Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Herbal Tea For Urinary Health

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Herbal Teas To Help Relieve Uti

THIS Medicinal Herbal Tea Can Detox Your Kidneys ð?µ

A urinary tract infection is a debilitating bacterial infection that occurs when bacteria gets into the urethra and multiplies. In most cases of UTI, germs use urethra to reach the bladder and causes abdominal pain, irritation, redness, itchiness and pressure on the bladder and burning sensation during urination. Women, because of short urethra, are more susceptible to UTI. Sex, pregnancy, diabetes, kidney stones, prostate issues and contamination can cause urinary tract infection. If urinary tract infection is left untreated, it can affect the kidneys and develop complications. So, infection should be treated immediately. Along with medical care, these herbal teas can provide significant relief from the discomfort.

Additional Treatments For Bph

When an enlarged prostate starts to impact someones quality of life, theyll likely turn to a doctor for relief. There are numerous medications that can help treat BPH.

Surgery is also an option. Surgery for BPH typically removes tissue pressing against the urethra. This surgery is possible using a laser, entrance through the penis, or with an external incision.

Far less invasive are lifestyle measures that may assist in managing BPH. Avoiding alcohol and coffee, avoiding certain medications that can worsen symptoms, and practicing Kegel exercises may relieve BPH symptoms.

A Good To Know Question: Are Teas Good For Uti

Are you frequently suffering from urinary tract infection ? Well, sometimes I do, and the high amount of antibiotics worries me a lot. When I heard about the multitude of health benefits of teas, it makes me wonder, are teas good for UTI too?

My quest for the answer has led me to various studies about the effectiveness of teas to UTI. I also searched on other related facts about teas. If youre curious to know, check them out below.

  • Try Some Teas to Combat UTI Today!
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    Best For Gut Health: Ginger Tea

    Is your stomach feeling a bit topsy-turvy, like you just wobbled off a swooping and looping rollercoaster? The solution is a tea made from ginger, a time-tested spice that has been calming bellies since ancient times.

    Studies show that ginger naturally combats nausea, making it a go-to remedy if youre dealing with morning sickness during pregnancy, notes Czerwony.

    Ginger also offers proven digestive benefits by helping your body move food from your stomach to continue its digestive tract journey. Speeding up that process works to calm indigestion and ease stomach distress.

    Ginger relaxes things in your gut, which can make you a lot more comfortable if youre having tummy trouble, Czerwony said.

    If ginger isnt to your liking, peppermint tea also can serve as an aid against indigestion. Peppermint, however, is best for issues lower in your gut. It can actually aggravate higher-up issues such as acid reflux.

    Most Effective Herbal Teas To Enhance Your Sexual Libido

    Nettle Leaf

    Increasing sexual desire and improving relationships are two of the most common concerns in human beings. Over time, the stresses of everyday life, insomnia or falling into a rut in your sex life can cause your libido to decrease. To rekindle your sexual appetite, try incorporating some aphrodisiacs into your daily life.

    there are many changes you can make to your lifestyle that can help to kick-start your sex life again. Do you want to know more? Read on to discover a list of the most effective herbal teas to enhance your sexual libido.

    Don’t Miss: Severe Urinary Tract Infection Treatment

    Natural Support For The Urinary Tract

    Adequate water intake is essential in supporting the normal structures and function of the urinary tract and for basic daily hydration of our cells and tissues. On average, I recommend a person consume a minimum of half their body weight in ounces of water daily. That means if you weigh 150 pounds you should be consuming a minimum of 75 ounces of water each day. When an imbalance develops in the urinary tract, it is important that we increase our water intake to 3 or more quarts of water a day for 3-5 days in order to flush the urinary tract continually, aiding in removing bacteria.

    Herbs for Urinary Tract Support

    The plant world has much to offer us in supporting a healthy urinary tract. Here are a few herbal actions useful in the urinary tract. For more in-depth discussion on herbal actions, I would suggest the book Herbal ABC’s: the Foundation of Herbal Medicine by Dr. Sharol Tilgner.

    • Antimicrobial inhibits microbial growth and expression
    • Anti-inflammatory – reduces inflammation and local irritation in tissues
    • Astringent removes excess secretions from tissues giving a tonifying effect
    • Diuretic – supports the kidneys ability to excrete more fluid
    • Antispasmodic – relieves uncomfortable spasms in the bladder and ureters

    The following herbs are beneficial for supporting the normal healthy function of the urinary tract. Many of these herbs have a synergistic effect on each other and do well when used in combination.

    Herbal Tea For Urinary Tract Infections

    Heres the DIY herbal home remedy:



  • Choose at least four of the herbs listed. They all have different powers so use them all if you can.
  • Any herb that is a twiggy root needs to be boiled, instead of being steeped. This is called a decoction. It will be necessary with the burdock and dandelion roots. Place these herbs in a medium size saucepan and place 4 cups of filtered water in the pot as well. Simmer the roots for 30 minutes, covered.
  • Meanwhile, bring 3 cups additional water to a boil.
  • Place the remaining herbs in a tea pot or large heat-proof bowl with a pour spout.
  • When the plain water comes to a boil, add it to the herbs. Cover the bowl and let them steep for 10-15 minutes.
  • Add the bitter root tea, after it has boiled 30 minutes, to the teapot of steeping herbs and stir.
  • The tea will be extremely strong and bitter. Strain it as you serve yourself. Drink a mug as soon as it is cool enough.
  • Continue to drink the tea over the next two hours until it is gone. Your UTI should now be gone too.
  • Recommended Reading: Ms And Urinary Tract Infections

    Evaluating Your Kidney Needs

    Because water is still considered the best fluid to ensure proper kidney function, the smartest tea option may well be just hot water, perhaps flavored with lemon juice. In terms of traditional and herbal teas, what you choose should depend on whether you currently have any kidney issues. The best tea for kidney disease will be different than one that is a general preventative tea for kidney health.

    Some studies have found that drinking at least one cup of black or green tea may help prevent kidney stones, according to the Linus Pauling Institute . On the other hand, some black teas may have oxalate concentrations that are high enough to contribute to the problem, for people prone to kidney stones, notes the LPI.

    As for the ability of green or black teas antioxidant content to prevent cancers, including kidney or bladder cancer, human research has not yet tested this theory, according to the LPI. In addition, the caffeine content in green tea, as well as its unpredictable effects on blood sugar, can pose a problem for kidney patients who also have high blood pressure or diabetes.

    Minimum Inhibitory Concentration Determination

    Try a Two-Day Cleanse to Detox Toxins From Your Kidneys

    The minimum inhibitory concentration of the green tea extract was determined by agar dilution method. MHA plates that contained various concentrations of green tea extract were prepared. Suspensions of 0.5 McFarland standard dilutions were prepared from bacterial cultures grown overnight in LB broth. A 10-4 dilution of these suspensions was prepared, and 100 l of dilution per plate was inoculated using a spread plate technique . Inoculated plates were incubated at 37° C for 48 h, and on the basis of colony counts, the MIC was determined as the lowest concentration of green tea extract to show an inhibitory effect on growth of the bacteria . Each strain was tested three times.

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    Herbal Teas For Healing Urinary Tract Infection:

    Drinking plenty of liquids helps to flush out toxins and bacteria in the form of urine. Since staying hydrated is one of the best remedies for calming, soothing and healing the urinary tract infection, drinking herbal teas has been a tried and tested method for getting relief from urinary tract infections. Herbal teas are best choice for replacing sugary drinks that feed bacteria and increase your fluid intake. These 5 herbal teas can help to heal UTIs quickly.

    1. Horsetail And Dandelion Tea

    Horsetail is one of the best teas for clearing toxins and bacteria from the urinary tract because it contains a compound known as tannin that helps to tighten and soothe the swollen epithelial tissues . The flavonoids contained in dandelion tea relieves from pain associated with UTI and increases urine production and works like a diuretic to stimulate kidneys and bladder. Combination of these two herbs works wonder to bring relief from UTI symptoms.


    Boil water and pour in your cup. Add 1tbsp dried horsetail and 1tsp. dandelion. Allow it to steep for 5 minutes. Add little honey if you want to sweeten the tea. Strain it and drink. You can also use tea bags. Drinking twice a day will bring considerable relief from UTI symptoms.

    2. Cranberry Tea


    Boil water and pour over the tea bags. They are easily available in the market. Steep for 10 minutes and drink twice daily.

    3. Marshmallow Root Tea


    Herbs For Urinary Tract Infection

    Supporting a healthy urinary tract allows for prevention of urinary tract irritation. An imbalance in the mucus membrane tissue that lines the urinary tract allows for bacteria to adhere, causing infection and discomfort. Symptoms of imbalance in the urinary tract are painful urination, increased need to urinate, and pressure above the pubic bone when urinating, often with a dragging pain at the end of the urine stream. These symptoms should always be evaluated by a qualified healthcare practitioner, but we are also lucky to have many herbs available to us that offer natural support for normal healthy urinary tract function.

    Recommended Reading: Women’s Urinary Tract Problems

    Herbal Remedies For Uti: Anti

    Cranberry is a well-known treatment for UTIs because it blocks bacteria from sticking to the mucous membranes of the bladder and starting a UTI.

    The key ingredients are proanthocyanidins , which have a long track record of treating E. coli . Cranberry can be useful at preventing UTIs or treating them when you just start getting symptoms, but it doesnt work as well for a full blown and symptomatic UTI.

    Unfortunately, recentstudies are questioning how effective cranberry is for UTIs.

    The jury is out, but as long as you are not drinking sweetened cranberry juice or juice cocktails, it almost certainly does not hurt.

    It is noteworthy that you must drink a lot of cranberry juice to have an effect.

    Therefore, it is often more feasible to take pills, which allows you to know exactly how much of the active ingredient you are getting. You should take either 1000 mg three times a day or at least 36 PACs daily.

    Cranberry also acidifies the urine, which prevents bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall, but this is only a short-term effect.

    Did you know that Blueberries and evergreen huckleberry work like cranberry? These make a nice alternative if you are a bit tired of cranberries!

    Evidence Base For Tea Ingredients

    Nettle Leaf

    Thyme Lagha discovered in 2019 that Thyme essential oil can be considered a good alternative to antibiotics in vitro.

    Nettle Al-Sorchee discovered in 2016 that Nettle was between 50-100% effective at inhibiting UTI causing bacteria.

    I could only find traditional references for the use of Marigold as it is an unusual choice but I prefer it to other more exotic plants for ecological reasons.

    Neither has the demulcent effect of Marshmallow root been investigated by modern science.

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    What About Black Teas

    Black tea offers many of the same benefits as green tea, which makes sense when you consider theyre made from the same plant leaves.

    So why are they different? Leaves used to make black tea are allowed to age and oxidize, turning them brown or black. Green tea leaves are processed earlier when theyre still green. Hence, the name.

    Black tea generally has more caffeine than green tea, too a key selection factor if youre concerned about limiting your caffeine intake, notes Czerwony.

    Bearberry Teafor Bladder Issues And Infection

    A study of 57 women with recurrent UTIs, bearberry , effectively suppressed further infection. Bearberry acts as an antibacterial, urinary antiseptic, astringent, and healer to the mucous membranes of the urinary tract. It is also a diuretic. It is indicated for cystitis , urethritis , and acidic urine through its astringent and antiseptic effects. It is usually administered in the form of an infusion , which has a soothing and marked diuretic action. Of great value in diseases of the kidney and bladder. It also strengthens the urinary passages. During its excretion, Arbutin exercises an antiseptic effect on the urinary mucous membrane. Bearberry leaves are, therefore, used in inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract.

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    Sadeq Abdulridha Gatea Kaabi1 Raghad Abdulatif Abdulrazaq2 Khetam Habeeb Rasool1 And Salam Ali Khassaf2*

    *Corresponding author:Received: Accepted:Keywords

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    Fourteen medicinal plants native to North America and Europe traditionally used for treatment urinary tract infections were reviewed for their traditional uses, pharmacological activities, Active compounds responsible for its therapeutic potential, mechanism of action of its active compounds and In Vitro and In Vivo studies of its activity in treatment of UTIs. Those medicinal plants were Junipers , Uva ursi , Rosemary , Goldenrod , Common nettle , Dandelion , Cranberry , Corn silk , Couch grass . Marshmallow root , Hosretail , Goldenseal . Buchu and Oregon grape . All of those medicinal plants found to have various pharmaceutical activities making it potent herbal remedies for UTIs in addition to various human diseases.

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    What Is Hibiscus Tea

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    The big, beautiful blooms most commonly associated with the name hibiscus do not make up this healthful tonic. Actually, hibiscus is a vast and varied genus of flowering plant, which includes the bright white Hibiscus arnottianus, the pale pink Hibiscus hirtus, the light yellow Hibiscus hispidissimus, and the stunning red Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.

    The Hibiscus sabdariffa, usually called the roselle flower, creates large magenta blooms which have long been coveted for their healing properties. In particular, a portion of the flower called the calyces, which protects the petals while the bud is growing, contains the most potent nutrients for bladder health.

    After the calyces are harvested and dried, they can be used to create a number of delicious beverages in fact, nearly every culture has its own twist on hibiscus tea. A popular drink in Mexico, agua de Jamaica is prepared by soaking the dried hibiscus in water with a number of spices, often ginger, clove, and cinnamon, and pressing and straining the solution.

    The juice is then served over ice, making for unique refreshment. In Sudan, karkade requires days of soaking the flowers in ice-cold water to achieve the perfect taste. Nearly everywhere else, hibiscus drinks are much easier to make: Drinkers simply steep sachets of dried hibiscus in boiling water to achieve a delectably sweet and tart tea.

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    Could Green Tea Cause A Uti

    Ive heard about the health benefits of green tea and Ive been drinking it a lot lately. But now I have a urinary tract infection could the green tea be causing my UTI?

    Andrew Weil, M.D. | June 25, 2021

    Green tea has been shown to have myriad health benefits, from reducing cholesterol levels to protecting against certain cancers to improving focus, so adding it to your daily diet is definitely a plus. In addition, green tea has antibacterial properties that make it remarkably effective against urinary tract infections , so its highly unlikely that it has anything to do with yours in fact, it may even help you get rid of it.

    Because of their urinary anatomy women are more vulnerable than men, but anyone can get a UTI, which is almost always caused by Escherichia coli, a common bacterial pathogen. Unfortunately, E. coli has become resistant to many of our first-line antibiotics, making it more important than ever to find natural treatments. Green tea contains polyphenols, including the catechin epigallocatechin , a natural antimicrobial that is excreted in urine, where it can help address a UTI.

    In a recent study that looked at the effectiveness of green tea as an antimicrobial against a skin condition, 250 patients infected with S. aureus were treated with green tea, with an 86% cure rate. This holds great promise for the use of green tea against UTIs caused by MRSA.

    Andrew Weil, M.D.

    Good Urinary Health Maintenance Begins With Diet

    Effective holistic treatment starts with a critical assessment of your animals diet. Many cases of urinary tract infection, stones, or kidney failure can be attributed to chemical, microbial, or immune system imbalances associated with deficiencies or excesses in the diet. A growing number of holistic practitioners believe that dry kibble cat foods may be a leading cause of Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease . This belief warrants merit, especially when you consider the feline urinary system from a holistic perspective.

    Cats, you see, are obligate carnivores, meaning their bodies are naturally designed to derive much of their required water from meat sources. Fresh meat is comprised of 70-85% water, and when a cat eats dry food continuously as a primary source of nutrition, changes in urine pH and concentration can occur. If the urine is too acidic or too alkaline, sharp mineral crystals can form in it, triggering inflammation and causing possible blockage of urinary tract passages. Likewise, metabolic waste materials created from digestion of poor quality pet food ingredients and chemical additives might lead to eventual damage of delicate tissue structures in the urinary tract.

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