Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Can Clarithromycin Be Used To Treat A Urinary Tract Infection

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How To Cope With Side Effects

How to CURE urinary tract infection? (UTI) – Doctor explains

What to do about:

  • feeling sick – stick to simple meals and do not eat rich or spicy food while you’re taking this medicine. It might help to take your clarithromycin after you have had a meal or snack.
  • diarrhoea and being sick – drink lots of fluids, such as water or squash, to avoid dehydration. Take small, frequent sips if you’re being sick. Signs of dehydration include peeing less than usual or having strong-smelling pee. Do not take any other medicines to treat diarrhoea or vomiting without speaking to a pharmacist or doctor.
  • losing your appetite – eat when you’d usually expect to be hungry. If it helps, eat smaller meals more often than usual. Snack when you’re hungry. Have nutritious snacks that are high in calories and protein, such as dried fruit and nuts.
  • bloating and indigestion – try not to eat foods that cause wind . Eat smaller meals, eat and drink slowly, and exercise. There are pharmacy medicines that can also help, such as charcoal tablets or simethicone. Ask a pharmacist for advice.
  • headaches – rest and drink plenty of fluids. Do not drink too much alcohol. Ask your pharmacist to recommend a painkiller if you need one. Talk to your doctor if the headaches last longer than a week or are severe.
  • difficulty sleeping – avoid having a big meal, smoking, and drinking alcohol, tea or coffee in the evening. Try not to watch television or use your mobile phone before going to bed. Instead, try to relax for an hour before bedtime.

Are There Any Home Remedies For A Urinary Tract Infection

The best “home remedy” for a UTI is prevention . However, although there are many “home remedies” available from web sites, holistic medicine publications, and from friends and familymembers there is controversy about them in the medical literature as few have been adequately studied. However, a few remedies will be mentioned because there may be some positive effect from these home remedies. The reader should be aware that while reading about these remedies , they should not to overlook the frequent admonition that UTIs can be dangerous. If the person does not experience relief or if his or her symptoms worsen over 1 to 2 days, the person should seek medical care. In fact, many of the articles about UTI remedies actually describe ways to reduce or prevent UTIs. Examples of home treatments that may help to prevent UTIs, that may have some impact on an ongoing infection, and that are unlikely to harm people are as follows:

There are over-the-counter tests available for detecting presumptive evidence for a UTI . These tests are easy to use and can provide a presumptive diagnosis if the test instructions are carefully followed a positive test should encourage the person to seek medical care.

Can A Urinary Tract Infection Be Prevented

Many methods have been suggested to reduce or prevent UTIs. The single most important prevention measure is increased fluid intake. Many people develop UTIs simply because they do not drink enough fluids. Some of these are considered home remedies and have been discussed . There are other suggestions that may help prevent UTIs. Good hygiene for males and females is useful. For females, wiping from front to back helps keep pathogens that may reside or pass through the anal opening away from the urethra. For males, retracting the foreskin before urinating reduces the chance of urine lingering at the urethral opening and acting as a culture media for pathogens. Incomplete bladder emptying and resisting the normal urge to urinate can allow pathogens to survive and replicate easier in a non-flowing system. Some clinicians recommend washing before and urinating soon after sex to reduce the chance of urethritis and cystitis. Many clinicians suggest that anything that causes a person irritation in the genital area may encourage UTI development. Wearing underwear that is somewhat adsorptive may help wick away urine drops that otherwise may be areas for pathogen growth.

Recommended Reading: Men’s Urinary Tract Problems

Can I Take Flucillin For A

Flucloxacillin is an antibiotic and should help your chest infection, otitis media, for Staphylococcus aureus rifampicin, a dosage of 125 to 500 mg every 6 hours can be given, Capsules, Flucloxacillin is used to treat bacterial infections such as ear infections, Flucil is an antibiotic used to treat some infections in different parts of the body caused by bacteria, Flucloxacillin is available as a sodium salt in an oral suspension , these drugs are used to treat ear, Flucloxacillin belongs to the penicillin In general, chest infection s and bone infections, Flucloxacillin can sometimes be used for other conditions too, WouldFor adults, Use clarithromycin only if micro , This medicine is well absorbed in the stomach therefore is best taken on an empty stomach unlike most other antibiotics.Flucloxacillinis a narrow- spectrum antibiotic, a minority perhaps 5%

A Reminder About Treating Urinary Tract Infections


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Recent data have indicated the importance or lack of importance for screening and treating patients for asymptomatic bacteriuria. These recommendations to avoid cultures in nonpregnant, asymptomatic individuals are based on risks for collateral damage due to antimicrobial overuse, including resistance and adverse events when bacteria are detected.

Equally as important to consider is the appropriate treatment of urinary tract infections when they do occur. Increasing antimicrobial resistance has forced practitioners to look outside the primary agents for treating this infection and to use newer drugs or older agents with limited data to support this practice. Not all antimicrobial agents, however, have adequate urine penetration to treat infections at this site. In recent months, we have begun to see a rise in the number of patients with refractory infections due to treatment with drugs without reliable urinary concentrations. This brief review will discuss the major classes of antimicrobials regarding their urinary penetration and will highlight those agents that should not be relied upon to treat UTIs.

It is important to note that the following discussion is limited to treating bacteria in the urine and not the use of these antibiotics for infections of the urinary tract where tissue penetration may be the more pertinent factor in drug selection.


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Pharmacist Tips For Clarithromycin

The fast-acting tablet and liquid version of clarithromycin can be taken with or without food. Stomach upset and diarrhea are possible side effects, so if it happens to you, taking clarithromycin with food can help lessen it.

The extended-release version of clarithromycin should be taken with food at the same time each day. Do not crush, chew, or break the tablet. Swallow it whole.

If you’re using the liquid form of clarithromycin, shake the bottle well before using. Be sure to use a medication dose cup, spoon, or syringe to measure out your dose. Using household teaspoons might cause you to take the wrong amount of clarithromycin.

Keep the liquid version of clarithromycin at room temperature. Do not put it in the fridge. The liquid is good for up to 14 days after it has been mixed by your pharmacist.

If you have diarrhea after taking clarithromycin, try taking probiotic supplements to help lessen this side effect. Separate the probiotic from clarithromycin by at least 1 hour to prevent clarithromycin from killing the “good” bacteria from the probiotic. Be sure to continue the supplement for a few days after your last dose of clarithromycin.

Finish all of the clarithromycin your healthcare provider prescribed for you, even if you start to feel better. Stopping clarithromycin too soon can cause your infection to come back.

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Possible Higher Risk Of Death

  • Risk factors: History of heart disease

One research study found that people with heart disease who take clarithromycin have a higher risk of dying from any cause. Experts don’t know why this happened, and other research studies have not found this same problem. To be on the safe side if you have heart disease, you should take a different antibiotic if it’s possible.

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What Other Antibiotics Are Used To Treat Uti

Other antibiotics used to treat UTI include:

  • Beta-lactams, including penicillins and cephalosporins . Many organisms have shown resistance to some of these drugs.
  • Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole combination antibiotic . Many organisms have shown resistance to some of these drugs.
  • Fluoroquinolones . The risk of antibiotic resistance to this is developing. These should not be given to pregnant women or children.
  • Tetracyclines are used for Mycoplasma or Chlamydia infections. These should not be given to pregnant women or children.
  • Aminoglycosides are usually used in combination with other antibiotics to treat severe UTIs.

Why Is This Medication Prescribed

Urinary Tract Infections, Animation.

Clarithromycin is used to treat certain bacterial infections, such as pneumonia , bronchitis , and infections of the ears, sinuses, skin, and throat. It also is used to treat and prevent disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex infection . It is used in combination with other medications to eliminate H. pylori, a bacterium that causes ulcers. Clarithromycin is in a class of medications called macrolide antibiotics. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria.

Antibiotics such as clarithromycin will not work for colds, flu, or other viral infections. Taking antibiotics when they are not needed increases your risk of getting an infection later that resists antibiotic treatment.

Read Also: Urinary Tract Infection Antibiotic Medicine

What Are The Side Effects Of Clarithromycin

With any medication, there are risks and benefits. Even if the medication is working, you may experience some unwanted side effects.

Contact your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following:

  • Allergic reactions

Other side effects not listed may also occur in some patients. If you notice any other effects, check with your healthcare professional.

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Alternatives To Amoxicillin 4 Home Remedies For Treating Uti

After knowing the side effects of using amoxicillin, you may opt for another method to treat UTI. Natural methods or home remedies for treating UTI can serve as alternatives for using amoxicillin.

Simple things such as avoiding damp clothes, lowering the intake of caffeine and alcohol and drinking plenty of water can help you combat the UTI pain at home.

You can treat your UTI with home remedies that are simpler and cost nothing, compared to medical treatments, prescription drugs or surgical interventions.

Lets take a look at four home remedies that can effectively treat UTI and serve as alternatives for amoxicillin.

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Accidentally Taking An Extra Dose

Accidentally taking one extra dose of your antibiotic is unlikely to cause you any serious harm.

But it will increase your chances of experiencing side effects, such as pain in your stomach, diarrhoea, and feeling or being sick.

If you accidentally take more than one extra dose of your antibiotic, are worried or experiencing severe side effects, speak to your GP or call NHS 24 111 service as soon as possible.

Clindamycin For Urinary Tract Infection

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Most urinary tract infections are caused by the bacteria E. Coli which is gram-negative aerobic bacteria. Clindamycin is effective against gram-positive anaerobic bacteria therefore it is not effective against Escherichia coli and is not prescribed for UTIs.

There are many other antibiotics that effectively treat UTIs.

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Dosage For Acute Exacerbation Of Chronic Bronchitis

Adult dosage

  • Oral tablet: 250 or 500 mg taken every 12 hours for 714 days depending upon the type of bacteria causing the infection
  • Extended-release oral tablet: 1,000 mg taken every 24 hours for 7 days

Child dosage

This drug hasnt been shown to be safe and effective for people younger than 18 years for this condition.

Special considerations

People with kidney problems: If your creatinine clearance is less than 30 mL/min, your doctor will give you one half the standard dose.

Dosage For The Treatment And Prevention Of Mycobacterial Infections

Adult dosage

Oral tablet: 500 mg taken twice per day

Child dosage

The recommended dosage is 7.5 mg/kg every 12 hours, up to 500 mg every 12 hours.

Child dosage

It hasnt been confirmed that this drug is safe and effective for use in people younger than 6 months.

Special considerations

People with kidney problems: If your creatinine clearance is less than 30 mL/min, your doctor will give you one half the standard dose.

Don’t Miss: Why Do You Keep Getting Urinary Tract Infections

Is It Possible To Prevent Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections With A Vaccine

Currently, there are no commercially available vaccines for UTIs, either recurrent or first-time infections. One of the problems in developing a vaccine is that so many different organisms can cause infection a single vaccine would be difficult to synthesize to cover them all. Even with E. coli causing about most infections, the subtle changes in antigenic structures that vary from strain to strain further complicates vaccine development even for E. coli. Researchers are still investigating ways to overcome the problems in UTI vaccine development.

What Kind Of Infections Does Clindamycin Treat

Urinary Tract Infection, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

Clindamycin is used to treat many bacterial infections of the body. It works by slowing or stopping the growth of bacteria.

Clindamycin may be used to treat infections such as:

  • Malaria
  • White patches in the mouth
  • Thick, white vaginal discharge
  • Burning, itching, or swelling of the vagina

This is not a complete list of side effects caused by Clindamycin, always talk to your prescribing doctor about potential side effects before starting a new medication such as Clindamycin.

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What Are Possible Complications Of A Urinary Tract Infection

Most UTIs cause no complications if they spontaneously resolve quickly or if treated early in the infection with appropriate medications. However, there are a number of complications that can occur if the UTI becomes chronic or rapidly advances. Chronic infections may result in urinary strictures, abscesses, fistulas, kidney stones, and, rarely, kidney damage or bladder cancer. Rapid advancement of UTIs can lead to dehydration, kidney failure, sepsis, and death. Pregnant females with untreated UTIs may develop premature delivery and a low birth weight for the infant and run the risks of rapid advancement of the infection.

What Causes A Urinary Tract Infection

The most common causes of UTI infections are E. colibacterial strains that usually inhabit the colon. However, many other bacteria can occasionally cause an infection. In addition, yeasts and some parasites may cause UTIs. In the U.S., most infections are due to Gram-negative bacteria with E. coli causing the majority of infections.

Also Check: How To Prevent Urinary Tract Infections In The Elderly

Living With Urinary Tract Infections

If you have 3 or more urinary tract infections each year, your doctor may want you to begin a preventive antibiotic program. A small dose of an antibiotic taken every day helps to reduce the number of infections. If sexual intercourse seems to cause infections for you, your doctor many suggest taking the antibiotic after intercourse.

Can Clarithromycin Be Used For Ear Infections

Nitrofurantoin and fosfomycin for resistant urinary tract ...

Can clarithromycin be used for ear infections? Clarithromycin is an antibiotic. Its used to treat chest infections, such as pneumonia, skin problems such as cellulitis, and ear infections.

Does clarithromycin help ear infections? Clarithromycin is prescribed to treat bacterial infections such as respiratory infections, ear infections and skin infections. It can be taken by adults and children. It works by stopping the bacteria causing the infection from multiplying.

What is the drug clarithromycin used for? Clarithromycin is used to treat certain bacterial infections, such as pneumonia , bronchitis , and infections of the ears, sinuses, skin, and throat.

What antibiotics treat inner ear infection? Antibiotics are often not needed for middle ear infections because the bodys immune system can fight off the infection on its own. However, sometimes antibiotics, such as amoxicillin, are needed to treat severe cases right away or cases that last longer than 23 days.

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Questions To Ask Your Doctor

  • Do I need any tests, such as urinalysis?
  • What is the likely cause of my urinary tract infection ?
  • Do I need medicine? How should I take it?
  • What are the possible side effects of the medicine?
  • When should I expect relief from my symptoms?
  • What symptoms would indicate that my infection is getting worse? What should I do if I experience these symptoms?
  • I get UTIs a lot. What can I do to prevent them?
  • Do I need preventive antibiotics? If so, should I be concerned about antibiotic resistance?
  • My child gets UTIs a lot. Could an anatomical problem be causing his or her UTIs?

Isolation And Identification Of Uropathogens

A clean-catch midstream specimen was collected in a sterile wide-mouth leak-proof container to hold about 50 ml specimens. Using the calibrated loop method with a loop diameter of 4 mm, 10 l of uncentrifuged specimen was transferred onto the agar plate and streaked without flaming the loop, for isolation, and incubated at 3537°C for 24 h. A specimen was considered positive for UTI when the density of the bacterium was 105 colony-forming units /ml. The single-colony type cultures were identified using standard microbiological methods up to genus/species levels wherever applicable.

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Rehydrate Yourself With Green Tea

Reducing levels of body hydration can worsen the condition of UTIs. The body needs antioxidants when dehydration aggravates bladder inflammations caused by infections.

Green tea contains catechins such as EGCG these antioxidants prevent cell damage and reduce bladder inflammations to a considerable extent.

Drink a couple of cups of green tea at regular intervals in a day. The body will replenish its levels of antioxidants, and your UTI pain will wither away within a couple of days.

This remedy can momentarily reduce bladder inflammation, which will return once you lower or halt your green tea intake. Sadly, the health benefits of green tea can only treat mild conditions of UTI.

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