Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Cure Urinary Retention

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Urinary Retention – Natural Home Remedies For Urinary Retention Problem | UTI | Improve urine Flow

If you are suffering from chronic urine retention then changing your diet can help to get rid of this problem.

  • Drink more coconut water to ease the difficulty in passing urine.
  • Increase the intake of water.
  • It will help to flush out harmful toxins and prevent infection.
  • Avoid acidic and spicy food.
  • Do drink sugary soft drinks.
  • Avoid drinking too much coffee.
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Add cucumber, watermelon, muskmelon to your diet to prevent urine retention.
  • Raisins also help to treat urine retention at home.

How Is Urinary Retention Treated

Treatment for urinary retention can depend on whether you have the acute form or the chronic form, as well as the cause of the condition. For the acute form, a catheter is put into the urethra to drain the bladder.

Treatment of the chronic form or the acute form that becomes chronicwill depend on the cause.

Medications for enlarged prostate: For men with an enlarged prostate, certain drugs may be used to try and open it up or shrink it. These include alpha-blockers and 5-alpha reductase inhibitors . Also, procedures or surgery to open up the prostate may be tried.

Procedures for enlarged prostate: Many procedures are available when this problem is due to an enlarged prostate. Office-based treatments can be done with just local anesthetic only. These include water vapor therapy and prostatic urethral lift .

There are also several surgeries done under general anesthesia which are available. These include shaving down the inside of the prostate and opening up the prostate with a laser . A laser can also be used to carve out the entire enlarged portion of the prostate through the urethra , or this part of the prostate can be removed through the belly . All of these procedures can be effective in opening up the blockage.

Treatment for nerve issues: If the retention is due to a nerve-related issue, you may need to use a catheter on yourself at home.

How Is Chronic Urinary Retention Diagnosed

History and physical exam: During the diagnosis process, your healthcare provider will ask about your signs and symptoms and how long you have had them. He or she will also ask about your medical history and your drug use. A physical exam of the lower abdomen may show the cause or give your provider additional clues. After this, certain tests may be needed. Men may have a rectal exam to check the size of their prostate.

Your urine may be saved and checked to look for infection.

Ultrasound of the bladder: The amount of urine that stays in your bladder after urinating may be measured by doing an ultrasound test of the bladder. This test is called a postvoid residual or bladder scan.

Cystoscopy: Cystoscopy is a test in which a thin tube with a tiny camera on one end is put into your urethra. This lets the doctor look at pictures of the lining of your urethra and bladder. This test may show a stricture of the urethra, blockage caused by a stone, an enlarged prostate or a tumor. It can also be used to remove stones, if found. A computed tomography scan may also help find stones or anything else blocking the flow of urine.

Urodynamic testing: Tests that use a catheter to record pressure within the bladder may be done to tell how well the bladder empties. The rate at which urine flows can also be measured by such tests. This is called urodynamic testing.

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Diagnosis Of Urinary Retention

When a person seeks treatment for urinary retention, the doctor will do a physical exam and ask about symptoms and medications.

For men, the doctor may do a rectal exam to check the size of the prostate, a walnut-sized gland located between the bladder and the penis. An enlarged prostate might press the urethra and cause urinary retention. Doctors might order blood tests to screen for prostate cancer, which is very common among older men.

The doctor also may order tests including:

  • Urinalysis to check for infection or blood in urine.
  • Ultrasound to see how much urine remains in the bladder after voiding.
  • Cystoscopy, a test where a tiny camera is inserted through the urethra, allowing the doctor to see the inside of the urethra and bladder.
  • CT scan, which looks for stones or other blockages of the urine flow.
  • Urodynamic tests of urine flow.
  • Electromyography , which measures how well the muscles and nerves work around the bladder and the urethra.

In some cases, doctors also might order an MRI test of the pelvic region and/or the brain to determine the cause of the urinary retention.

What Causes Chronic Urinary Retention

Urinary Retention

Urinary retention can happen for several different reasons. These causes can include:

  • A blockage to the way urine leaves your body.
  • Medications youre taking for other conditions.
  • Nerve issues that interrupt the way your brain and urinary system communicate.
  • Infections and swelling that prevent urine from leaving your body.
  • Complications and side effects of medications given to you for a surgical procedure.


When something blocks the free flow of urine through the bladder and urethra, you might experience urinary retention. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of your body. In men, a blockage can be caused when the prostate gland gets so big that it presses on the urethra. This is the most common cause of chronic urinary retention in men. One cause in women is a bladder that sags. This is called cystocele. It can also be caused when the rectum sags into the back wall of the vagina a condition called rectocele. Some causes can happen to both men and women. The urethra can get narrow due to scar tissue. This is called a stricture. Urinary stones can also block the flow of urine out of your body.


Nerve issues

  • Trauma to the spine or pelvis.
  • Pressure on the spinal cord from tumors and a herniated disk.
  • Vaginal childbirth.

Urinary retention from nerve disease occurs at the same rate in men and women.

Infections and swelling


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Medical Procedures And Devices

Your health care professional may recommend a medical procedure or device to treat your urinary retention, depending on the cause of the retention. Examples of these procedures and devices include

  • cystoscopyusing a cystoscope to look inside the urethra and bladder to find and remove blockages such as urinary tract stones
  • laser therapytherapy that uses a strong beam of light to treat an area of enlarged prostate tissue by breaking up the blockage and reducing the obstruction
  • prostatic urethral lift, or UroLiftusing tiny implants to lift and hold the prostate away from the urethra so urine can flow more freely
  • transurethral electrovaporizationa procedure that uses heat to vaporize an area of enlarged prostate tissue
  • transurethral water vapor therapy, or Rezumtherapy that uses water vapor, or steam, to shrink an enlarged prostate
  • urethral dilationgradually increasing the size of the urethral opening by stretching the scar tissue, to help treat urethral stricture
  • vaginal pessarya stiff ring that is inserted into the vagina to help stop urine leakage, such as with cases of a cystocele or rectocele

Stay In Tune With Your Body

Pay attention to how often you feel the urge to urinate. If it becomes easier to delay using the bathroom and you stretch out the time between urinating, you may gradually stretch out your bladder. Also note if it becomes more difficult for you to begin to urinate or you feel that youre not able to completely empty your bladder. These may be early signs of urinary retention.

Be aware of any changes to your urination habits after surgery or a serious back injury. Its common for urinary retention to developeither immediately or over timeafter having surgery or injuring your back.

Talk with your health care professional if you notice any of the signs of urinary retention. You may be able to prevent the condition from becoming more severe if you get help early on.

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Urethral Dilation Or Stents

This might be done if there is an obstruction or stricture in the urethra where urine flows through to be emptied. Dilating means the urethra is widened, using a small catheter or tube. A stent is a small catheter or tube that is inserted and left in place. Dilating can be done on its own or when a stent is needed. This is typically done as an outpatient or during an office visit with local anesthesia. The stent may be temporary or permanent to help drain the bladder.

When To See A Doctor

#23368 The patient pathway for men with chronic urinary retention: treatments and their complica…

Anyone experiencing symptoms of acute urinary retention should go to the emergency room.Chronic urinary retention is not a medical emergency, but it does usually indicate a potentially serious underlying problem.

A person should schedule an appointment with a doctor for urinary retention that lasts longer than a few days or that goes away and then returns.

People who experience temporary urinary retention due to medication or anesthesia may not need medical treatment if the symptoms disappear and do not return.

Although anyone can develop urinary retention, it is more common as a person ages. Males are also more likely than females to have urinary retention due to prostate issues and partial blockages of the urethra.

Some other risk factors include:

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Obstruction In People With A Penis

Possible causes of obstruction in people with a penis

  • Cystocele. Cystocele occurs when the bladder lowers and pushes against your vagina.
  • Rectocele. This is when the rectum expands and pushes against your vagina.
  • Uterineprolapse. Uterine prolapse occurs when the uterus lowers and pushes against the bladder.

Urinary Retention In Adults: Diagnosis And Initial Management

BRIAN A. SELIUS, DO, and RAJESH SUBEDI, MD, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, St. Elizabeth Health Center, Youngstown, Ohio

Am Fam Physician. 2008 Mar 1 77:643-650.

Urinary retention is the inability to voluntarily urinate. Acute urinary retention is the sudden and often painful inability to void despite having a full bladder.1 Chronic urinary retention is painless retention associated with an increased volume of residual urine.2 Patients with urinary retention can present with complete lack of voiding, incomplete bladder emptying, or overflow incontinence. Complications include infection and renal failure.


In men with benign prostatic hyperplasia, initiation of treatment with alpha blockers at the time of catheter insertion improves the success rate of trial of voiding without catheter.

A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence B = inconsistent or limited quality patient-oriented evidence C = consensus, disease-oriented evidence, usual practice, expert opinion, or case series. For information about the SORT evidence rating system, see page 579 or .


In men with benign prostatic hyperplasia, initiation of treatment with alpha blockers at the time of catheter insertion improves the success rate of trial of voiding without catheter.

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Uti From Catheter Use

Placement of a urinary catheter provides an opportunity for bacteria to enter the urinary tract. Bacteria may come from the patients anus and perineum or from the health workers hands. Health workers must take great care, using sterile technique, when placing a catheter. If you are performing clean intermittent catheterization, you must follow the same sterile procedures every time you handle the catheter.

What Are The Symptoms Of Urinary Retention

Urinary Retention Treatment at Home

The signs can vary. Some people with the chronic form have a hard time starting the flow of urine. Some have a weak flow once they start. Others may feel the need to go but cant start. Others have to go a lot, while others still feel the need to go right after going. You may leak urine when you arent going because the bladder is full.

With the acute form, youre all of a sudden not able to go at all, or only able to go very small amounts. This occurs even though you have a full bladder. See a healthcare provider right away if this happens to you.

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When To Seek Medical Care

A person who has any of the following symptoms should see a health care provider right away:

  • complete inability to urinate
  • electromyography

Physical Exam

A health care provider may suspect urinary retention because of a patient’s symptoms and, therefore, perform a physical exam of the lower abdomen. The health care provider may be able to feel a distended bladder by lightly tapping on the lower belly.

Postvoid Residual Measurement

This test measures the amount of urine left in the bladder after urination. The remaining urine is called the postvoid residual. A specially trained technician performs an ultrasound, which uses harmless sound waves to create a picture of the bladder, to measure the postvoid residual. The technician performs the bladder ultrasound in a health care provider’s office, a radiology center, or a hospital, and a radiologist — a doctor who specializes in medical imaging — interprets the images. The patient does not need anesthesia.

A health care provider may use a catheter — a thin, flexible tube — to measure postvoid residual. The health care provider inserts the catheter through the urethra into the bladder, a procedure called catheterization, to drain and measure the amount of remaining urine. A postvoid residual of 100 mL or more indicates the bladder does not empty completely. A health care provider performs this test during an office visit. The patient often receives local anesthesia.

Medical Tests

How Long Does Urinary Retention Last After Botox

How long does Botox last in the bladder? Most patients see a reduction in involuntary urine leakage within two weeks of receiving Botox in the bladder and full effects by 12 weeks. Botox in the bladder usually lasts for six months, at which time you can schedule an appointment to have the procedure performed again.

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Treating And Preventing Urinary Retention

Treatment will differ depending on the severity of the condition. The following are potential treatments:

Bladder drainage: Involves inserting a tube called a catheter up through the urethra and into the bladder for drainage. Those suffering from acute cases of urinary retention will see immediate relief of their distressful symptoms. This procedure can be done in an office or in a hospital setting, with the patient receiving local anesthesia. In the rare case that the urethra is blocked not allowing a catheter to travel upward the doctor can pass the tube directly through the lower abdomen into the bladder. People with chronic cases of urinary retention may require intermittent, occasional, or long-term catheterization if other treatments do not work.

Urethral dilation: A treatment for urethral strictures a cause of urinary retention that works by inserting increasingly wider tubes into the urethra to widen the stricture. A stricture, by definition, is an abnormal narrowing of a passage that may be due to scar tissue. Local anesthesia is always utilized, and if necessary, the patient will receive sedation and regional anesthesia.

Are There Home Remedies For Urinary Retention

Cure Urinary Retention [Subliminal]

Acute urinary retention requires immediate drainage for relief and thus a visit to your health-care provider or a hospital emergency department. You can try very limited care at home, but do not delay medical evaluation if you are in pain. Try sitting in a bathtub full of warm water to relax the pelvic floor muscles or running the water in the bathroom to stimulate the flow of urine.

Discuss your prescribed medications, as well as any over-the-counter medications that you may be taking with your doctor, to determine if one or more of your medications may be affecting your ability to urinate normally.

People with limited mobility resulting in an inability to urinate can be encouraged to get up and walk, as this increased activity may facilitate urination.

Management of constipation with fiber supplements, stool softeners, and laxatives as recommended by your doctor may be helpful.

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Change Your Bathroom Habits

Use the bathroom whenever you have an urge to go. Often, people hold their urine because its not a good time to go to the bathroom. However, regularly holding urine in can wear out your bladder muscles. Youre also more likely to develop a urinary tract infection if you hold urine in. UTIs can cause urinary retention.

Nerve Disease Or Spinal Cord Injury

Many events or conditions can damage nerves and nerve pathways. Some of the most common causes are

  • vaginal childbirth
  • infections of the brain or spinal cord
  • Diabetes
  • accidents that injure the brain or spinal cord
  • multiple sclerosis
  • heavy metal poisoning
  • pelvic injury or trauma

In addition, some children are born with nerve problems that can keep the bladder from releasing urine.

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What Is An Inability To Urinate

Urinary retention is the inability to completely empty your bladder. Urinary retention may be sudden in onset or gradual in onset and chronic . When you cannot empty your bladder completely, or at all, despite an urge to urinate, you have urinary retention. To understand how urinary retention occurs, it is important to understand the basics of how urine is stored in and released from the body.

The bladder is a hollow balloon-like organ in the lower part of the belly that stores and eliminates urine.

Urinary retention may cause harm to the function of the bladder and the kidneys, incontinence, and may increase the risk of urinary tract infections. Thus, it requires urgent medical attention for evaluation and management. In some cases, hospitalization is required.

Urinary retention is not an unusual medical condition, and it is more common in men than in women.

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