A Uti

How do you get a UTI?

According to the Mayo Clinic, unlubricated and spermicide-treated condoms are among the contraceptives that can increase your risk of contracting a UTI, but theres very little research that indicates why. The most likely explanation is a change in the microbiome of the vagina, says Lauren Streicher, M.D., medical director of the Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine and a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University. Research suggests that the vagina is mainly populated with healthy bacteria, primarily Lactobacillus, that help ward off potential pathogens, especially those that cause bacterial infections of the vaginal andurinary tract. When something disrupts your vaginal flora and causes an unhealthy ratio of good to bad bacteria, you can become predisposed to a bladder infection. Moral of the story? Stock up on lubricated condoms sans spermicide.

What Foods To Avoid If You Have A Bladder Infection

So try to avoid lemons, oranges, grapefruits, and tomatoes when youre treating a UTI. Other fruits that may cause bladder irritation and worsen a urinary tract infection include apples, peaches, grapes, plums, strawberries, and pineapple. You should also steer clear of juices made from these fruits.

Uti Antibiotics And Escaping Arrest

I left with a prescription for prophylactic antibiotics, tears in my eyes and a searing pain in my crotch Running to the chemist, desperate to fill the script, desperate to pee, desperate to see the end and find a cure.

As I clawed my antibiotics from their foil wrappers, clutching my bottle of sickly sweet aloe juice, I was questioned by police. Clearly they saw the desperation in my eyes, my weight loss and a persona of anything less than stable. I was a junkie, an antibiotic junkie.

Between the prophylactic antibiotics, the invasive bladder inspection and the breakup of my relationship, my UTIs after sex stopped, for a time, for a time

I have had one since, years after sex had stopped causing me anxiety. And yes, it was late in the evening the night before a public holiday in my slightly provincial home town.

The eye roll I gave the pharmacist who suggested Ural, a urinary alkalinizer, has actually gone down in history. I nearly pulled a muscle in both optic nerves.

Id just had sex with a new partner. This reinforced my own newly developed theory that there are some men that I am just not compatible with on some basic biological, bacterial level. Swipe left, move along, body says no.

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Do Some People Have Higher Risk For Getting Utis

Some women just tend to get more UTIs than other women. The American Urological Association estimates that 20 to 40% of women who have had one UTI will get another one, and 25 to 50% of those women will end up having at least one more after that.

There are multiple reasons for this. Some womens urethras are located closer to their vaginal and anal areas, making it more likely that sex would cause a UTI.

Studies have also investigated genetic factors related to your bodys immune response, lesions such as bladder stones, and hygienic habits.

If youre dealing with recurrent UTIs, talk to your healthcare provider. They can help you get treatment ASAP and talk you through the different ways to prevent infection moving forward.

Sex & Uti: What You Need To Know

Do you keep getting multiple urinary tract infections ...

Many people know that distinct burning sensation when you pee that indicates a urinary tract infection. Its no fun, and its unfortunately pretty common around half of women will experience at least one UTI in their lifetime.

Its also natural to wonder, does sex cause UTI? If so, how? And is there anything you can do to stop that from happening? Were going to dive into the connection between sex and UTIs and what you can do to minimize your risk of getting one.

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What Ive Learned About Utis After Sex

Fortunately for me, I now know a lot more about UTIs after sex, thanks to the diligent and constant study and questioning of this website.

The last time it happened I immediately recognised what was happening. I was uncomfortable but I managed to flush it out before it developed into the splatter fest, recurring carnage of my previous experiences.

My Tips For Avoiding UTIs After Sex:

  • Wash your hands before any sexual activity and ask your partner to do the same.
  • Shower before sex, and ask your partner to do the same, if you find this helps.
  • Oral sex can transfer organisms just as any other sexual contact can Im still experimenting with different approaches here.
  • Always pee immediately after sex to help flush your urinary tract.
  • Try using condoms, I find latex-free condoms are the best option.
  • If the issue seems specific to sex, consider whether your partner should also be tested, and dont ignore the possibility of STIs they can cause UTI-like symptoms.
  • Dont let yourself get constipated! This can cause a world of UTI problems.
  • Take a look at your health in general. Maybe your diet isnt helping.
  • Stay hydrated! And pee regularly!
  • How To Prevent A Uti After Having Sex

    To minimize the likelihood of bad bacteria entering your urethra, the easiest thing to do is to flush out the area naturally by urinating. Make it a habit to pee right away after every single sexual encounter involving your genital area, whether its masturbation or partner activity.

    Even if youre just using a sex toy by yourself, this can increase the likelihood of bacteria getting where its not supposed to be. Make sure to clean your sex toys after every single use and to pee every time after using them.

    The sooner you head to the bathroom after sex, the better aim for within 15 to 30 minutes after the end of sexual activity. It may be unsexy and inconvenient, but its a super important practice for your health.

    Research has shown that women who always urinate after sex have a lower likelihood of developing UTIs than women who rarely or sometimes do this.

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    Things You Can Do Yourself

    To help ease pain:

    • takeparacetamolup to 4 times a day to reduce pain and a high temperature for people with a UTI, paracetamol is usually recommended over NSAIDs such as ibuprofen or aspirin
    • you can give childrenliquid paracetamol
    • rest and drink enough fluids so you pass pale urine regularly during the day, especially during hot weather

    It’s important to follow the instructions on the packet so you know how much paracetamol you or your child can take, and how often.

    It may also help to avoid having sex until you feel better.

    You cannot pass a UTI on to your partner, but sex may be uncomfortable.

    Taking cystitis sachets or cranberry products has not been shown to help ease symptoms of UTIs.

    When To Call A Healthcare Provider

    Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Symptoms, Causes & Risk Factors

    Urinary tract infections require treatment with antibiotics. Even if a UTI is relatively mild, your healthcare provider will likely recommend a one- to three-day course of antibiotics.

    If a UTI is causing dyspareunia, it is typically due to frequent or recurrent UTIs that require more extensive treatment. In some cases, a daily, low-dose antibiotic may be prescribed for six months or longer. In postmenopausal women, estrogen replacement therapy may be advised.

    If a kidney infection develops, you need to seek prompt medical attention. If left untreated, pyelonephritis can lead to kidney failure and .

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    What Is A Bladder Infection Or Urinary Tract Infection

    Any infection that affects a part of your urinary tract is known as a urinary tract infection . One that only affects your bladder is a bladder infection. Doctors may narrow it down to the area that is affected, for example:

    • If your urethra is affected, it is known as urethritis
    • If your bladder is affected it is known as cystitis
    • If your kidneys are affected it is known as pyelonephritis. This is a serious infection that can lead to kidney damage if a bladder infection is left untreated.

    What Is The Difference Between A Bladder Infection And A Uti

    UTIs can affect any part of the urinary tract, including the urethra, ureters, bladder, or in more serious cases, the kidneys. A bladder infection is a UTI that only affects the bladder. It is not always possible to distinguish what UTI a person has because the symptoms of the different types can overlap.

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    Other Ways To Prevent Urinary Tract Infections

    There are other tactics you can use to reduce your risk of UTIs. Most of them are simple habits that you can add to your routines.

    Drink water. Staying hydrated and urinating often allows you to flush out bacteria naturally.

    Cranberry juice. Some people find that regularly drinking cranberry juice reduces the number of UTIs they get. It also eases UTI symptoms for some people.

    Wash with gentle products. Highly scented products like deodorant sprays, douches, or feminine washes can irritate the skin near your urethra, making it more susceptible to bacteria. Mild soap and water are better for the sensitive skin in the genital area.

    Consider changing birth control. Birth control that goes inside your vagina, including diaphragms, or spermicide-treated condoms, can encourage bacterial growth.

    If you think you have a UTI or if you get repeated UTIs, talk to your doctor. They can suggest treatment and prevention methods for you to try.

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    Talk With Your Doctor

    Everything You Need to Know about UTIs

    If you have questions about whats safe to do while youre treating a UTI, talk with your doctor or a nurse. Your doctor should also let you know if the medication theyre prescribing will interfere with any other medications you take, such as oral contraceptives.

    If youre still unsure whether its safe to engage in sexual activity with a UTI, talk with your doctor.

    You should also talk with your doctor if you experience any new symptoms, such as:

    • bleeding during urination

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    Are Utis Preventable If Im Sexually Active

    Arguably, the best way to prevent a sex-derived UTI is abstinence, says Dr. Streicher . Though other non-sex-related factors, such as a genetic predisposition or frequent blockages in the urinary tract, like those caused by kidney stones, can place you at risk. While the most common preventive measures for UTIs, like wiping front to back and peeing immediately after intercourse, seem like they would keep you in the clear, Dr. Handa clarifies that these are mere theories that lack substantial proof.

    Though those don’t hurt to try, the only proven prevention method is staying super hydrated. And, if youre someone who suffers from recurrent UTIs, as in three or more within a span of one year, taking a daily or low dose antibioticpost-sex may help. Lastly, if you engage in both anal and vaginal play, being mindful about receiving vaginal penetration before anal activity could prevent accidental transfer of rectal bacteria to the vagina. After all, thats how UTIs show up in the first place.

    What Should Men Know About Sex And Urinary Tract Infections

    The urinary tract is a group of organs responsible for processing urine. It includes:

    • The kidneys a pair of organs that filters blood and removes waste.
    • The bladder the organ that stores urine.
    • The ureters two tubes that connect the kidneys and bladder
    • The urethra the tube from which urine exits the body. When men ejaculate, semen is expelled from the urethra.

    Urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria that find their way into the urinary tract. They typically enter the body through the urethra and can travel to other organs.

    Urinary tract infections are not as common in men as they are in women. This is largely due to anatomy. A womans urethra is closer to her vagina and anus, making it easier for bacteria to enter. A mans urethra runs for the length of his penis, so bacteria have a much longer route to other parts of the urinary tract.

    Symptoms of UTIs are similar for men and women. They include a constant need to urinate, discomfort during urination, cloudy or discolored urine, and abdominal or lower back pain. Men might have an unusual discharge from the penis.

    Older men are more likely to develop UTIs than younger men. Other common risk factors are an enlarged prostate, diabetes, and kidney stones. Any abnormalities in the urinary tract or recent catheter insertion can also raise the risk of UTIs.

    Most of the time, UTIs can be treated with antibiotics. People who get frequent UTIs may need to take an antibiotic after having sex.

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    Why What You Thought About Utis And Sex Is Probably Wrong

    Weve all heard the jokes about contracting a urinary tract infection after having sex. Sure, they can be funny, but theyre actually perpetuating a myth that many of us have believed our entire lives: As soon as you are sexually active, here come the UTIs.

    Its not a complete myth: increased sexual activity is in fact one of the top reasons women contract UTIs. In fact, UTIs were regularly referred to as honeymoon cystitis another name for a bladder infection because of how often they occur after honeymoons where women are having sex more frequently.

    But what isnt true is that sexual activity itself directly causes a UTI, or that theres a 100 percent chance youll contract one. Theres no research that support either claim.

    Whats actually happening is that when you have sex, bacteria on the skin is pushed into the urethra and travels into the bladder, causing a UTI. Because the female urethra is short , women are more prone to these infections than men. There are two other factors that may increase your chances of a post-coital infection: you simply happen to be more prone to UTIs, or you dont have a strong enough urine stream to flush the bacteria out of the bladder.

    While contracting a UTI is generally out of your control, there are certain measures you can take before and after sex to reduce your risk:

    *Data from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

    Incidence Of Urinary Tract Infection

    Urinary Tract Infection (UTI): How to reduce your risk of UTIs

    Thirty of the 138 total UTI events were excluded from the analysis because there were no diary entries to determine sexual intercourse on or during the month preceding the corresponding UTI date. Thus, 108 symptomatic, culture-confirmed UTIs with 105 CFU/mL among 78 women were included in the final analysis. Sixty-five symptomatic UTIs were identified via dipslide, while 43 were detected through review of clinical records. All UTIs were followed up by interview to verify the presence of at least 2 symptoms. Of the 108 confirmed UTIs with at least 2 symptoms, 91 had an acute urinary symptom recorded in the diaries within 7 days of laboratory confirmation, while 17 had symptoms only noted upon personal interview. Of those who experienced a UTI, 59 women had one UTI, 12 women had 2, 3 women had 3, and 4 women had 4. E. coli was the predominant uropathogen, identified in 83 of the 108 infections, while the remaining UTIs were caused by Klebsiella species , Proteus species , Enterococcus , group B Streptococcus , Enterobacter species , Citrobacter freundii , and unspeciated gram-negative rods . E. coli continued to predominate when analyses were restricted to the first UTI and when UTI was defined as 104 CFU/mL.

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    You Dont Drink Enough Water

    Guzzling H2O will make you go pretty often. And thats a good thing. When you do this, the bacteria gets flushed out before they have a chance to grab hold, Minkin says.

    Consider that your cue to make a giant water bottle your BFF. Hooton TM, et al. . Effect of increased daily water intake in premenopausal women with recurrent urinary tract infections: A randomized clinical trial. DOI: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2018.4204

    Urinary Tract Infections During Pregnancy

    • If a pregnant woman suspects that she has a urinary tract infection, she should see a health care provider.
    • In most cases, pregnant women who have UTIs can be safely treated with antibiotics at home.
    • However, certain pregnant patients who develop pyelonephritis may require hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics.

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    What Types Of Doctors Treat Urinary Tract Infections

    • Your primary care provider can diagnose and treat a urinary tract infection.
    • Women may also see a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist for a UTI.
    • If your UTIs are recurrent or chronic, you may be referred to a urologist, a specialist in the urinary tract.
    • In an emergency situation, you may see an emergency medicine specialist in the emergency department.

    What Are Risk Factors For Recurrent Utis

    Home Remedies For
    • Having had a UTI in the past

    • Incomplete emptying of the bladder, such as after menopause

    • A weakened immune system

    The influence of these risk factors also differs for women depending on their age. In young, pre-menopausal women, the most common risk factor for recurrent UTIs is frequency of sexual intercourse. Having sex more than 9 times a month makes them twice as likely to have recurrent UTIs compared to having sex 4 to 8 times in a month.

    In postmenopausal women, the strongest risk factor is related to the ability to empty the bladder. If you have urinary incontinence or a condition that keeps you from being able to completely empty your bladder, your risk of recurrent UTIs is higher.

    If you have recurrent UTIs, your healthcare provider may suggest antibiotics for prevention. That means youd be taking an antibiotic regularly to prevent another UTI, rather than treat an existing one.

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