Thursday, July 25, 2024

Erythromycin For Urinary Tract Infection

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Cephalexin In Feline Cases

Mayo Clinic Minute: Treating Urinary Tract Infections

Before administering Cephalexin to your cat, it is crucial that youconsult with a veterinarian. Cephalexin is a powerful drug and may notbe appropriate for all cats. After diagnosing your pets UTI, yourveterinarian will recommend a treatment plan that may include anantibiotic such as Cephalexin. Typically, a regimen of this drug willlast for a week or more. As with all prescription medicines, it isimportant to continue the drug treatment program through to itstermination in order to prevent bacterial resistance or othercomplications. Even if your pet seems to have recovered completely, donot discontinue his treatment of Cephalexin.

Most Cephalexin prescriptions are provided orally, either as atablet or a suspension. The exact dosage depends upon your catscondition, age, breed and prior health status. For any questions aboutdosing or these other considerations, speak with the prescribingveterinarian.

Uti Treatment During Pregnancy

Youâll take antibiotics for 3 to 7 days or as your doctor recommends. If your infection makes you feel uncomfortable, your doctor will probably start your treatment before you get your urine test results.

Your symptoms should go away in 3 days. Take all of your medication on schedule anyway. Donât stop it early, even if your symptoms fade.

Many common antibioticsamoxicillin, erythromycin, and penicillin, for example — are considered safe for pregnant women. Your doctor wouldnât prescribe others, such as ciprofloxacin , sulfamethoxazole, tetracycline, or trimethoprim , that can affect your babyâs development.

Antibiotics For Recurrent Infections

Doctors sometimes advise that women with repeat infections use preventive antibiotic therapy. This may include taking a small dose of antibiotics daily or on alternate days, taking antibiotics after sexual intercourse , or taking antibiotics only when you develop symptoms. Talk with your doctor about which treatment strategy is right for you.

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Other Antibiotics And Treatments For Urinary Tract Infections

Other antibiotics may be as effective as first-line antibiotics but have more side effects or risks of complications. They are not commonly used. They include:

  • Fluoroquinolones
  • Ciprofloxacin
  • Levofloxacin

Antibiotics called beta-lactams may be used when other first-line antibiotics are unavailable or cannot be used for any other reason. They include:

  • Amoxicillin-clavulanate
  • Cefdinir
  • Cefaclor

These are not usually first-line choices because they are broad-spectrum antibiotics that have a higher risk of causing antibiotic resistance.

Another drug that is frequently prescribed for a UTI is phenazopyridine, available under several brand names such as Pyridium. This medication is not an antibiotic and does not cure a UTI. It is used to relieve symptoms of pain, burning, urgency and pressure.

What Other Antibiotics Are Used To Treat Uti

ASK DIS: Urinary Tract Infection: Antibiotics in Adults

Other antibiotics used to treat UTI include:

  • Beta-lactams, including penicillins and cephalosporins . Many organisms have shown resistance to some of these drugs.
  • Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole combination antibiotic . Many organisms have shown resistance to some of these drugs.
  • Fluoroquinolones . The risk of antibiotic resistance to this is developing. These should not be given to pregnant women or children.
  • Tetracyclines are used for Mycoplasma or Chlamydia infections. These should not be given to pregnant women or children.
  • Aminoglycosides are usually used in combination with other antibiotics to treat severe UTIs.

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Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections

Uncomplicated UTIs are due to a bacterial infection, most often caused by E coli. UTIs affect women much more often than men.


Cystitis, or bladder infection, is the most common UTI. It occurs in the lower urinary tract and is much more common in women. In most cases, the infection is brief and acute and only the inner surface of the bladder is infected. Deeper layers of the bladder may be harmed if the infection becomes persistent, or chronic, or if the urinary tract is structurally abnormal.


Sometimes, the infection spreads to the upper urinary tract . This is called pyelonephritis, or more commonly, a kidney infection.

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How Do I Know If My Particular Strain Of Uti Is Resistant To A Particular Drug

The only way is to get a urine culture. The lab results will identify the germ and what would be effective in treating the infection. But it can take several days to get the results.

Most patients want an immediate prescription so doctors usually make a best-guess determination of what drug will work given a patients symptoms and history.

The importance of history cannot be overstated if you have had a previous U.T.I., a previous resistant U.T.I., or have traveled outside the country, your history can help a doctor decide which drug to use.

Increasingly, experts tell us that you should ask for a culture when you go in for a U.T.I. treatment, even if you get an immediate prescription. The culture will allow a doctor to change the drug if the first one does not work.

That said, there is an important catch about when to do a urine culture. Often, it will show bacteria in the bladder even when an infection is not present. Some amount of bacteria is normal. The Infection Disease Society of America cautions doctors against doing cultures when symptoms of a U.T.I. are not present. The culture likely presence of bacteria can then lead to prescription of unnecessary antibiotics, contributing to the rise of resistance through overuse of the drugs.

Finally, some U.T.I.s, even when there are symptoms, can clear up on their own. This is one of many reasons to seek the care of an informed professional.

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Does Cranberry Juice Prevent A Uti

Some patients may want to use cranberry or cranberry juice as a home remedy to treat a UTI. Cranberry juice has not been shown to cure an ongoing bacterial infection in the bladder or kidney.

Cranberry has been studied as a preventive maintenance agent for UTIs. Studies are mixed on whether cranberry can really prevent a UTI. Cranberry may work by preventing bacteria from sticking to the inside of the bladder however, it would take a large amount of cranberry juice to prevent bacterial adhesion. More recent research suggests cranberries may have no effect on preventing a UTI

  • According to one expert, the active ingredient in cranberries — A-type proanthocyanidins — are effective against UTI-causing bacteria, but is only in highly concentrated cranberry capsules, not in cranberry juice.
  • However, cranberry was not proven to prevent recurrent UTIs in several well-controlled studies, as seen in a 2012 meta-analysis of 24 trials published by the Cochrane group.
  • While studies are not conclusive, there is no harm in drinking cranberry juice. However, if you develop symptoms, see your doctor. Some people find large quantities of cranberry juice upsetting to the stomach.

Increasing fluid intake like water, avoiding use of spermicides, and urinating after intercourse may be helpful in preventing UTIs, although limited data is available.

Amoxicillin/potassium Clavulanate Cefdinir Or Cephalexin

Immunity to UTI Antibiotics? (UTI = Urinary Tract Infection)

How it Works: is another combination drug that belongs to the penicillin class of antibiotics. and belong to a different class of antibiotics thats closely related to penicillins.

All three antibiotics kill bacteria by destroying one of its most important components: the cell wall, which normally keeps bacteria structurally intact.

Common doses:

  • Amoxicillin/clavulanate: 500 twice a day for 5 to 7 days

  • Cefdinir: 300 mg twice a day for 5 to 7 days

  • Cephalexin: 250 mg to 500 mg every 6 hours for 7 days

Notable side effects: Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and rash are common side effects of these antibiotics. In rare cases, all three have the potential to cause the dangerous skin reactions, SJS and TEN.

If you have a penicillin allergy, your healthcare provider wont prescribe amoxicillin/clavulanate. They may or may not prescribe cefdinir or cephalexin since there is a small chance that a person with a penicillin allergy may also be allergic to these two.

The more common side effects of Cipro include:

  • nausea
  • dizziness
  • rash

Also, results from a liver function test can be higher than normal. This is usually temporary, but can also be a sign of liver damage.

Most of these side effects may go away within a few days or a couple of weeks. If theyre more severe or dont go away, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

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Vaccines Targeting Bacterial Toxins And Proteases

The UPEC pore-forming toxin HlyA has also received attention as a potential vaccine target and was evaluated in a mouse model of pyelonephritis to assess protection against renal damage,. Vaccination with HlyA reduced the incidence of renal scaring compared with controls however, it did not protect against UPEC colonization of the kidneys. In addition, in a mouse model of UTI, vaccination with the P. mirabilis haemolysin, HpmA, did not provide protection against bacterial colonization. However, vaccination with Pta, an alkaline protease with toxic effects towards epithelial cells, displayed promising results in a mouse model of UTI, protecting against upper UTI, although bacterial burdens in the bladder remained unaffected. Thus, although haemolysins and proteases might provide effective vaccine targets for preventing upper UTIs, additional studies are needed to determine the effectiveness of these enzymes as targets for vaccines.

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Other Tips That Can Help In Managing Uti In Males

  • Drink at least 7-8 glasses of water every day. This helps in passing the toxins along with the urine.
  • Drink cranberry juice without adding any extra sugar. Fresh cranberry juice removes the bacteria from the lining of the tract. These harmful bacteria get out of the body through urine.
  • Have probiotic products such as yogurt. Probiotics promote the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut which kill the infection-causing bacteria.
  • Increase your consumption of vitamin C. Especially, citrus fruits are a rich source of vitamin C. Apart from citrus fruits, oranges, kiwi, and red peppers contain high amounts of vitamin C .
  • Maintain proper hygiene of your genital area and follow good bathroom habits.
  • Make sure that you do not hold the urge to pass urine for long as it increases the chances of UTI.
  • You can also take the help of natural supplements of garlic and cranberry.

These are some simple yet effective tips that will allow you to get rid of UTI faster. Dont forget to discuss them once with your doctor, so that you receive the right treatment.

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Ask The Doctor: Do I Need To Take Antibiotics For A Urinary Tract Infection

Q.Every time I get a urinary tract infection, my doctor prescribes antibiotics. Is there any other way to treat my infections?

A. Urinary tract infections are a common affliction in women, especially as we get older. Antibioticsusually a three-day courseare the standard treatment for women younger than 65. Once you are older than 65, your doctor will likely treat you for seven to 10 days. Although there have been studies in which womens UTIs went away on their own without treatment, taking antibiotics prevents the infection from spreading to your kidneys, which can lead to complications such as permanent kidney damage.

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Dosage For Respiratory Tract Infection

ASK DIS: Urinary Tract Infection: Antibiotics in Adults

Adult dosage

14 grams per day taken in divided doses. The usual dose is 250 mg taken every 6 hours, or a dose of 500 mg every 12 hours may be given. If you have a severe infection, your doctor may give you a larger dose.

Child dosage

14 grams per day taken in divided doses. The usual dose is 250 mg taken every 6 hours, or a dose of 500 mg every 12 hours may be given. If you have a severe infection, your doctor may give you a larger dose.

Child dosage

2550 mg/kg of body weight per day taken in divided doses. Your doctor may double your dose for severe infections.

Child dosage

This medication hasnt been studied in children younger than 1 year for this condition.

Senior dosage

The kidneys of older adults may not work as well as they used to. This can cause your body to process drugs more slowly. As a result, more of a drug stays in your body for a longer time. This raises your risk of side effects. Your doctor may start you on a lowered dose or a different dosing schedule. This can help keep levels of this drug from building up too much in your body.

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What Is The Most Effective Antibiotic For Uti

  • What Is the Most Effective Antibiotic for UTI? Center
  • While mild UTIs usually go away on their own with sufficient hydration, most cases of moderate or recurrent UTIs may require medical treatment involving antibiotics and painkillers.

    In order to determine what type of antibiotic you need, a urine sample is needed to identify the type of bacteria infecting your urinary tract. A urine culture is conducted on the sample, examining it for antibiotic sensitivity and specificity. It may take 3-4 days to get the results.

    Doctors do not recommend taking a broad-spectrum antibiotic without a urine culture because doing so may contribute to antibiotic resistance, where the germ becomes stronger than the antibiotic.

    Once the culture results are back, depending on the sensitivity, your doctor may prescribe the following:

    What Antibiotics Are Commonly Used To Treat Urinary Tract Infections

    A handful of antibiotics are used to treat the most common urinary tract infections . In 75-95% of these cases, the infection is caused by bacteria called Escherichia coli , so experts know which antibiotics work well against the infection. These antibiotics are called first-line antibiotics.

    They are given orally and include:

    Amoxicillin and ampicillin are no longer used because of a high level of antibiotic resistance.

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    Chemical Reagents Microorganisms Media And Culture Conditions

    Microbial strains: resistant E. coli strain which is highly resistant to cefepime and cefepime-enmetazobactam combination was purchased from LGC Promochem. MRSA strains were purchased from Public Heath, Colindale, England. U937 cell line CRL-1593.2 was purchased from the American type culture collection.

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    Do You Need To See A Doctor To Get Antibiotics For A Uti

    Antibiotic Awareness: Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), Cystitis or Bladder Infection

    You need to speak with your doctor or a licensed medical professional to be prescribed antibiotics for a UTI. This can usually be done in person, at the doctor, or over the phone.

    If this is your first UTI or your symptoms are severe it may be helpful to get treated in person to rule out the possibility of sexually transmitted infections.

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    Sample Collection And Inoculation Of Primary Isolation Culture Media

    Clean-catch midstream urine was collected from patients complaining of UTI referred from different health institutions in the city with sterile wide-mouthed urine cup. Urine samples were inoculated onto Blood Agar base to which 10% sheep blood is incorporated and Cysteine Lactose Electrolyte Deficient medium using a calibrated loop with a capacity of 1 l in safety cabinet. All inoculated plates were incubated at 37 °C for 1824 h aerobically and the number of colonies was counted. Colony counts yielding bacterial growth of > 105/ml of urine were regarded as significant for bacteriuria. Urine samples yielded three and more bacterial species were not considered for further investigation. Pure isolates of bacterial pathogen were preliminary characterized by colony morphology, Gram-stain, and catalase test before inoculating them into AST-GN72 and AST-GP71 cards.

    Usual Adult Dose For Otitis Media

    250 to 333 mg orally every 6 hours OR 500 mg orally every 12 hours-Maximum dose: 4 g per day-Duration of therapy: 7 to 14 daysUse: Treatment of otitis media caused by susceptible Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Moraxella catarrhalis

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    Urine Drug Concentration And Clinical Efficacy

    Antimicrobial drugs must achieve an adequate urine concentration, which must be maintained for a sufficient time for a drug to be effective in treating UTI.16 It has been suggested that clinical efficacy is observed when the urine drug concentration is maintained at a concentration 4-fold higher than the isolates MIC throughout the time between doses.9

    Experimental studies in rats have shown that the time for which the plasma drug concentration exceeds the isolates MIC correlates to the magnitude of bacterial colony count reduction the longer the time for which the drug concentration remained above the MIC, the lower the urine colony counts.12 Successful eradication of bacteria within the renal parenchyma or urinary bladder wall is correlated to the plasma, not urine, drug concentration.

    When prescribing time-dependent antibiotics, shortening the interval between drug administration is the most effective method to allow the tissue/urine drug concentration to exceed the MIC for the majority of the dosing interval.

    • Drug elimination follows first-order kinetics, where 50% of the drug is lost in 1 half-life.
    • In contrast, doubling the dose would only add 1 half-life to the dosing interval.
    • To add 2 half-lives to the dosing interval, the initial dose would have to be increased 4-fold. The peak serum drug concentration achieved by this approach may exceed the window of safety, producing adverse drug effects.

    Antibiotics For Acute And Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections

    Urinary tract infections: when is it appropriate to prescribe an ...

    First-line treatment for an uncomplicated UTI may start with a single dose of fosfomycin or nitrofurantoin twice per day for five days, or sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim twice per day for three days. These medications can be started based on your symptoms and urinalysis results, and should be effective in most cases.

    Although much less common, men may also get this type of UTI. The choice of antibiotics is the same, but they may be given for a longer time because bacteria may move into the prostate gland and take longer to treat.

    When doctors diagnose an uncomplicated UTI, they are usually diagnosing a type of UTI called cystitis, which means a bladder infection. In fact, the terms UTI, cystitis and bladder infection are often used interchangeably. Acute uncomplicated cystitis is another medical term for a common UTI that has not spread or become severe.

    The term uncomplicated refers to a simple UTI found in a generally healthy adult who:

    • Is not pregnant or postmenopausal
    • Is not immunocompromised
    • Has no structural abnormalities in the urinary tract
    • Has no other diseases

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